Turkey under Turgut Ozal showed strong interests in joining the rich EU in the 1980's, with its massive, wasteful, unaccountable subsidies....which poor nation would not want to join such a rich club? The EU however since Ozal's time have sent signals repeatedly that they do not want Turkey in the EU. To that end nations, which are not exactly more developed than Turkey such as Romania, Bulgaria and other East European countries have since joined the EU, ahead of Turkey.
But the stolid Turks have not got the message, and they persist.
Turkey since 2011 at least has played an integral part in the "Arab Spring" or to put it more directly, CIA/State Department subversion of several Arab countries, with the idea of bring "al-CIA-duh" into power.
Erdogan, to curry favor with the USA, has endorsed these so called peoples revolution by visiting Libya, Tunisia and Egypt.
With Syria, Turkey has played a more direct role, arming, training, leading, planning "al-CIA-duh" operations in neighbor Syria which results in death, rape, destruction, displacement and war crimes.
Turkey has displayed psychopathic behavior of on the one hand seeming to cultivate good relations with Syria for many years as a good neighbor helping them, easing them out of the Cold War stupor.....and the other since 2011, suddenly, threatening to attack and invade the country, whilst simultaneously playing the leading role in the subversion of peaceful friendly Syria, using "al-CIA-duh".
Naturally if Turkey continues to be hostile with Syria, more overtly, Iran cannot stand by and merely watch one of their closet ally since 1979 being destroyed by Turkey systemically...IRAN WILL HAVE TO ACT.
But one wonders about the wisdom in Ankara which directs such strange unbalanced policies of supporting USA backed "al-CIA-duh" groups against a moderate STABLE neighbor, which had the potential to become a very good ally of Turkey in its Southern border. Are such policies in Turkey directed by Israel?
Then where will Turkey's near regional allies be? Russia?
ISRAEL + USA = NATO counts for everything of value in the international field in Ankara?
Iran maintains good relations with Turkey on the basis of being neighbors, and if Iran is destroyed by the USA, and invaded.....Turkey will be the main route through which Ahmedinejad and the secret Jews who run Iran will escape to Israel, Europe and South America....Nazi Germany like. HOWEVER, open continued hostility by Turkey towards mullah Iran's best and longest friend IN THE WORLD will mean that the friendship between Iran and Turkey will flip to open hostility, and Ahmedinejad, due to retire next year can do nothing about this problem on his escape hatch to freedom. (He will however incorporate new industrial parks on the Turkish/Iran border).
That was too cruel even for a Turk. Dutch saying
Where the
Turk treads, for a hundred years the soil bears no fruit. German
No grass grows in the trail of a Turk. Arab saying
the Turks's horse treads once, the grass never grows again. English
A Turk who hears the word 'paradise' asks "Is there any
gold to be looted there?" Persian saying
No cold without a
gust; no bad guest without a Turk. Serbian saying
I do not wish for camels milk and I do not wish for the sight of an
Arab. Turkish saying
The ever-growing Turkish bellicosity toward Syria has apparently
gotten some serious attention from its neighbors today, as reports have
Iran issuing
“very strong warnings” to Turkey cautioning them not to invade Syria.
attack on Syrian territory will meet with a harsh response, and the
Iranian-Syrian mutual defence agreement will be activated,” the
statement reportedly said.
Turkey’s president and foreign minister have
both issued statements recently suggesting an attack could be
And indeed, as Turkey continues to rail on about Syria’s ceding of
Syrian Kurdistan to the PKK,
one unnamed Arab diplomat reported that a deal is already in place
between Turkey and the United States to use the PKK as a “pretext” for
an invasion of northern Syria.
Turkey and Iran had been on relatively good terms in recent year, but
then Turkey and Syria had a long-standing alliance which is entirely in
ruins now as well. Turkey’s interest in imposing a ISLAMIST regime in Syria dovetails nicely with its hope to keep the
nation’s Kurds tightly controlled, but an invasion to that end risks
blowing up not only Kurdistan, but the entire Middle East.
These reports of PENTAGON contingency plans against Iran are not new.
They were first planned in 1979 (The Pentagon were not informed that the mullahs were in fact installed by the CIA/British)....with the possibility that the Soviet Union might invade Iran.
Then updated in 1988.....at the end of the Gulf War, which Iran lost.
Then again in 1996....after Clinton imposed further sanctions against Iran.
Then in 2001, prior to 9/11, when the Pentagon envisaged the invasion and occupation of several Middle Eastern countries, along with Iran.
Then the CURRENT PLAN, initiated in 2003......which has not basically changed.
Shock and Awe theory.
Massive airstrikes in Iran, using large numbers of the 5000 fighter jets in the airforce, and navy.
