Most prostitutes are honest, at least......they make love for work and money.
That cannot be said for the scum that President Putin is talking about.
Putin just letting off steam over the false allegations he has had to face for the last couple of months.
He is a former KGB field officer who has spent considerable time in the West during his foreign postings.
This foreign posting has shaped his attitude towards the West, and one can say that when the Jewish Oligarchs anointed him to succeed Yeltins, essentially to consolidate their hold in the New Russia, Putin was chosen specifically because of his pro-Western credentials, over other candidates.
And it started well, when GW Bush looked deeply into his eyes at his ranch in Crawford.
However the Neocons who drove the USA's real foreign policy thought otherwise, and felt that Russia as a state should cease to exist, further fragmented with USA help, and exploited like the Democratic Republic of Congo with its trillions worth of minerals under the ground.
BUT the illiterate neocons failed to realize that there is a difference between the DRC, and Russia.....and that Russia is not a mere state artificially created by a few people in an office (Like Israel) but rather a CIVILIZATION that is 5,000 years old linked to the Iranian races.

The Scythian Empire of 800 BC to 200 BC was the largest horse drawn empire of Iranian races stretching from Eastern Sibera to the Danube.

‘Worse Than Prostitutes’: Putin Slams Those Behind Trump ‘Leak’
By RT and "Information Clearing House" -

"I don't know Mr. Trump personally, I have never met him and don't know what he will do on the international arena. So I have no grounds to attack him or criticize him for anything, or protect him or whatever," Putin said.
Despite the fact that elections in the US are over and ended with a "solid win" for the Republican candidate, an intense political struggle continues in the US, the Russian president observed, adding that there are certain forces that aim "to undermine the legitimacy of the president-elect."

"I have an impression they practiced in Kiev and are ready to organize a Maidan in Washington, just to not let Trump take office," Putin said, apparently referring to anti-government protests in the Ukrainian capital in 2014, which resulted in the leadership being ousted.
Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin added. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.
By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.
The campaign to discredit the president-elect shows that certain "political elites in the West, including in the US," have "significantly" worsened, according to the Russian president.
"Prostitution is an ugly social phenomenon," he told reporters, adding that people who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes."

"They have no moral scruples," he said.
The Russian leader also called the allegations that Moscow might have blackmail material on the US president-elect "evidently fake."

"When Trump visited Moscow several years ago, he wasn't a political figure. We didn't even know about his political ambitions, he was just a businessman, one of America's richest people. So does someone think that our intelligence services go after each American billionaire? Of course not, it's complete rubbish," Putin said.

Commenting on reports spread in the Western media accusing Trump of frolicking with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel, the Russian president said he doubted that a man who had been organizing beauty pageants for years and had met "some of the most beautiful women of the world" would hire call girls in the Russian capital.

Last week, a report on what was claimed to be a secret dossier, reportedly compiled by former UK intelligence officer Christopher Steele, was published by CNN and BuzzFeed. It alleged that Trump was groomed and supported by Russian intelligence and that the Kremlin was in possession of compromising material on the president-elect.

The dossier reportedly contained a bizarre story of Trump allegedly hiring prostitutes to "perform a ‘golden showers’ show in front of him" on a hotel bed in the Ritz Carlton presidential suite in the Russian capital, where Barack Obama and his wife had previously stayed.

The US president-elect, who will be inaugurated on January 20, has branded the dossier a "complete fraud," saying that intelligence insiders have confirmed to him that the allegations were fake.