As has been argued before Erdogan needs to develop Turkey further, and focus all his energy on this single area. Turkey is still a Third World country with a huge wealth gap between the masses and the elite. Turkey gains nothing by helping the USA install "al-CIA-duh" in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.
Now it could that Erdogan Abe is a CIA installed puppet and that he must perform a quid pro quo for his CIA masters, and that quid pro quo is the inexplicable policy of his administration supporting "al-CIA-duh" terrorists in neighboring Syria, with Turkish safe havens.
This would be an act of war for most victim nations at the receiving end of "al-CIA-duh" .......but Erdogan has shouted and screamed at victim Syria instead, as if Syria is the aggressor and Turkey is the victim. This type of diplomacy....lets call it Chutzpah diplomacy is typical of Israel.
Or that Erdogan is himself a secret Doenme Jew, and he is doing this for the sake of Israel. Israel after all created Hamas, and it actively supports Islamist Fundies in the region for a variety of strategic reasons.

Turkey's Islamist prime minister Erdogan.
Turkey's Erdogan supports the CIA's terrorists who are attacking Assad in Syria.
Turkey's secular Republican People's Party opposes Erdogan.
The Kurds oppose Erdogan.
According to Christof Lehmann, 30 June 2012, Turkey is split over Syria.
Turkey – Triple Split over Syria.
"Will there be a Turkish Spring in 2013 ?" asks Christof Lehmann
According to Christof Lehmann, 30 June 2012, Turkey is split over Syria.
Turkey – Triple Split over Syria.
"Will there be a Turkish Spring in 2013 ?" asks Christof Lehmann
What about the Gaza Flotilla killings of the nine Turks?
"Earlier this year, nsnbc received information from a Palestinian Intelligence Source in Turkey who provided evidence for the fact that the Erdogan government was involved in the killings.
"The killings had several objectives. Ridding the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood of members who were opposed to military action against Syria, bolstering Erdogan´s domestic support
Turkey – Triple Split over Syria: sufficiently so he would be in a position where he could fire secular Turkish generals who were opposed to a military transgression against Syria."
Erdogan at a CIA meeting in
PressTV - Turkish journalist attacks Erdogan for Ankara stance on ...