May 22, 2017

Benedict Arnolds in the Whitehouse


Top Lawyer and Democrat--1. Collusion with Russia to win the presidential election is not a crime (No evidence it existed ANYWAY---unless a super fantastic conspiracy was hatched by Hillary corruption, DNC corruption, Comey's investigation timings of Hilary, and Wikileaks dumps of the above....ALL somehow coordinating with each other!!!!!! WITH THE 3 DIMENSTIONAL CONSPIRACY OF THE RUSSIANS-----aren't they so clever these russkies....guess that is why McCain calls Russia a gas station with some ballistic missiles)  2. firing Comey......because he is a no good Obummer appointee??? Is the President obligated to keep him unitil Comey decides to wrap up his Russian investigations in 2050??? Indefintely???? Is the President of the USA, lawfully and constitutionally elected by the popular vote, supposed to hold his domestic and foreign policy in suspenion until the Obummer appointee finally clears him in 2050???

Is this how USA Democracy works??

Trump is a political genius who proceeded to hire swamp beltway insiders into his administration, along with his children.....after his victory.

Not one noticeable Trumper was put into any position of responsibility, save for Steve Bannon who was a Johnny come lately representative of the billionaire Mercers, not necessarily a long term proven Trumper.( In an advisory role)

Then there is Steve Miller, a Jew with a controversial ultra right Gobbels like track an advisary role.

Trumpers are NOT actually running anything in the administration.

Then he becomes surprised by betrayal, and leaks from his admistration which causes a lot of trouble.