I thought the Israelis were going for the London Olympics, just as they did Munich 1972, for maximum emotional effect.......using the Mossad run Abu Nidal group in the case of Munich, who/which had several bank accounts in London, and Switzerland, two of the places he/they openly frequented.
Maybe Bulgaria was the cheaper alternative, choice?
Do an act of terrorism, and then declare war; reinforce your power and control over a country and region....as your "experts" swarm the area, on the spot providing further benevolent guidance.(Israeli security team in Bulgaria?)
But why Bulgaria? Bulgarians are of Iranian decent, originating from North Afghanistan, who migrated to Bulgaria about 1300 years ago. An Israeli joke?
Israel likely author of Bulgaria false flag operation: Analyst

of a bus damaged in a deadly suicide attack in the Burgas airport
parking lot, Burgas, Bulgaria,
History shows that whenever authorities blame a
convenient scapegoat before the evidence is in, the attack in question
is almost certainly a false-flag event.”
Dr. Kevin Barrett
A political analyst says Israel’s haste to blame Iran and
the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah for the bombing in Bulgaria
suggests Tel Aviv is probably the author of the attack.
“Even before the dust had settled and the victims were laid to rest, the Israelis and their global media assets were blaming Iran for the attack in Burgas, Bulgaria,” Dr. Kevin Barrett wrote in an article published on Press TV Website.
A deadly attack against Israeli tourists took place in the Black Sea city of Burgas, located some 400 kilometers (248 miles) east of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, on Wednesday.
“History shows that whenever authorities blame a convenient scapegoat before the evidence is in, the attack in question is almost certainly a false-flag event.”
False-flag terror operations seek to cast blame on the designated scapegoat as quickly as possible. Why? Because most people are heavily influenced by first impressions. If the first report we hear tells us that the North Vietnamese attacked a US ship, that JFK was shot by a Communist named Oswald, that Osama Bin Laden and 19 young Arabs orchestrated the events of 9/11, or that Iran was behind the Bulgarian bus bombing, people are likely to continue to believe that initial report, even if subsequent evidence conclusively disproves it.
Barrett says another reason for the “rush to judgment” is that public anger quickly fades after the incident; therefore a quick media hype blaming the scapegoat is necessary to take the most advantage of the “wave of useful indignation” that the event provokes.
Barrett concludes that “Iranian intelligence is very professional. Yes, they may someday find a way to take revenge against Israel for the ongoing wave of murders and terrorism against Iranian civilians and scientists - as would any other intelligence agency in their place..............
(Since 1979 its mainly been important anti-mullah Iranians outside of Iran, AND NOT other nationals that have been targeted by professional Iranian assassins.....however popular public pressure in mullah Iran may build to the point where the mullah regime is obliged to kill Israelis in security and then subsequently boast about it to the Iranian public, as have the Israelis. However as I have argued the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists in Iran using MEK was/is dumb, and self defeating. The killing of Iranian nuclear scientists may be satisfying in a crude macho working class manner for some Israelis.....but ALL it does is encourage the mullahs and Iranian public to focus more on the science of nuclear power......which has about 10,000 scientists and technical people working in the field. Nuclear science thus becomes "sexy" for a regime steeped in martyrdom.......dying for a great cause you believe in. ) - but
hokey plots like the Saudi Ambassador fiasco, or going after a busload
of Israeli tourists, just isn't their style. And the last thing Iran
wants right now is to give Israel and its American vassal the excuse to
launch a war.”
gets even better than that! Israel actually creates and funds the
"terrorists" they use to scare Americans into turning a blind eye to
the theft of Palestine, and of course to keep sending their money to
"poor helpless Israel."
Read 'em and weep! (Then copy and post wherever Israel's megaphonies are screaming about the terrorist threat)
Israeli Mossad Role in Turkey Coup Plot Revealed
Israel funded "terroriost" groups through BCCI
AMIA was Mossad False-flag Operation
Mossad Agent killing Oz Tourists to steal their identity to use in fake Al-Qaeda operations
‘Mossad capable of US attack’: US Army officials
Iran hangs "terrorist" linked to Mossad
Montreal Averts Israeli Mossad Terrorist Attack
Israeli Mossad = al Qaeda?
Judiciary starts work on case of Mossad-linked terror group
Assassins caught on video reveals possible Mossad-Fatah link
Mossad funded Abu Nidal through BCCI
Mumbai: The Mossad Angle
Hamas Was Founded by Mossad
Israeli officer sells weapons to terrorists in Iraq
Revealing information on Mossad terrorist acts worries Europeans
Mossad and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
Group that took credit for "Bandini Bomber" linked to Mossad.