In addition cruise missiles and drones, again against land targets.
From the American point of view there are believed to be 2500 land targets in Iran.
Then Special Forces going into Iran to initiate further attacks.
There after.......IF THE USA AIRFORCE has achieved its objectives of bombings for several weeks and months...... then ground forces are committed to occupy the parts of Iran which are near the Straights of Hormuz, including Bandar Abbas; Parts of Khuzestan Province with the oil-fields......and if no clear resistance as expected, then land operations against Mashad from Afghanistan.
Then finally land operations from Azerbaijan towards Tehran.
The Israeli spy's in the mullah navy and Pasdaran should be executed by now.
The real battle is on the Iranian landmass, as I have stated since 2006. Those who propagate (i) SSM based military strategy as a response to aggression against Iran, and the importance of (ii) naval operations are promoting secret Israeli disinformation against Iran's real strategic requirements.
US assures Israel of
'contingency plans' to attack Iran if talks fail
US National Security
Adviser Tom Donilon
US National Security Adviser Tom
Donilon has informed Israel of Washington's ‘contingency plans’ for a
possible attack on Iran, should the negotiations between Tehran and the
P5+1 fail, an Israeli paper says.
The Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Sunday that US
President Barack Obama's national security adviser briefed Israel's
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the plan during his visit to Tel
Aviv two weeks ago.
Citing a senior American official who spoke on the
condition of anonymity, the report said Donilon has assured the Israeli
premier that the US “is seriously preparing for the possibility that
negotiations will reach a dead end and military action will become
Donilon also shared information on US weaponry and military
capabilities for dealing with Iran's nuclear facilities.
Last week, Secretary of US Air Force Michael Donley said the force’s
new bunker buster bombs, each weighing 15 tons, were ready to be used
in an attack.
According to the report, these bombs are intended for fortified
bunkers deep underground where chemical or nuclear weapons are stored.
Meanwhile, Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has told EU
foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton that the ‘stalled talks proved
that the time had come to move from talk to action to stop Iran.’
However, Ashton, who is scheduled to meet Secretary of Iran’s
Supreme National Security Council in the coming days, said she was still
hopeful the standoff could be resolved diplomatically
Washington and Tel Aviv have repeatedly threatened Tehran with a
military strike to force it to halt its nuclear energy program, claimed
by the duo to have been directed towards the acquisition of military
nuclear capability.
But Iran has dismissed the allegations and the threats, pledging a
crushing response to any attack on its soil.
At one time, MANY YEARS AGO, a former German defense minister sarcastically commented that German Intelligence worked for the CIA (post-war occupation arrangement), and the CIA was run by Israel.
Clearly such a reputation, based on myth or fact would be damaging for a state institution which represents the power, will and capability of the sole super power on earth, with an official annual intelligence budget of $80 billion, and unofficially...god knows what?!!
Or to put it another way.....$100 billions spent massing 900,000 people in various multiple intelligence organizations which ALL they did in the end was merely to prop up Israeli strategic policy for all intents and purposes, would not seem to make sense logically.
To be known as the gofer of Israel, an unthinking loyal automaton of Israel would not be very good for the reputation of the institution, either.
At a strategic level it might also not make sense. The USA, and Israel are a little different despite the manic Israeli attempts to converge the perception of interests of the two states.
The linear political situation in the USA, and media bias makes things worse. The perception has been created in Capitol Hill that the USA exists for Israel, and therefore ALL matters of national security in the USA must clear the Israeli TSA groping scanner before there is approval by Capitol Hill.
States institutions from the CIA, State Department and Pentagon onwards have not been able to mount an effective defensive strategy to demonstrate to the American tax paying public that the state pillars of the USA work for American interests first (All right, American elite interests at least)...and only if it is useful and suitable now and then.....work with Israel, as directed and required by the USA.
Nothing of the sort.
It is Israel's Likud which sets the agenda, and then the USA state pillars follow....simple examples abound: the fake narrative of GWoT for 11 years, the operation of "al-CIA-duh" in the Greater Middle East for 14 years....and the promotion of the "Arab Spring" to bring into power Islamic Fundamentalist regimes 2011--2012; the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan for 11 years.....and finally of course the invasion of Iraq.
Looking objectively at these Israeli Likud promoted foreign adventures, all the USA has got in return for these sagas is more security within the USA, defense and war costs of $3 trillion; military personnel deaths; the loss of standing of the USA in greater measures in the world; a fundamental weakening of the state; loss of direction of the STATE.....embroiled in a manic Moby Dick like quest for enemies that the CIA trains, creates, funds and runs in the first place.......simply stupid and delusional.
