Jul 1, 2011

Who's in charge of Pakistan?

Who indeed is in charge of Pakistan?

The PPP government yesterday stated that it would close Shamsi air-force base, from where the JEWSA had been launching drone strikes which kill INNOCENT PAKISTANI WOMEN AND CHILDREN under the pretext of fighting the Taliban (created by the JEWSA in 1994 through the Pakistani military, and now negotiating with them).

The initial JEWSA reaction to the Pakistan governments announcement yesterday was that they could continue with drone strikes from Afghanistan, which logistically they can....they don't need to be in Pakistan.

NOW according to sources the JEWSA says no.....they won't leave the base leased to them by the Pakistan military under MOSSAD Musharaf.

The issue here goes deeper than a mere closer of the base.....suffice to say, OBVIOUSLY.

Issues of sovereignty arises.........

.....and whether the PPP government was truly elected by the Pakistani people to form a civilian government after Musharaf in 2008, or whether the PPP government in reality is a puppet government of the JEWSA brought into power by them with NO REAL POWER....AND the JEWSA is confident enough IN THIS FACT to tell the Pakistan government to fuck itself.

Of-course such "confusion" would not arise if the Pakistani people knew who the Pakistani military worked for.....for Pakistan, or for the JEWSA?

Unfortunately given the Abbottabad incident where the Pakistani SSG staged a fake operation for the benefit of Obama and his re-election chances, AND suffered the public humiliation from the very same JEWSA gloating about the killing of a long dead Tim Osman with speeches about Pakistan being humbled etc..........the track record suggests the Pakistani military are Coolies who will bare ANY humiliation from gora sahib, as long as they get their funds from the JEWSA.

Words fail me when talking about the Pakistani military......thats why I go into expletives when talking about them. I know Harijan Coolie Kuta are low, but how low can they get...so publicly. How does the Coolie Kuta in uniform talk about defending the nations honor and security?

The Pakistani military numbering 200 Generals, and 800,000 men unofficially.....backed by 300,000 paramilitary can easily close the JEWSA drone base....and negate that symbolic place of national injury and injustice to the long suffering Pakistani people....surround it; cut off the electricity and logistics....and then tell them to get lost.


US Rejects Pakistani Demand to Leave Air Base

Officials Insist US Will Retain Control Over Shamsi Base

by Jason Ditz at antiwar.com

Fresh off of the public demand by Pakistani Defense Minister Chaudhry Mukhar that the United States must immediately vacate the Shamsi Air Base, a small airfield in Pakistani Balochistan which the US has been using for drone attacks, the Obama Administration has officially rejected the demand.

The consequences of this unprecedented stance remain to be seen, but US officials insist that Shamsi is not being vacated, nor will it be vacated, and that the US will rather continue to use the base. If they assume that the Pakistani government will simply let the matter drop or not, they seem intent on occupying the base outside of the Zardari government’s consent.

Pakistani Air Force officials say that the military has already informed the US personnel operating at the base that no security will be provided to them, though the district’s MP insists that there has been no local indication of removal since the government first broached the subject nearly two months ago.

The Shamsi air base has been the source of CIA drone strikes across Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the demand to vacate the base comes amid repeatedly Pakistani demands to stop unilateral drone strikes, which the US has repeatedly refused to do. Other Pakistani military officials say two bases were originally given over to the US, and that the US had already vacated the Jacobabad base some time ago.