The mullahs of Iran were brought into power by the JEWSA/UK in 1979, using pretty much the same tactics they are using against Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Egypt now......."People power" or what one somewhat more unkindly may term "rent a mobs".
The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei calls these JEWSA backed coups in the MENA area as a "Great Islamic awakening"........obviously the old fart would. Presumably when a Sunni Islamic Fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood regime takes over in Damascus at the behest of the JEWSA and Turkey, the Great Supreme Fart will welcome that too.
The only reasonable response to such "rent a mobs" and hired mercenaries from South America is to follow Gaddafi's resolve in defense of his motherland....which is why the JEWSA/NATO have turned on him.
Since 1979 we've seen some bizarre antics from the JEWSA/UK installed mullahs..and this blogs has faithfully commented on them, be their bizarre defense system fixated with missiles (No modern war has been won with just missiles)....or their even more bizarre economic policies which strangely make a few mullahs billionaires and the rest of the population poor; squeezing the all important middle class into fleeing the country in their millions to the West, where they end up contributing their significant skills.(4-5 million and counting)
You can't trust the statistics of the Mullah regime, which do not add up or make sense.
According to the Mullahs, Iran has exported $75 billion worth of oil related products, and $32 billion worth of non-oil products.....which equals $107 billion worth of total commodity exports for financial year ending march 2011.
In the same year they have imported ONLY $60 billion worth of commodity goods 2010--2011. This small paltry import figure is stark and significant in two ways.
First there is a massive gap between exports and imports....and one must wonder what the mullahs are doing with the surplus balance? If the FCR is only $100 billion.
Second the small import figure suggests to us that the actual economy of Iran is sluggish, STATIC and poorly performing.
Turkey by contrast with its estimated $1,300 billion economy with $105 billion worth of FCR, will have imports which will reach possibly $250 billion for 2011.
Turkey has the highest GDP growth rate in the whole world this year, and having lived there briefly one can say, and see why the country is doing so well........you don't need to be an economics professor. You can see the wealth of the country, and its significant economic activity by the sheer size of the imports, and by simple visual confirmation.
Yes there is significant income disparity in the country between the rich and poor...one of the highest in the world, with a few Jews and Doenme at the top, and the rest of the population earning on average $300-600 per month. But things are far far far better than in mullah run Iran with their crazy, closed shop, opaque, strange economic policies.
This is sad, since when one thinks of Persia one thinks of luxury, wealth, sophistication and prosperity.....not the Koran, and mullahs from Mosques running the country down.
In 1977 Iran exported $15 billion and imported $14 billion worth of commodity goods. In today's prices this translates into about $60 billion exports and $56 billion imports.
After 34 years, where the population has doubled, Iran's import levels are the SAME as they were 34 years ago.........according to the mullah latest statistics.
Next year Iran's oil related exports are scheduled to reach $100 billion, and non-oil exports $45 billion.....so $145 billion exports.
Presumably imports will still stay at $60 billion, AND the FCR at $100 billion still.
Unless the mullahs fiddle the figures that is.