But presumably the highly intelligent smart people of the USA intelligence community all know these facts already.......before all of us even thought about it?
Despite the close relationship on the
surface, there is lots of distrust and spying on the part of the US and
by John Glaser, antiwar.com
Despite the close diplomatic ties between the US and Israel on
the surface, the intelligence agencies of both countries are
anything but friendly, according to former US officials.
“The CIA considers Israel its No. 1
counterintelligence threat in the agency’s Near East Division” officials
told the Associated
Press. “Counterintelligence is the art of protecting national
secrets from spies. This means the CIA believes that US national secrets
are safer from other Middle Eastern governments than from Israel.”
Israeli intelligence agencies have been implicated in intrusions and
tampering with sensitive equipment of CIA officers in Israel, criminal
espionage cases inside the US, and disciplinary proceedings against CIA
Israeli agencies were also blamed in the presumed death of an
important CIA spy in Syria during the George W. Bush administration.
These kinds of nuances in the US-Israeli relationship are rarely
talked about in the open. And the relationship is severely
oversimplified in the presidential campaign, which can often appear as a
contest for who supports Israel the most.
One well-known case has colored the alliance skeptical since it
happened in 1987. That year, Jonathan Pollard, who worked for the Navy
as a civilian intelligence analyst, was convicted of spying for Israel
and sentenced to life in prison. In January 2011, Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu asked Obama to free Pollard, as Israel has been
doing for years, and admitted that Israel’s behavior in the case were
“wrong and wholly unacceptable.”
After 9/11, the Bush administration had the CIA rank some of the
world’s intelligence agencies in order of their cooperation and
friendliness in the war on terror. Israel was low on the ranking,
considering its deep ties to Washington, and even fell below the
intelligence agencies of Libya.
Overview: Israeli Spying
Israel Runs One of World’s Most
Aggressive and Damaging Espionage Networks Against U.S.
by Alison Weir
One senior American diplomat explains that inside the State
Department “everybody knows that Israel spies on us. When someone is
caught, they’re ‘punished’ by being promoted.”
Israel obtains significant advantage by systematically stealing
American technology with both military and civilian applications.
US-developed technology
is then reverse engineered and re-exported minus research and
development costs, providing a huge advantage against foreign
Sometimes, the military technology winds up in the hands of a US
Israel has sold advanced weapons systems to
China that incorporated
technologydeveloped by American companies—including the Python-3
air-to-air missile and the Delilah cruise missile.
Tel Aviv has also stolen Patriot missile avionics to
incorporate into its own Arrow system and it used US technology
obtained in its Lavi fighter development program—which was funded by US
taxpayer provided $1.5 billion—to help the Bejing government develop its
own J-10 fighter.
Governmental Reports on Israeli Spying
Israel features prominently in the annual FBI report
called “Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage.”
“Israel has an active program to gather proprietary information
within the United States. These collection activities are primarily
directed at obtaining information on military systems and advanced
computing applications that can be used in Israel’s sizable armaments
It adds that Israel recruits spies, uses electronic methods, and
carries out computer intrusion to gain the information. The 2005 report
concluded that the thefts eroded US military advantage, enabling foreign
powers to obtain sophisticated defense technologies.
A 1996 Defense Investigative Service report
noted that Israel has great success stealing technology by exploiting
the numerous co-production projects that it has with the Pentagon:
“Placing Israeli nationals in key industries … is a technique
utilized with great success.”
A General Accounting Office (GAO) examination
of espionage directed against American defense and security industries,
also undertaken in 1996, described how Israeli citizens residing in the
US had stolen sensitive technology to manufactureartillery gun tubes,
obtained classified plans for a reconnaissance system, and passed
sensitive aerospace designs to unauthorized users.
In its report the GAO stated that an Israeli
company monitored a Department of Defense telecommunications system to
obtain classified information, while other Israeli entities targeted
avionics, missile telemetry, aircraft communications, software systems,
and advanced materials and coatings used in missile re-entry.
The GAO concluded
that Israel
“conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United
States of any US ally.”
In June 2006, a Pentagon administrative judge overruled an appeal by
an Israeli who had been denied a security clearance, stating:
“The Israeli government is actively engaged in military and
industrial espionage in the United States. An Israeli citizen working in
the US who has access to proprietary information is likely to be a
target of such espionage.”
125 investigations into Israeli espionage
stopped due to political pressure from above
More recently, FBI counter intelligence officer John Cole has reported
how cases of Israeli espionage are dropped under orders from the
Justice Department.
