These allegations of being a rogue agency, that operates as a state within a state is nothing new. They have been made for five decades......and since the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
The organization is run by various elite groups who have interests in power, and most of its people of over 30,000 full-timers are recruited from the Ivy League universities of the USA.
They run millions of part-timers, from petty thieves in down town Lagos to dictators such as Sarkozy, and Medvedev of Russia.
It along with the Pentagon is the main cause of the USA sliding into what Noam Chomsky calls a banana republic like failed state.
We must never forget that the Soviet Union, East Germany and many despotic regimes massed excellent all powerful intelligence agencies, but only to eventually fail and collapse....this is what will happen with the USA eventually....with possible civil war, within the backdrop of a full Stalinist police state, with the Jews in NY trying to hold the country together under their dictates......whilst simultaneously unable, or unwilling to recognize the fundamental causes of the failed state in the first place.
Barack Hussein Obama is a puppet groomed by the CIA, so the idea that the CIA has bullied him into policy corners and false ends, as the post below suggests and Ms Mayer suggests, does not seem very probable.
1. The CIA according to US sources was against the surge in Afghanistan from 2009, and officially in its policy papers advised as such......however Obama did not accept this advice.
2. The Bush administration was convinced that Saddam Hussein had WMD's up to 2003.....the CIA's 1,200 strong ISG on the contrary found no such things, despite the heavy pressure from Cheney et al.
3. Despite heavy political pressure from the Bush neocons, the CIA as the lead agency with all other agencies produced the NIE of 2007, which stated Iran had stopped its nuke weaponization program in 2003, deferring certain war with Iran...Rumsfeld before, and Cheney definitely wanted war.
These clear official saga's illustrate to us that sometimes it is the CIA which is the rational actor, which checks the "ROGUE" politicians with their MSM biased, based populism set by Israel. That this organization was originally created as a covert arms operating out of the USA Presidents office.
However we must take stock of the sum total of the whole essence of what the CIA, and indeed the Pentagon more so.....which after all ultimately controls 80% of the entire intelligence budget, stands for. From my understanding it stands for narco trafficking including into the USA from South America, Afghanistan, counterfeiting currency, war, terrorism with GWoT, destabilization of states, torture and rendition, deception and propaganda....and much much more.
It is thus smart, clever, but not wise.
It is thus smart, clever, but not wise.
Never the less it is interesting that a Jewess female has the ability to point out BASIC structural problems within the State in clear terms, and share this fact with the alternative minority media.
‘A Rogue CIA’ That Can Bully the President
John Glaser, antiwar.com
Assuming Mayer’s account is correct, consider the implications of the
country’s main intelligence agency – an unaccountable group whose
actions are secret mostly because they’re illegal – bullying a new
president into not applying the rule of law to themselves or their
preceding superiors.
I tend to think the Obama administration didn’t prosecute the Bush
administration because they wanted to be able to continue many of those
policies without much legal burden. But I don’t doubt the CIA put
pressure on elected officials to sweep their crimes of torture under the
