Dec 19, 2016

Letter of COMPLAINT to the Congress of the United States, IG office of the Department of Justice on 4th November alleging LEAKS by the FBI to the Republicans.

The 2 page letter talks about Rudy Giuliani receiving confidential leaked documents about Hilary Clinton's emails from the FBI New York office, with which given Giuliani's previous profession, he enjoys a close relationship, and a common hatred for Hilary. She was an one time Senator of New York, and Giuliani made himself famous by being an aggressive prosecutor who destroyed the Italian mafia in the USA, and as Mayor of New York who cleaned the city up of low level crime.

Giuliani is also a close confidant of Trump. Though Trump has not awarded a single position in his new Deep State, Insider, Globalist....Wall Street Banker, Big Business administration to him.

"It is absolutely unacceptable for the FBI to LEAK unsubstantiated--and in some cases false---information about one presidential candidate to benefit the other candidate. LEAKING this information to former FBI officials as a conduit to the Trump campaign is equally intolerable."

Signed by
Elijah E Cummings,
Ranking Member,
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
Image result for Elijah E Cummings

John Conyers, Jr.
Ranking Member,
House Committee on the Judiciary.
Image result for John Conyers, Jr. cartoons