He provides a “conservative estimate” of 125
worthwhile investigations into Israeli espionage involving both American
citizens and Israelis that were stopped due to political pressure from
Top US Neocons Investigated for Israeli Ties
A number of individuals—many of whom have been senior officials in
the Defense Department, National Security Council and Office of the Vice
President—have been investigated as security risks due to their actions
in regard to Israel.
In April of 1979,
the US Deputy Assistant Attorney General recommended in writing that
Stephen Bryen, then a staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, undergo a grand jury hearing to establish the basis for a
prosecution for espionage.There was considerable
evidence to justify this prosecution.
Yet, the case was shut down by Philip Heymann, Chief of Justice’s
Criminal Division. Heymann was a former schoolmate of Bryen’s attorney,
Nathan Lewin.
In 1981 the FBI received an application by the
Defense Department for a Top Secret security clearance for Bryen.
Richard Perle, who had just been nominated as Assistant Secretary of
Defense for International Security Policy, was proposing Bryen as his
Deputy Assistant Secretary.
Within six months, with Perle pushing hard, Bryen received both Top
Secret-SCI (sensitive compartmented information) and Top
Secret-“NATO/COSMIC” clearances.
Bryen then attempted to provide top
secret technology to Israel.
Similarly, In 1983 Richard Perle recommended that a
man named Michael Ledeen be hired at the Department of Defense as a
consultant on terrorism – despite the fact that the CIA had him in their
files as an agent of influence of a foreign government: Israel. Once in
place Ledeen continued to take actions to assist Israel.
“One might wonder how, with security histories like these, Messrs.
Bryen and Ledeen have managed to get second and third chances to return
to government in highly classified positions.
“And the explanation is that they, along with other like-minded
neo-conservatives, have… friends in very high places.
In particular, Bryen and Ledeen have been repeatedly
boosted into defense/security posts by former Defense Policy Council
member and chairman Richard Perle, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz, and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith.
A Case Study
An interesting story
relating to the pending sale of twenty F-35 fighter planes to Israel
illustrates the problem:
The $130 million F-35, one of the most advanced fighter planes in the
world, will be a gift to Israel from the US taxpayer, but Israel is
balking at the sale and is demanding full access to the plane’s advanced
avionics and computer systems.
But Lockheed-Martin and the Pentagon both know that Israel will steal
whatever it can if it gains access and would then market its own
products at a price below that of US defense contractors. The result is a
triple whammy for Uncle Sam: the expensive planes are given to Israel
free, the technology is then stolen, and future sales vanish.
Many analysts feel that the United States-Israel
military assistance entanglement – what we give, sell, and especially
what is stolen – is an unaffordable and unjustifiable burden on every
American citizen.
rebels clash with Syrian government forces in the center of Syria's
restive northern city of Aleppo.
By Professor Webster Tarpley at Presstv.com
"NATO created a multi-layered strategy to
subvert and destroy the Syrian state using covert action below the
threshold of bombing and invasion, although including out special forces
and espionage."
Last week, the NATO powers launched their long-awaited
summer offensive against Syria. This was a multi-pronged effort designed
not just to overthrow the government of President Assad, but also to
totally disintegrate the existing structures of the Syrian state,
dissolving the entire country into chaos, confusion, secession,
attempted coups d’état, and a likely massacre of Assad backers,
Alawites, Christians, Kurds, and other minority groups.
This assault peaked between July 18 and July 21. Almost a week
later, all indications suggest that Assad, the Baath party, and the
Syrian state have proven to be much stronger than the NATO planners had
imagined, and that the imperialist attack has been defeated for the time
The easiest way for NATO to destroy independent Syria would be to
obtain a UN Security Council resolution authorizing a no-fly zone, a
bombing campaign, and incursions by special forces, many of them sent by
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the other reactionary Gulf monarchies. But
this path has been blocked by the courageous resistance of Russia and
Another method would be to form a coalition of the willing
outside of the United Nations and proceed to the attack, as was done in
the cases of Serbia and Iraq. But, with Russian President Vladimir
Putin reasserting Russia’s support for Syria, this method poses the risk
of Russian and Chinese retaliation in ways which the Anglo-Americans
might find extremely painful. Therefore, NATO created a multi-layered
strategy to subvert and destroy the Syrian state using covert action
below the threshold of bombing and invasion, although including out
special forces and espionage.
The signal to activate the assembled capabilities was
given by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on July 8, when she
warned Damascus that little time remained to avoid a “catastrophic
assault” capable of destroying the Syrian state. This is exactly what
was attempted last week.
