Aug 10, 2011

The Riots in London.

I do not condone the riots, nor do I support them.

Riots are natural occurrences that take place around the world since time immemorial, based on genuine public frustration and anger against authority.

Riots can also be deliberately created by the STATE to serve specific agenda's. To divert attention away from government failings or as an excuse to impose greater security, and greater police State powers. For example in Karachi by the Pakistani "Deep State", as a long process of destabilizing the whole country where 1000 people have died this year, with the idea of imposing Martial Law ultimately.

There were for instance 180,000 separate instances of riots in China in 2010.

Riots do not occur in Sweden.

Riots are mostly associated with Failed State Third World nations where the system of justice and grievance mechanisms are either none existent or are wholly corrupt operating as an annex of the elite. Riots occur mainly in Third World nations because a sophisticated Civil Society does not exist to deal with the multiple demands within a plural society.

Given that Rothschilds London will be hosting the ominously numbered 2012 Summer Olympics, it would be sad if the city were to be converted into a mini-Israel security statelet, with bright eyed security officers from MI-5 feeling over excited and at the center of the theatrics, along with the boys in blue.

It does not however help the rioters cause by:

  • Looting shops.
  • Destroying public property.
  • Destroying private property.
  • Injuring innocent public servants just doing their job.
  • Causing the death of private individuals.
  • Disrupting the normal everyday life of the rest of the population.
  • Creating a climate of fear and tension in the whole society.

  • The silent majority quite rightly will see the rioters as the criminal party committing crimes. The riots will sharpen racial bias and prejudice in the country. Riots provide a wonderful opportunity for criminal elements to commit crimes under the cover of riots.

    The 1981, and 1985 riots and the IRA attacks on PM Thatcher merely solidified greater support for her administration and her eventual re-election victory in 1987, by the silent law abiding majority. At a subconscious level such acts will rev up the Empires troops to fight harder in Libya and Afghanistan......against the wog.

    According to wikipedia the following are the causes of the riots:

    Various opinions have been expressed in the press and elsewhere, suggesting possible contributory factors to the unrest; these include the following:

    Fatal shooting of a suspect by the police
  • Local tensions with police[11]
  • igh unemployment and cuts in public services[29][30][31][32][33]
  • Economic crisis[34]
  • Poverty; the growing gap between rich and poor[16][35]
  • Lowest social mobility in the developed world [16]
  • Criminal opportunism[36]
  • Recreational violence[37]
  • The Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police force is reported to have characterized the behavior of rioters in Birmingham as being motivated by greed, not anger.[38]

  • I do not have intimate details of how the riots started, but it behooves ethnic community leaders to greater "manage" their community so that riots do not occur. They should use ALL the media channels to state their position on radio, TV, internet and the papers.

    If authority has committed a crime it is best to seek justice and fight authority through the criminal justice system as an united front through civil society, well organized. I have ample experience since 1985 that justice does not always work within the UK State, but mindless rioting is not the answer. Such criminality helps nobody.

    It is interesting on the one hand that the UK State supports uprisings against the Arab dictators in the Middle East which involved a good deal of the same behavior of the UK rioters with the addition of greater violence in places such as Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.......and in certain cases where the UK State joined the rebels in such countries providing direct armed support, especially Libya.

    One could say that colonel Gaddafi too is fighting his domestic rioters, except that the Libyan rioters are backed by UK security forces working with NATO, seeking to overthrow his government.........because Libya has oil..... and gold deposits in the SE of the country. Gaddafi dared to create a new Gold based currency, which would act as the banker for the whole of Africa. For the Rothschilds of London, and "the City" with their fiat currency this was highly objectionable.

    The Jewish banker rioters and looters of "The City" with their friends in Europe and New York have now confiscated $100 billion worth of the Libyan States assets, most NEVER to be returned to the Libyan people. These financial rioters and looters of course don't wear masks and hoods, since the State and the system protects them as the new high priests of high finance and wisdom who share and run government policy in London.