The Rothschilds control the UK, and have done so since the early part of the 19th century when they became the richest family in the world, through financial speculation and investments in various businesses using secret Jews from Europe as fronts for their business empire. This Octopus business empire hides their true wealth, hence they do not appear on the Forbes richest list. The Rothschilds must have been running the GREATEST TAX FRAUD SCHEME for at least 200 years to achieve such wealth tax unanimity in the UK state.
The Rothschild control both the Labour Party, and the Conservative Party circus. They are both two sides of the same Jew controlled Shekel.
The Rothschilds control the key security services of the UK, where former family members have actually served in MI-5 and MI-6. This gives them vast unofficial power which is exercised both in the UK and outside the country which services their particular narrow business interests around the world and domestically.
The Rothschilds have significant influence with the Police, especially the Metropolitan Police.....of 30,000.
Finally the Rothschild have significant control of the media, which cultivates the all important perception management of the masses towards the Rothschilds set of agenda's. News International as an example of one such business front of the Rothschilds which is a key tool for their business empire.
A narrative which the Rothschilds have developed for the last couple of decades is the celebration of "CELTISM".....especially in the UK, and in the USA media through their agents there.
As we shall see this celebration of "CELTISM" is not a genuine concern and love of the Celtic races by the Rothschilds, but rather as a process and means for fostering/exploiting/furthering the Rothschilds agenda and power around the world.
Rothschild POWER is only effective if Jews, secret Jews and non-Jews follow their orders without question through the conditioning mechanism of their controlled media especially in the West.
This issue must be understood within the all important context of Israel which the Rothschilds created through the services of the UK state from 1917, and why Israel has such strange boundaries burdened with the Sisyphean task of rectifying them forever.............and why given this mammoth sensitive task Israel is burdened with such strange psychopathic leaders who have such Nazi/Fascist tendencies?
Unfortunately I don't have the copy of the full "to do list" of Celtic propagation hidden in the vaults of the Rothschild mansion just outside London, but we can take some wild guesses where they have been taking place.
In the media the most obvious is the James Bond series of movies with Celtic stars such as Sean Connery, Roger Moore of original Irish decent, Timothy Dalton from Wales and Pierce Brosnan from Ireland. In command, in power, in control, sexy and superhuman.
Then there was the Alexander movies in 1956 and 2004 where our Celtic heroes Richard Burton, and Colin Farrel with an army of Celtic speaking Greek warriors destroy the mighty Persian army. Rothschilds fiction became fact with the ISAF occupation forces appointed a string of Celtic commanders from the USA to run operations in Afghanistan/Ariana.
In the politics front you have James Callaghan of Irish descent as PM 1975--1979; Margaret Thatcher of Welsh descent 1979--1990; Michael Heseltine of Welsh descent who should/could have been the next PM, but he had upset the apple cart so he was made Deputy PM; Tony Blair of Irish descent 1997--2007; Gordon Brown from Scotland 2007--2009; David Cameron with links to Scotland 2009 to present.
I could go on, but one may also argue why not? The Rothschilds are British who over 200 years have inter-married within the British nobility, thus inheriting their Celtic genes. After all as some argue Celtics are the dominant group who have been in the British Isles for at least 9000 years.
I am not against the propagation of what is natural and normal in the flow of things. Its when an agenda is used to harm other people (Celts vs Aryans....we need wars to prove who's better? ) that I am against. Celts are great people, wonderful delightful people.......but they don't need to be USED as a tool of Rothschilds psychological neurosis and social anthropological theory which at another level disguises other more dangerous agenda's of theirs profiting from constant war, and the Afghan heroin plantation in that hapless country.
We can accept Nathan Rothschild as the eventual sovereign and ruler of the country, with Prince William eventually crowned King Emmanuel the I, without the need for overt "CELTISM", which is false anyway.
Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are some of the most deprived areas of the UK, and so one must ask where is the Rothschilds "Celtism" given this basic fact? Irelands per capita income is $45,000 for 2010 thanks to good governance in Dublin, and generous EU help, whilst the UK's overall per capita income is $36,000.......so why does the "Celtic fringe" have such poverty and poor living standards within the UK state with averaging per capita income of $20,000---22,000? Is this because of the centric pulling power of Rothschild run London?

N. Ireland people suffer worst poverty
The report commissioned by Consumer Council revealed that many consumers, already living in poverty, would now suffer a 'double disadvantage' because their financial situation excludes them from some of the better deals available to other countries, British media reported.
The report, entitled, “The Price of Being Poor” was launched by Junior Ministers Marina Anderson, MLA and Jonathan Bell, MLA.
The report identifies how the disadvantage suffered by consumers living in poverty can be best tackled.
It also outlines practical actions needed to make a difference to vulnerable consumers.
Key areas of concern include: financial exclusion; transport; fuel poverty; shoppers' rights and responsibilities and the cost of complaining.
The document offers a series of recommendations designed to tackle spiraling costs that hit people struggling to cope in the current economic climate.
And while consumers living in Northern Ireland are forced to pay more for essential goods such as fuel, insurance, transport and heating oil, problems are compounded for working people who receive £39 less in average weekly earnings than people living in England, Scotland or Wales.
The report also reveals that one of the country's biggest problems is fuel poverty - of which Northern Ireland has some of the highest rates in western Europe.
It is estimated the number of households affected has jumped to 300,000 (44 percent) in recent years.
Consumer Council chiefs believe that figure may even have risen to over 50 percent this year and claim a lack of heating fuel could have led to the deaths of up to 950 people, mostly elderly, last winter.
Chief executive of the watchdog Antoinette McKeown said she was determined the report would not be allowed to gather dust.
"It is scandalous that those least able to pay are receiving the worst deals”, she said.
"The Price of Being Poor report emphasizes the vicious cycle between poverty and debt. This needs to be addressed immediately - we all have a responsibility to make sure no extra disadvantage is placed on those already struggling", she added.