First, NATO attempted to isolate Syria by interrupting
communications with its traditional ally, Iran. According to the Wall
Street Journal of July 23, the United States in particular has exerted
pressure on the government of Iraq to deny overflight permission for
flights between Syria and Iran through Iraqi airspace. An official US
diplomatic demarche delivered in Baghdad demanded that such flights be
banned. At the same time, pressure was exerted on the government of
Egypt to violate the international status of the Suez Canal by
preventing the transit of Iranian ships allegedly headed for Syrian
ports. But these efforts have yielded only mixed results, according to
this account.
The main diplomatic thrust of the destabilization effort was yet
another UN Security Council resolution opening the door to Chapter Seven
economic sanctions and military attack on Syria. This transparent bid
for a general war in the Middle East was duly vetoed by Russia and
China, while Pakistan and South Africa abstained despite US pressure.
United States Ambassador to the UN Susan E. Rice became hysterical,
raving that the Russian Federation was “pitiful,” “dangerous,” and
“deplorable” after she lost the vote. Hillary Clinton had previously
branded Russia as “despicable” and “intolerable.”
One imagines these
charming ladies chewing the carpet as Hitler reportedly did during the
run-up to the Munich conference of September 1938.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov correctly described the US
diplomatic posture as “justifying terrorism.” According to Lavrov, the
US stance amounted to, “We will continue to support terrorist attacks
until the Security Council does what we want.”
It would now be in order
for Russia and China to propose a Security Council resolution condemning
the United States and its allies for giving material support to
The most dramatic single episode of the assault was an apparent
explosion on Wednesday, July 18 in one of the main Syrian government
buildings which killed Defense Minister Rajha (the top Christian in the
government), crisis management director Turkmani, and Assef Shawkat, a
military intelligence expert and brother-in-law of President Assad.
Interior Minister Shaar was reported wounded, and national security
director Ikhtiyar succumbed later to injuries.
Western media were quick
to gloat, attributing the explosion to a suicide bomber recruited from
inside one of the key ministries, but this may reflect an attempt to
launch a variation of Operation Splinter Factor among top officials.
Other hypotheses include a rocket fired from a US drone. Thierry
Meyssan has reported that the explosion was detonated from inside the US
Embassy, which is nearby.
The goal of this attack was clearly the decapitation of
the Syrian military and security forces, and of the Syrian state
overall. But thanks to the fact that President Assad was not involved,
Syria was able to maintain continuity of government and a functioning
command structure, which quickly recovered from this staggering blow.
Within hours, replacements for the slain officials had been nominated
and announced to the public, and a reshuffling of top jobs continued for
several days. If NATO had prepared a coup d’état to fill the void,
there is no indication that it ever got off the ground.
So far, the NATO attack on Syria has depended mainly on
Salvadoran-style death squads composed mainly of foreign fighters,
including al-Qaeda and similar groups, some of which had originated as
part of the US counterinsurgency effort in Iraq in 2005, during the
tenure in Baghdad of US Ambassador John Negroponte. One of Negroponte’s
disciples, Ambassador Robert Ford, was present in Damascus during the
pre-2011 preparation of the current assault.
But, given the inability of the numerically weak death squads to
capture and hold even a single town or village, to say nothing of a
region of the country, it was decided to recruit and deploy an entirely
new echelon of foreign fighters from all over North Africa and the
Middle East. These were necessarily mercenaries, fanatics, convicts,
and adventurers whose military training and weaponry would be inferior
even to those of fighters deployed by NATO so far.
Their task was to implement a strategy of swarming. In
military terms, swarming is the attempt to overwhelm an opponent by a
rapid series of attacks from loosely coordinated autonomous groups.
Quantity trumps quality. Many thousands of additional fighters were
shipped in by NATO; Meyssan puts their numbers between 40,000 and
60,000, but this may be excessive. They crossed Syrian borders with
Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, and Iraqi Kurdistan. The fighters themselves
came from Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, and
other countries. As they entered Syria from foreign territory, the
fighters seized temporary control of several border crossings, a fact
much-hyped by the Western press.
The premise of this irregular assault had been the wishful notion
that resistance by the Syrian army would collapse. But the Fourth
Armored division, the Republican Guard, and other key units held fast.
This left the foreign fighters as sitting ducks in vulnerable positions
they could not hope to defend. As of this writing, the foreign fighters
have been largely mopped up in Damascus, and another large
concentration in Aleppo appears to be surrounded and destined for
annihilation. NATO’s pool of cannon fodder has thus been sharply
To spread the idea that Syrian resistance had collapsed
and that further resistance against NATO was futile, Ben Rhodes of the
Obama White House, the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Prince
Bandar, and other officials had also prepared a campaign of
psychological media warfare and video fakery. Syrian state television,
al Adounia, and other pro-Syrian broadcasters were to be denied access
to Nilesat and Arabsat, and their signals replaced by fake programming
generated by the CIA, including with movie sets and Potemkin villages in
the Gulf monarchies. But this plan had been revealed many weeks in
advance, notably by Meyssan. Accordingly, loyal Syrian broadcasters
prepared their audience with public service announcements about what was
coming, and how to receive genuine programming.
