I suppose the same "System" or "Game" applies to Nazi Germany 1933--1945......Western covert funding, and Hitler doubles and ruinous wars...."Operation paperclip" with Nazis being shipped to the USA and South America, and the USA/UK presented as the shining cavalry to the rescue.
Ditto Soviet Union 1918--1991.........anywhere else?

The CIA and its friends controlled many people in Gaddafi's Libya.
From The Africa Report (Libya: Who owns the revolution? - The Africa Report):
The CIA's clandestine supporters made it easy for NATO to take over Tripoli.
"According to Brigadier General Abdulsalam Alhasi, who commanded the rebel's headquarters in Benghazi, the role of the clandestine supporters - soldiers, policemen, intelligence officers and even ministers who had been working for Gaddafi - was critical in taking Tripoli."
In other words, it wasn't just Gaddafi, or his double, who had worked for the CIA and MI6. (Was Britain Behind Gadaffi's Coup in 1969?)

The CIA's Marty Martin led the CIA's Qaeda department from 2002 to 2004
The CIA's Marty Martin was part of a US group that offered Gaddafi a $10m deal to flee Libya
The group included a Belgian named Dirk Borgers, Neil C Livingstone a terrorism specialist who wants to be governor of Montana, Neil S. Alpert who has worked for the Republican National Committee and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and Randell K. Wood, a Kansas City lawyer.

The CIA put Nasser into power in Egypt;
and put Saddam into power in Iraq;
and put the Ayatollahs into power in Iran. (GADDAFI, SADDAM AND THE CIA / NASSER OF THE CIA/
There is a belief that it was the CIA and Britain's MI6 who put Gaddafi into power in 1969.
According to the article entitled: Was Britain Behind Gadaffi's Coup in 1969?:
A secret 1960 US National Security Council Report explained: "There is little loyalty to him (British puppet King Idris) among the younger urban elements who do not have significant political power now, but who will have such power in the future."
The US and UK needed a replacement for King Idris and apparently chose Gaddafi.
In 1965, Britain's Colonel Ted Lough reportedly made a series of reports on Gadaffi for British intelligence.
In 1966, Gaddafi spent four months in Britain, training with the British military.
In 1969, Gaddafi carried out a peaceful coup, apparently with the blessing of the USA and UK.
Gaddafi turned Libya from being the poorest country in the world into being the most prosperous country in Africa.
But, he did not always cooperate with his CIA backers.

Libya is now in a ruinous state, according to the Financial Times, 18 November 2011 - FT.com
According to the Financial Times:
1. Rubbish now rots on streets.
2. Revolutionary militia are still on the streets.
3. According to Mahmoud Jibril, the outgoing provisional prime minister, the companies driven out by the war "don’t feel a sense of security and they use it as an excuse not to come back".
" The few representatives of oil companies and banks that have visited have departed hastily because of worries over security and a lack of a stable, legitimate government with the authority to set the country’s course."
4. "The expensive Great Manmade River system, which pumps fresh water from the desert to the cities, has dangerously depleted reservoirs in the country’s south."
5. Libya has more oil than any other country in Africa.
"Oil is also one sector that may be sewn up for now by companies that have been in Libya for years, such as Halliburton and Baker Hughes of the US, Total of France and Italy’s Eni."
6. During the first thirty years of Gaddafi’s rule, Gaddafi poured money into training doctors and building hospitals.
A western diplomat said: "They have very good doctors and medical facilities..."
Abdullah Naker and Abdel Hakim Belhadj are rival military commanders in Tripoli.
"Naker's men say Belhadj did not fight on the front lines during the war...
"Naker claims he has up to 20,000 fighters and rejects a role for Belhadj in the new government."
Naker "has warned that his men could overthrow the incoming government." (Rival Libyan rebel commanders beat chests)
Gaddafi was not all bad.
British economic journalists David Blundy and Andrew Lycett observed the following about LIBYA under Gaddafi:
"The young people are well dressed, well fed and well educated.
"Libyans now earn more per capita than the British.
"The disparity in annual incomes… is smaller than in most countries.
"Libya's wealth has been fairly spread throughout society.
"Every Libyan gets free, and often excellent, education, medical and health services.
"New colleges and hospitals are impressive by any international standard.
"All Libyans have a house or a flat, a car and most have televisions, video recorders and telephones.
"Compared with most citizens of the Third World countries, and with many in the First World, Libyans have it very good indeed."