After almost 600 years China is officially again embarking on a comprehensive Blue Water navy.
The Mandarins personal jealousy and short sighted thinking scuppered the previous great Chinese navy under Admiral Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty, where possibly Imperial China could have "discovered" Europe through a maritime route sixty years before Vasco Da Gama, and his voyage to the East in 1498.
This latest military development in China is normal, both historically and in the present sense. China is the biggest industrial power, and the largest economy on earth. China has extensive investments overseas, and there may come a time when China may have to protect her overseas investments around the world through military power. Though it must be noted that since the end of Chairman Mao's leadership China has been a restraining and highly responsible power.
In that sense China must play an important role in checking the rampant, wild and irresponsible power of the USA.........a power which itself is led by the nose by little Israel and their agents in Washington. In turn this will temper the medium power poodles of the USA in attacking weak poor Third World regimes for their resources.
Let us hope, China with its considerable industrial prowess embarks on a comprehensive domestically produced carrier program which ushers in a new era of greater responsibility and stability on the international plain.
Where the Soviet Union existed to check Western Imperialism, China in a pragmatic non-confrontational way must do the same against the USA.
The world will be more stable and peaceful. Japan is accepted within the Western power club because it has surrendered FOR EVER, its sovereignty to the USA through various security agreements and the eternal presence of American military bases on their soil. The Americans fix Japanese elections which facilitated LDP victories for 60 years, and a strongly pro-America "Follow my leader" policy slavishly. Japan has prostituted its sovereignty for prosperity, as has Germany.
But there are no American military bases in China; no extensive military/security cooperation between China and the USA. The USA does not fix and chose, or even vet the leaders of China. The USA does not give aid to China.......and China is not an obedient servant of the USA.......culturally, socially, economically, politically, militarily, psychologically.......or in any other respects. China has not been defeat and occupied by the USA.
Given these considerations in contrast to Japan's economic rise in the 1960's and 1970's especially within the parameters of USA domination, China's rise more overtly expressed in the future in various spheres will be less well tolerated.
Therefore logically to protect China's basic position and economic needs, China will have to expand its Blue Water navy with possibly 5--10 aircraft carriers by 2020. China should not suffer any guilt or shame in building more aircraft carriers. Building aircraft carriers is not that difficult, and the Japanese managed to build 10 by 1941 when they had an economy which was only 40% of Nazi Germany, producing a mere 9.2 million tons of steel.
China presently produces 650 million tons of steel, and a massive industrial base with 10 million small, medium and large manufacturing factories....and 4500 billion kWt electricity production. Unlike Imperial Japan which went to war due to raw materials sanctions from the USA in 1941, China is not a military dictatorship which invades and oppresses other nations. China is a nation which relies on normal, clean business practices for its international transactions and trade.
However as history has shown big nations, with great wealth can attract predatory peoples and powers be they Huns from Mongolia from 600 BC (Trade and raid.).... to Western powers in the 19th century who practiced their own brand of "Raid and Trade" with the Opium Wars.
(......though Mongolia with mere 2.8 million primitive people in tents is OBVIOUSLY no longer a threat in any conceivable way..... save for Quija board practices with soothsayers in toe, or for that matter Sinkiang province Uighur's and their population of primitive people of 13 million .....against 1350 million largely Han Chinese. History WILL NOT repeat itself from the steppes against China, even with the benefit of Western backed insurgency to fulfill certain agenda's. )