Programming on Nilesat and Arabsat was in fact repeatedly
interrupted, while the widely hated al Jazeera of Qatar and Saudi al
Arabiya reported that Assad had fled. But few were fooled by the crude
NATO substitutes, so shock and awe fell flat. A NATO plan to organize a
panic run on the Syrian currency, contributing a further dimension of
economic and logistical chaos, also fell short.
As it became clear that the anti-government forces trapped in
Damascus were being decimated, King Abdullah of Jordan began harping on
the danger that Syrian chemical weapons might be used or get out of
control - an established meme of NATO propaganda. NATO was clearly
still looking for a pretext to attack, but the eleven Russian warships
assigned to Tartus and the eastern Mediterranean left that approach
fraught with peril.
A danger is also emerging for the reactionary feudal monarchs who
are NATO’s main allies in the Middle East. Partly as a result of NATO’s
incessant pro-democracy rhetoric, the ferment of social protest is now
widespread in Saudi Arabia, surely one of the countries most vulnerable
to a mass upsurge. On July 22, an explosion occurred at the
headquarters of the Saudi intelligence service in Riyadh, killing the
deputy director. The target may also have been Prince Bandar bin
Sultan, who had just been named intelligence boss, and who is deeply
implicated in the Syrian events. Was this somebody’s payback? More
importantly, might this attack become the trigger for a mass movement in
Saudi Arabia powerful enough to threaten the feudal-reactionary dynasty
and the power of the infamous Sudairi clan?
What this article tells us is that International Jews to a great extent favor and recruit deviant homosexuals (the type that like little boys peachy bums) ......and other fringe deviant gentiles (non-Jews) to promote their power and agenda's against the host country. The type that would not normally question their authority, or any anti-state activity carried out by the International Jew.
However in the case of Heath he was ditched in a Conservative Party coup, in favor of Thatcher, the first trans-atlantic neocon installed by the Jews........and the scenario for which was vaguely portrayed in the tv drama, "A Very British coup"......along with the covert destabilization of the Wilson government by MI-5 agents.
Rothschild, said to have influenced Churchill, Thatcher, Heath...(handler of Stalin for the Rothschilds clan....who advised the purge of the Soviet officer corps in 1937, to give Nazi Germany a chance to win easy victories, and thus invade deep into Russia..thus also fixing a long four year slaughtering match between the Two Jewish funded and directed entities.....10 million Germans dead, and 30 million Soviets....but definitely not 6 million Jews
Provided STATE secrets from the West to the Soviet Union (scientific and personnel information) to prove his credentials as an useful agent for the Soviet Union and maintain his influence there, the role of which was later confirmed by senior KGB officers in the mid 1990's. Feted by the British establishment ) T Stokes, who claims to have had links to the UK security services,
believes that the Rothschilds exercise great power in the United
Kingdom, and elsewhere.
1. Lord Archer of Sandwell (Peter Kingsley Archer) was noticed by
recruiters for certain spooks, while studying at the London School of Economics.
He was very swiftly given a seat in the UK parliament and a job in
(Others who were 'parachuted' into parliament include Tony Blair ( Crypto-Jew), Peter
Mandelson (Jew) and Labour Party leader Ed Miliband (Jew)
Lord Goodman 2.
Archer 'was a Rothschild man'.
Reportedly, Lord Victor Rothschild used the Jewish Lord Goodman to
direct Archer. Jeremy Thorpe.3. Reportedly,
it was Lord Goodman and Peter Archer who helped bring about the
acquittal of Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe, when he was on trial for the
attempted murder of a male prostitute, in 1979.
The police's Operation Arundel and Operation Ore looked into child
sexual abuse.
Reportedly, these police operations linked Thorpe with Sir Anthony Blunt
and Tom Driberg.
Blunt reportedly worked for Lord Victor Rothschild.
4. Lord Goodman 'was Mr. Fixer' to the
wealthy Jews who surrounded and funded Prime Minister Harold Wilson.
UK Prime Minister Edward Heath
T Stokes tells that Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe and Conservative
Party leader Edward Heath had one thing in common.
According to T Stokes, BBC disc
jockey Allan ‘Fluff’ Freeman owned a shop in Lea Bridge Rd. London, and 'this was where
young boys from several care homes would be brought in by taxis for the
Reportedly, those who visited the shop included Jimmy Saville, Jonathan
King, Joe Meeks and on occasion Brian Epstein.