MARRIOTT BOMB:Mossad pulls off another false-flag operation
Mossad Exposed in Phony`Palestinian Al-Qaeda' Caper
Mossad orchestrated Christmas Day bomb plot
British Broadsheet Links Mossad to 9/11
How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11
A Look at the Mossad's Assassination Squads
Army Captures 'Terrorist Ring' Working for Mossad
Lebanon's Army captures Israeli Mossad 'Terrorist Ring'
A bumbling Mossad hand suspected in Dubai assassination
Mossad stealing passports in Australia and NZ
Mossad supporting "Radical Muslim" groups.
Mossad-Linked Cell Arrested in South Lebanon
Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing
Mossad-backed terror network in Lebanon
Mossad was found to be propping up 'Islamic terrorist' groups in mid-east.
Mossad implicated in a coup plot in Turkey, a NATO country
Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle
Mossad linked to "Jundollah" attacks, and kidnapping of Iranian border guards
Mossad behind Hindu terror group
Israeli Mossad Links ToWorld Trade Center Attack
Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist
'Terror' group in Iran linked to Mossad, CIA
Attack On US Embassy In Yemen Linked To Mossad
Mossad Black Ops and False Flags
Mossad linked to "Crotch Bomber"
Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report
9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: "Our Purpose Was To Document The Event"
Only people actually arrested on 9-11 were Israelis
Mossad Link Found to One of Key 9-11 Hijackers
Bush Administration Ignores Mossad-Al Qaeda Terrorist Link
Al Qaeda are really Mossad
Mossad linked to Ergenekon plot
Hezbollah infiltrated by Mossad, does Israel's bidding. Attacks when Israel needs excuse to invade Lebanon
Is Hizbullah a Mossad front?
Israel tricked the US into attacking Libya
When Israel attacked the USS Liberty they tried to frame Egypt for it.
The Lavon Affair: Israel has a history of faking terror attacks.
Israel creates and aids terror groups.
If HAMAS is so bad why did Israel create it? To demonize Palestinians?
Israel stages all these "terror" attacks to trick America into hasting Israel's enemies.
Read 'em and weep! (Then copy and post wherever Israel's megaphonies are screaming about the terrorist threat)
Israeli Mossad Role in Turkey Coup Plot Revealed
Israel funded "terroriost" groups through BCCI
AMIA was Mossad False-flag Operation
Mossad Agent killing Oz Tourists to steal their identity to use in fake Al-Qaeda operations
‘Mossad capable of US attack’: US Army officials
Iran hangs "terrorist" linked to Mossad
Montreal Averts Israeli Mossad Terrorist Attack
Israeli Mossad = al Qaeda?
Judiciary starts work on case of Mossad-linked terror group
Assassins caught on video reveals possible Mossad-Fatah link
Mossad funded Abu Nidal through BCCI
Mumbai: The Mossad Angle
Hamas Was Founded by Mossad
Israeli officer sells weapons to terrorists in Iraq
Revealing information on Mossad terrorist acts worries Europeans
Mossad and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
Group that took credit for "Bandini Bomber" linked to Mossad.
MARRIOTT BOMB:Mossad pulls off another false-flag operation
Mossad Exposed in Phony`Palestinian Al-Qaeda' Caper
Mossad orchestrated Christmas Day bomb plot
British Broadsheet Links Mossad to 9/11
How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11
A Look at the Mossad's Assassination Squads
Army Captures 'Terrorist Ring' Working for Mossad
Lebanon's Army captures Israeli Mossad 'Terrorist Ring'
A bumbling Mossad hand suspected in Dubai assassination
Mossad stealing passports in Australia and NZ
Mossad supporting "Radical Muslim" groups.
Mossad-Linked Cell Arrested in South Lebanon
Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing
Mossad-backed terror network in Lebanon
Mossad was found to be propping up 'Islamic terrorist' groups in mid-east.
Mossad implicated in a coup plot in Turkey, a NATO country
Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle
Mossad linked to "Jundollah" attacks, and kidnapping of Iranian border guards
Mossad behind Hindu terror group
Israeli Mossad Links ToWorld Trade Center Attack
Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist
'Terror' group in Iran linked to Mossad, CIA
Attack On US Embassy In Yemen Linked To Mossad
Mossad Black Ops and False Flags
Mossad linked to "Crotch Bomber"
Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report
9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: "Our Purpose Was To Document The Event"
Only people actually arrested on 9-11 were Israelis
Mossad Link Found to One of Key 9-11 Hijackers
Bush Administration Ignores Mossad-Al Qaeda Terrorist Link
Al Qaeda are really Mossad
Mossad linked to Ergenekon plot
Hezbollah infiltrated by Mossad, does Israel's bidding. Attacks when Israel needs excuse to invade Lebanon
Is Hizbullah a Mossad front?
Israel tricked the US into attacking Libya
When Israel attacked the USS Liberty they tried to frame Egypt for it.
The Lavon Affair: Israel has a history of faking terror attacks.
Israel creates and aids terror groups.
If HAMAS is so bad why did Israel create it? To demonize Palestinians?
Israel stages all these "terror" attacks to trick America into hasting Israel's enemies.