Nawaz Sharif sadly has remained silent in Pakistan without even a kittens mild squeak, never mind a roar in support of the massive opportunities that came his way in the wake of the mess in Pakistan.
Billionaire crook ex-con Zardari put into power by the USA/ISI in 2008 has made a royal mess of Pakistan......with power production actually declining from 93.6 billion Kwt in 2008 to about 89.3 billion kwt for 2011 (estimates)...exports at $22 billion in 2008 to $20 billion for 2011 (estimates of otherwise fiddled figures).....and a very poorly performing economy. ex-con Zardari makes the Pakistani military who control SECURITY and FOREIGN POLICY in the country look pretty appealing, even though in reality the Pakistan military is the number one problem in Pakistan.
Zardari the USA/ISI front has to go soon, and there after a better civilian leader has to come in .......maybe that leader is Imran Khan the Oxford educated former cricketer/playboy.
He obviously is following the right strategy, but even he must know that in order to avoid being a shambolic front and legitimating agent of military power he ultimately has to face down the all powerful Pakistani military, through which the JEWSA exercises power in Pakistan.
Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has done so decisively with the arrest of 42 generals involved in an Israeli linked right wing plot against his government. This is after 9 years of solid successful rule, where the Turkish economy has been booming. Erdogan is a GOOD LEADER and has proven himself, thus far. Though the Jews within his country are trying to distract him from his real mission with suggested misadventures in the Caucasus, Libya and now Syria.
The question is does Imran Khan want to be a GOOD LEADER for his people, and country or a mere puppet front of the military who are in addition nauchniwali of the USA?.......where he is President in name only, with Kiyani in the GHQ in Pindi telling him everyday what to do, along with the USA ambassador......and extensive expensive tax-payer funded foreign trips to every country in the world except INDIA, meeting more puddies along the way, opening their legs for the bachelor President.

Imran Khan is the most popular Pakistani politician: Survey
Sameer Arshad of The Times of IndiaPakistan's cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan has crisscrossed the terror-scarred country, addressed rallies and led dharnas when the country's top politicians have confined themselves to their fortress-like houses in exclusive security zones.
(obviously 10 paratha per day Sharif isn't going to go very far holed up in his Haveli....he should be reaching out to the people in their hour of need)
The world cup-winning captain also did the unthinkable by leading a dharna under open sky in northwestern city of Peshawar that has seen near-daily Taliban attacks in the last few years.
Is the 1970s and 80s heartthrob a fool rushing where angles fear to tread? No, say his admirers who call him the next big thing in Pakistan's politics.
They assert that Imran would most likely emulate his exploits in the cricketing field in electoral politics in 2013 when Pakistan goes for the next general elections.
Latest surveys ranking Imran by far the most popular Pakistani politician must be music to their ears.
In a YouGov@Cambridge opinion poll in July, 77% respondents considered him the best-suited politician to lead the country.
Just 11% backed former PM Nawaz Sharif and 13% present incumbent Yousaf Raza Gilani.
Earlier, 86% respondents in a Newsweek Pakistan poll backed the cricketer-turned politician to lead the country while US-based PEW survey ranked him the most popular politician in the country with 78% people surveyed giving him thumbs up. He is often described as "clean", a word rarely used to describe Pakistani politicians.
It is this image that boosts his popularity in a country where 94% people, according to the Cambridge survey, consider corruption as Pakistan's biggest problem. His criticism of US policy in Pakistan where many have died in the American drone attacks has also boosted his stature. Many say Pakistan's all-powerful army also favors him, as they do not want inept and corrupt political and social elite to continue ruling the country.