The local police chief discovered that Liberal party leader Jeremy
Thorpe and other top politicians attended 'kinky parties' at the shop in
Lea Bridge Road.
Reportedly Jeremy Thorpe had a taste for young street boys and runaway
Scott (left) and Thorpe.
Thorpe was put on trial for the attempted murder of male prostitute
Norman Scott.
Reportedly, 'Thorpe threatened to expose the perversions of many members
of government'.
Thorpe got off ‘Scott free’.
Sir Edward Heath, UK prime minister from 1970-74, "was known to visit
the Jersey care home the Haute
Garrene among others to take young boys on boating weekends on his
This is what its really about......creating Greater Israel.
By Presstv.com
The German Federal Intelligence Service
(BND) has revealed that al-Qaeda is responsible for numerous terrorist
attacks in Syria, including the Houla massacre.
The BND estimates that al-Qaeda has carried out “about 90 terrorist
attacks” in Syria between late last December and early July, German
daily Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote in an article on
July 16.
The revelation was made public by the German government in response
to a parliamentary question.
The German government also confirmed that it had
received numerous reports from the BND on al-Qaeda’s involvement in the
May 25 massacre in the Syrian town of Houla in the central province of
Homs, in which 108 people, including dozens of children and women, were
killed execution-style.
However, the German government stated that the reports were supposed
to remain classified "by reason of national interest."
The West and the Syrian opposition blamed the Syrian government for
the carnage, but a Syrian government-appointed fact-finding mission had
said that armed groups had carried out the massacre to frame the
government and foment sectarian strife.
The intelligence reports raise several questions about the terrorist
nature of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army, and even more so about
the fact that many of the armed terrorists, killed in clashes with
Syrian security forces, carried foreign passports.
On Thursday, The New York Times published an
article, stating that “the evidence is mounting that Syria has become a
magnet for Sunni extremists, including those operating under the banner
of al-Qaeda.”
Syria has been the scene of violence by armed groups since March
2011. The violence has claimed the lives of hundreds of people,
including many security forces.
Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for
the unrest, asserting that it is being orchestrated from abroad. The
West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing the
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and most western countries have supported and
funded the violence in Syria by providing logistics, arms, and
intelligence to anti-government elements.
"al-CIA-duh" run by Western Intelligence is the biggest threat to Turkey, and the region in the medium to long term, especially if several Arab regimes are converted through the "Arab Spring" into "al-CIA-duh" run countries.
Then the whole thing will be like a vortex which sucks in modern Turkey, presided over by NATO/USA/Israel in a neo-Crusader role.
Turkey's Rumi wisdom would be to keep well clear of this "al-CIA-duh" vortex.
Deonme Erdogan and the AKP may wish to show their usefulness to their Western masters to an extent, in the region, but this particular show of usefulness, together with misplaced....."Sunni nationalism" with recent visits to Egypt, Libya and Tunisia must be tempered with questions of what will transpire if and when "al-CIA-duh" is placed in Damascus, through Turkish backed terrorism, rape, murder, pillage and destruction.
The Syrian government if it has given limited autonomy to the Kurds, have done so out of realism, and the need to appease allies, and reduce the possibility of the Sunni Kurds joining enmasse with the ranks of the opposition...........and not as a diplomatic forefinger at Turkey.
Syria's President apologized for the downing of the Turkish jet for baiting them in their own air-space, which subsequently the Turkish military claims was not downed by the Syrian missiles??!!
Syria potentially could have had excellent relations with Turkey by now, but Deonme Erdogan has decided to play the useful dog of the globalist Jewish elite.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
had earlier said that Turkey would
not accept an autonomous Kurdish area in Syria, fearing separatist
Kurds in Turkey would use it as a safe-haven to launch cross-border
Late on Thursday Turkey mobilized and deployed
tanks and missile batteries on the Syrian border near the Kurdish
region, with Erdogan commenting if the Kurds control these areas, “then
intervening would be our most natural right.”
Kurdish control of these border areas are an apparent consequence of
the chaos of Syria’s internal conflict, in which the US and its allies
are sending aid, intelligence, and weapons to the Syrian rebels, despite
numerous crimes and ties to terrorist groups.
Turkish military intervention against the Assad regime came close to
being a reality back a few months ago when Syria downed a Turkish
fighter jet that went into Syrian airspace. Turkey has shown little
hesitation to attack its neighbors if they feel their Kurdish threat
demands it, as cross-border attacks into Iraq’s Kurdish region in recent
months has shown.
If Turkey, a NATO member, involves itself in the Syrian conflict in a
direct and belligerent way, it could have far reaching consequences,
with possible implications of a US intervention.
