
Its a sad state of affairs when China accuses Pakistan of funding and training terrorists.
China is the only solid reliable friend Pakistan has ever had for the last 50 years, helping the country with its nuclear weapons program, undertaking strategic projects in the country in a way the USA/UK never have in 63 years and never will..........and helping the Failed State basket weaving country with a mere 1.6 million tons of steel production, develop an advanced weapons production program which includes tanks, jet fighters, cruise missiles, long range ballistic missiles and much much more.
China smiles supportively, with unconditional affection and never criticizes Pakistan when the country's leadership and military climb into bed with the USA for long sessions of deep sex again again and again. China does not either subvert Pakistan's power structure by bribing government officials and hiring such people as foreign funded agents of interest.
When the USA allegedly raided Abbottabad, to kill the ghost of Tim Osman CHINA was the only country in the pura Dunyia which stood by Pakistan and stated that any future attack against Pakistan by the USA, would be seen as an attack on China.
So now coincidentally we have these allegations that the rebels in Sinkiang PROVINCE have had support and training in Pakistan. Thus obviously one may surmise that the vast "Deep State" of Pakistan which plays a prominent role within Pakistani society is out of control, and deeply flawed and very very stupid.
Of course this is pro forma for a nation which has funded Islamists of the extreme kind within Pakistan since the 1970's, and clings to supporting them as a proxy force of the military with child like conviction come what may. 500,000 have been trained thus far since the 1970's.....with numerous ever changing names.
Of course this is pro forma for a nation which has funded Islamists of the extreme kind in Afghanistan since the 1970's, and clings to supporting the Taliban with child like conviction come what may and future blowback.
Of course this is pro forma for a nation which has funded Islamists of the extreme kind in Indian Kashmir since the late 1980's, and clings to supporting them with child like conviction come what may and future blowback. I'm not convinced that this is the case with the rest of India......that may be a result of the problems of the "Deep State" which exists in India itself.
Of course this is pro forma for a nation which has funded Islamists of the extreme kind in Iran since the 2003, and clings to supporting Jundallah with child like conviction come what may. Maybe with Zardari's two visits to Tehran recently this is NOW changing.
Of course this is pro forma for a nation which has funded Islamists of the extreme kind in Bangladesh since the 1990's through the BNP, and clings to supporting them with child like conviction come what may. The BDR mutiny of 2009 may have linkages with Pakistan's ISI, and the need to scupper War crimes trials of JI collaborators of the Pakistani military. The blow back to this Pakistani policy has been a massive landslide victory for the left wing pro-India party the Awami League, which hopefully will foster greater DEEPER relations with India that is long lasting. CONGRESS India as usual has been very slow on the uptake of the full implications of an Awami League victory....but thats another story.
Clearly something is seriously wrong with the "Deep State" in Pakistan if it starts funding groups which are anti-China.
Strategically funding so many Islamist groups in so many neighboring countries is going to cause serious problems for Pakistan.
Strategically funding so many Islamist groups in so many neighboring countries, with the collaboration of the USA/UK/Israel is going to cause serious problems for Pakistan.
Which state entities in Pakistan were involved in training the Uighur rebels? What are the names of the Pakistani officers involved? What was the source of their funding? What locations were used for their training in Gilgit and Baltit?
Did Kiyani and Shuja Pasha know about this? If they did know about its existence why did they allow it to carry on? If they didn't know, why not? Clearly Zardari bhen couldn't have known about it.
What role did the USA/UK have in the training of the Uighars rebels?
What is the full list of ALL the rebels trained by the camps in Pakistan? How did they come to Pakistan, and how did they leave?
The above questions and issues need to be transparently shared with CHINA as quickly as possible, and the establishment of a joint investigative team between the two countries to deal with the problem. There after apologies from the COAS and Shuja Pasha and the Presidents office needs to be issued to China officially, ASAP.
It would help matters if Pakistan took complete stock of ALL its terrorist training bases, and their existence should be known to the COAS, ISI head and the President.
Failed State Pakistan might want to wind down its "Deep State" empire.
Failed State Pakistan might want to expel ALL USA/UK security advisers from Pakistan.
Failed State Pakistan looking for a crutch to lean on psychologically might want to import more Chinese security advisers into the country. I AM QUITE SURE THEY WON'T GET UP TO ANY MISCHIEF WHICH EMBARRASSES THE PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT.........and why not more Iranian security advisers in the country as well?