The USA was founded over two centuries ago.
This did not happen automatically or inevitably. The 13 Colonies, unlike say India enjoyed many of the benefits of being part of the burgeoning British Empire........security protection against Spain, the Red Indians and the French, and access to the huge market of the empire, where raw materials from the 13 colonies had a huge guaranteed market access, at favorable not exploitative prices.
The living standards of the average colonial was better than their counter-part in the United Kingdom, especially those living in the "Celtic Fringe" in Scotland, Wales and Ireland........and the reason why most American immigrants from the United Kingdom to the USA are from those parts originally, and why Scotch-Irish have dominated America for the better part of two centuries in various spheres.
So unlike in India, where the British military plundered, grew opium for export to China, taxed like there was no tomorrow, transported South Indians to work in plantations in Malaysia and elsewhere, and starved to death 30 million 1757--1947........the situation in the 13 Colonies was pretty agreeable for the settlers who were at that time mainly from the UK.
AND yet despite all this they revolted against the Evil British crown.
Perception and what is acceptable depends on many things, though education is significant among them. Many of those who signed the declaration of independence were mainly from Middle Class and Upper Middle class background. They were well read enlightened men who were born and bred within the "age of reason" and influenced by philosophers such as John Locke who, "advocated governmental separation of powers and believed that revolution is not only a right but an obligation in some circumstances. These ideas would come to have profound influence on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.".... wikipedia.
In the "Two Treaties of Government" published anonymously in 1690.....Locke "outlines a theory of civil society. John Locke begins by describing the state of nature, ........ and argues that all men are created equal in the state of nature by God. From this, he goes on to explain the hypothetical rise of property and civilization, in the process explaining that the only legitimate governments are those that have the consent of the people. Therefore, any government that rules without the consent of the people can, in theory, be overthrown.".....wikipedia.
Over two centuries have passed, and London again through the House of Rothschilds now controls the USA via the Jewish community and secret Jews within American society.
It is true the USA is the richest nation on earth with a $15 trillion economy, and per capita income approaching $50,000, BUT these impressive figures bellies many problems within the USA which burdens a significant section of America.
First and foremost is the endless wars that the USA conducts and further seeks out which have cost the lives of about 6300 servicemen officially in Iraq and Afghanistan. But in reality the cost is far far higher approaching 100,000 deaths....if the deaths recorded later from wounds are counted, and the suicides from the stress of combat. Beyond this unnecessary human tragedy, there is also the cost of modern warfare....into the trillions of $, after 10 years of fighting. This clearly cannot be sustained forever. No nation however well managed and efficient can sustain this.
On the civilian side 50 million Americans are on food stamps living in poverty, with the working class suffering because they must maintain two jobs to survive. The middle class are being squeezed. The government is cutting back on social welfare, and all benefits. Privatizing education is being debated.
The Federal Reserve established since 1913 by the Rothschilds of London through their agents in America is wrecking havoc on the economy, as is Wall Street. The operations of the Federal Reserve and Wall Street is inimical to the general welfare and well being of the average American. The USA is being turned into a feudal economy with a few rich people, owing fealty to the Rothschilds of London, and on the other side a mass of harassed, poor over worked people representing the majority.
Clearly this situation cannot last and Revolution is inevitable? Or can it?
From our experience of the Great Depression where possibly 3-8 million American starved to death, we see that even in the land of the free and brave, people obediently followed the laws of the land and there was no great revolution between 1929--1933.
On the other hand the USA State has anticipated possible revolution and since the 1960's has built a considerable Police State to deal with any potential revolutionary movements. Concentration camps with watch towers have been constructed around the USA, which can house up to 10 million people, and the list of 30 million American subversives have been drawn up by the FBI as and when the need requires. Drills have been undertaken for the mass arrest of large numbers of people........Operation Falcon for the future.
For the Rothschilds of London there is no compromise, no live and let live. They must have their way exercised through the UK state, the USA and other International bodies. They must have their trillions more at the cost of more innocent lives.
Obviously to hedge their bets they have infiltrated possible revolutionary groups such as the "Tea Party" movement which in reality is "controlled opposition" led by Sarah Palin a crypto-Jewess and on the Republican side with strong Jewish tendencies Michele Bachmann. These female figures indicate to us the TRUE SOURCE of the original problem in the USA and the world.
Islam bashing and loving Israel cannot solve the mortgage crisis, the Wall Street banker crisis, the Federal Reserve national financial crisis, the governance crisis, the Capital Hill corruption crisis, the Presidential crisis, the poverty crisis, the unemployment crisis, the healthcare crisis, the education crisis, the crime crisis, the immigration and open border crisis; the constant wars for Israel crisis; American Jews who work for Israel crisis; Rothschilds agents in government crisis.
Nor will countless Hollywood manufacture of comic strip superhero's help the situation either. They may appeal to some adolescent boys, but have no relevance for the majority of the population......who see and face the REALITY of the situation.
Americans must organize for REVOLUTION, and must be wary of crypto-Jewish infiltration of their organizations. They must take inspiration from the Founding Fathers, and read about their true struggles of many hard thankless years against the might of the British empire.

Pollster: Americans Are “Pre-Revolutionary”
Infowars.com and Paul Watson.Amidst riots in central Europe that have now spread to London and a debt downgrade that threatens to plunge the United States into a double-dip recession, Americans’ lack of confidence in their leadership is so crippled that they are now “pre-revolutionary,” according to pollster Pat Caddell.
A new Rasmussen poll shows that just 17 per cent of Americans believe that the U.S. government has the consent of the governed, an all time low. This dovetails with a record low for Congress’ approval rating, which stands at a paltry 6 per cent, while 46 per cent of Americans think most members of Congress are corrupt, with just 29% believing otherwise.
“The number of voters who feel the government has the consent of the governed – a foundational principle, contained in the Declaration of Independence – is down from 23% in early May and has fallen to its lowest level measured yet,” according to Rasmussen.
The poll was conducted before Friday’s U.S. debt downgrade, indicating that the figures could be even more dire in the aftermath of what some analysts believe is a precursor to a new great depression.
The results of this survey indicate that Americans are now “pre-revolutionary” says pollster Pat Caddell, who described the outcome of the poll as “unprecedented”.
This conclusion follows Caddell’s observation last November that “a sea of anger is churning” amongst Americans who “want to take their country back” and that the nation stood on the brink of a “pre-revolutionary moment”.
Indeed, the only major western country not to experience significant social unrest since the economic collapse is America, although anecdotal evidence of rising crime and thefts suggests a turning point could be just around the corner.
Should violence plague American streets as a result of a deepening economic crisis, U.S. troops have already been prepared to deal with such a crisis.
As we reported three years ago, U.S. troops returning from Iraq were being re-allocated to occupy America, running checkpoints and training to deal with “civil unrest and crowd control” under the auspices of a Northcom program that revolved around deploying 20,000 active duty troops inside America to “help” state and local officials during times of emergency.
The date set for the completion of this program was 2011, just in time to deal with the “pre-revolutionary” fervor that many fear will now manifest itself in Greece-like mayhem as a result of the fallout from the debt downgrade and America’s slide towards economic collapse.