Jul 23, 2011

Its a shame this happened to such a country.

Norway is the neutral country which at one time had a pacifist foreign policy, which allowed the International Jewish funded Nazi's to goose step into the country in 1940, though luckily it avoided the worst aspects of WWII as a potential battleground of rival fighting military's that sadly afflicted much of Europe.

Other than that poor experience, ALL is good about Norway after it broke away from Sweden peacefully, through negotiated settlement in the early part of the last century.

Norway is usually at the top of the list of the least corrupt nations on earth.

Governance is excellent.

Per Capita among the highest in the world at $54,000.

It also does well in various happy index surveys around the world.

There is no financial or banking crisis in Norway that afflicts so many other European nations.

Norway is well known for sponsoring GOOD humanitarian causes around the world.

Through the Oslo round of talks it attempted to mediate a peaceful settlement to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, until Washington took over that process which led eventually to a significant reconciliation between the PLO (the most important representatives of the Palestinian people) and the Israeli state.

Thus it is a tragedy what has happened in Norway on the 22/7/2011.

There is a general consensus in the alternative media that this is the work of Israel or Israeli affiliated entities. The explanation is very simple:

ISRAEL's moral/political/economic/security existence requires that there be considerable sympathy for ISRAEL
........from Europe and North America, and its plight of being surrounded by Arab nations who wish to drive all Israelis into the sea (so the oft repeated argument goes). The rest of the world and what they think does not matter that much.

considerable sympathy for ISRAEL ceases in the West, ISRAEL CEASES to exist.

But rather than being sensitive to the needs and opinions of other people, especially in the West who may have an alternative point of view.....Israel wants to lead without any questions being asked. Thus from the Likud perspective there is no room for compromise and meaningful debate where its AGENDA'S in the world are concerned. It must have its way....something the Norwegians are now finding out.

But the Norwegians though now peaceful people were once Vikings.

Israel spends inordinate amounts of money in the Western media to support such a position, and the active backing of MOSSAD backed journalists who shares Israel's world view (Fleming Rose of the Danish paper was a MOSSAD agent who now lives in Florida)

....this is bolstered by and reinforced by the Israeli backed media empires of Rupert Murdoch and his Media Corps. This explains where he gets his billions for media buyouts, and why he often continues running unprofitable papers..........because Murdoch is not interested in news and entertainment per se, but mainly in the business of influencing the WESTERN masses and governments who watch the news..........to help ISRAEL's cause)...and the Six Jewish owned big media corporations of the USA specifically focus in the USA.

Further 70% of Jews live in Europe and North America, and it is just as critical to Israel that they remain unquestionably loyal to ISRAEL'S cause.

But ISRAEL'S "true cause" is not a simple solid finite entity that can be accurately measured.

The extremist Likud wing of the Israeli political spectrum want continuous open ended war against "Israel's enemies" in order to create Eretz Israel (Greater Israel) which was briefly outlined in the "Clean Break" document published in 1996, a few months after Yitzak Rabin was killed in 1995......by a ultra -religious right-wing zealot from Herzliya.

It is this policy that is now being implemented by the USA (including Nobel Peace Prize Obama) in its various military operation in the Greater Middle East....after the false flag operation of 9/11........obviously carried out by Israel and their American agents within American security in New York, and around Washington.

Thus if Norway, with its good reputation and standing, starts to recognize a Palestinian state this is a major NO-NO for Likud Israel.

It becomes a desperate situation. Requiring desperate measures.

Though the ISRAELI operation in NORWAY itself looks very clumsy and ham fisted ......as was the 9/11 operation by them.

When one considers the sheer sophistication of the Jewish takeover of Imperial Russia between 1918--1921, the genocide of 60 million non-Jews in the Soviet Union, the destruction of the Soviet military prior to WWII from 1937 to give Nazi Germany a head start and thus pro-long the slaughter....."The Great Patriotic War"...and all the antics of the Soviet Union around the world including the fake COLD WAR, and the Cuban missile crisis.......and then the Jews destroying the Soviet Union in 1991.......you've got to be impressed by the sheer Jewish Chutzpah and political manipulation of such large numbers of people who still to this day remember Stalin with fondness.

To this day there is NOT ONE single movie in Russia examination the International Jewish role in running the Bolshevik state.

To this day there is NOT ONE single movie in Russia examination the International Jewish role in the Gulag based Holocaust of the Soviet people.

This is what we call mass brain washing by the International Jews of the Russian people.

When one considers the sheer sophistication of the Jewish takeover of Imperial Germany after 1919, the careful propagation of Hitler the mentally unbalanced corporal roaming unemployed in the streets of Munich in 1919 as many war veterans do throughout the world, rejected by the German postal service for employment after failing an entry test....then the stray dog is picked up and recruited by "German Intelligence" and carefully groomed as a genius NATIONAL SAVIOR.

The rest is history, surrounded by various secret Jews with possibly Martin Bormann being the key International Jewish banker Liaison figure with the Nazi regime......and concentration camps, 60 million deaths in WWII, 10 million Germans dead, the country divided, the country humiliated, disgraced and occupied into infinity......paying Holocaust reparations into infinity.

This is what we call mass brain washing by the International Jews of the German people. The BND staff near Munich still salute the Third Reich (3) flag in the morning....as they goose step their way around the office, and then in the evening they close with a salute to the Israeli flag....WEIRD and CONFUSED.

And finally on to Iran,
when one considers the sheer sophistication of the Jewish takeover of Iran in 1979 it is amazing......but no more said about Iran.

The Israeli operation in Norway was clumsy and DESPERATE in contrast to the above International Jewish ops.

The vote for Palestinian statehood is but a few weeks away.


Robert Baer an ex-CIA officer has stated that Israel may try and attack Iran in September 2011 as a way to sabotage and deflect attention away from recognition of a Palestinian state. The Israelis may then draw in the USA...and then what we have here is a full regional war in the Greater Middle East with ISRAEL/USA/NATO on one side and various Middle East countries on the other.

Robert Gates, for all the criticism of him in relation to Iran/Contra, Bush family poodle, and bureaucratic YES MAN with no imagination......................has done one great thing as defense Secretary of the USA which is to ensure that war is not initiated by Israel against Iran using the USA. He has saved possibly millions of lives.

Robert Baer thinks that the DESPERATE Israelis will use the confusion period of the transfer period of Gates out, and Leon Panneta in as DefSec as a chance to attack Iran.

WE HOPE this tragic outcome for ALL does not happen, and will not help Obama's chances of re-election as Bush senior found out in 1992, despite any advice to the contrary from Israeli centric advisers within his administration.

In Norway clearly such events cannot be carried out by a lone right-wing Christian fundamentalist nutjob....he had to have, as with Hitler, intelligence handlers grooming him, arming him, shadowing him, coaching him, training him.

So logically Norwegian investigators who wish to conduct a professional investigation of this tragedy need to look at extremist right wing elements within Norwegian police, military, and intelligence...and their affiliations with Israel...........then you have the REAL PERPS. Otherwise emboldened they will do it bigger and better next time.

USA WTC 1993: 6 dead....carried out by FBI and Israelis.

USA Oklahoma 1995: 168 dead.....carried out by FBI and Israelis. (Using a lone right-wing nutjob as in Norway)

USA WTC and Washington 2001: 3000 dead.....carried out by FBI and Israelis and MI