Admits hosting foreign fighters seeking
to enter Syria, trucks in weapons to rearm terrorist groups.
by Tony Cartalucci
July 26, 2012 - The Washington Post has just published an article
with the very misleading titled, "Turkey
a hub for Syria revolution as illegal border crossing points abound,"
in which it describes "Salafi Muslims," who have "come to offer help
from the countries of the Persian Gulf region" arming and joining the
so-called "Free Syrian Army." The article also claims "weapons are
ferried into Syria, delivered by Turkish military trucks and
picked up by fighters on the other side in the dead of night."
A more apt title would be, "Turkey hosts invading Saudi and Qatari
("al-CIA-duh") mercenary army."
This confirms earlier reports featured in
the New York Times and the Washington
Post, that not only are the Gulf States of Saudi Arabia and Qatar
funding and arming militants via Turkey, but that the US is coordinating
the logistical aspects of the operation as well.
Likewise, CNN has attempted to spin concessions made by its own Ivan
Watson, traveling with sectarian extremists into Syria, where
it was admitted:
Meanwhile, residents of
the village where the Syrian Falcons were headquartered said there were
fighters of several North African nationalities also serving with the
brigade's ranks.
A volunteer Libyan
fighter has also told CNN he intends to travel from Turkey to Syria
within days to add a "platoon" of Libyan fighters to armed movement.
On Wednesday, CNN’s crew met a Libyan fighter who had crossed into
Syria from Turkey with four other Libyans. The fighter wore full
camouflage and was carrying a Kalashnikov rifle. He said more Libyan
fighters were on the way.
The foreign fighters, some of them are clearly drawn because they
see this as … a jihad. So this is a magnet for jihadists who see this as
a fight for Sunni Muslims.
CNN then attempts to claim the "real" Syrian "revolutionaries" "do not
want an Islamist political agenda to be mixed in with their revolution."
The face of Libya's "revolution" was literally Al Qaeda. Abdul Hakim
Belhaj, commander of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) listed by the
US State Department as a "Foreign Terrorists Organization," was
armed and backed by NATO (including the US) in his efforts to topple the
government of Libya. Belhaj more
recently pledged (NATO) weapons, cash, and Libyan militants to the
"Free Syrian Army."
Unfortunately for CNN, despite its best efforts, it cannot qualify its
claim that these foreign fighters are "unwanted," - for the so-called
"Free Syrian Army" (FSA) has long since exposed itself as
a sectarian extremist front infiltrated with foreign fighters and
foreign weapons, stretching
back as far as 2007.
Saudis and Qataris Attempt "Arab League-UN" Rescue of Faltering
Perhaps as a sign the Gulf States of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are
stretched to the limits of their ability to covertly undermine Syria,
they have announced plans to
seek "UN General Assembly action" for a "political transition and
establishment of a democratic government in Syria."
For the despotic,
unelected, grandiose nepotism of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to call for a
"democratic government in Syria" is truly a move made as much out of
desperation as it is one of farcical hypocrisy.
Image: In "progressive" Saudi Arabia, who is calling for a
"democratic transition" in Syria, women are not even allowed to drive,
let alone vote for their leaders - who with Qatar, are amongst the few
remaining absolute monarchies on Earth.
Both Gulf State nations are run by absolute monarchies - some of the
only kind still left in the world. In Saudi Arabia, not only are
elections out of the question, but
women are in fact, prohibited from even driving. How the Saudis
themselves are not subject to UN resolutions, open condemnations,
sanctions of all kinds, and ultimatums over their own dictatorship is a
true indication of the bankrupted, hypocritical, self-serving
dysfunction that punctuates a Western corporate-financier
dominated "international order." It is an "international community"
that creates the illusion of urgency and injustice when it seeks to
expand its interests into one nation, but conveniently ignores real
injustice when it jeopardizes their interests elsewhere.
Turkey Supports Subversion of Syria, While Crushing Dissent at Home
Turkey itself has been waging a decades-long bloody campaign against its
own armed uprising in predominately Kurdish areas bordering Syria,
Iraq, and Iran. In fact, at one point, the US allowed Turkish tanks to
cross into American-occupied Iraq to attack villages suspected of
harboring armed Kurdish separatists in 2008, mirroring the very tactics
Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is now condemning Syria for. The
Guardian reported in their 2008
article, "Iraq
demands Turkey withdraw from border conflict with Kurds," that the
conflict had been raging since 1984 and had cost the lives of 40,000
One can only imagine the "threat" Syria would be portrayed as if it were
to likewise strafe and bomb targets beyond its borders in pursuit of
now admittedly foreign-armed, foreign fighters invading its country via
Turkey. Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, would most likely invoke
"Chapter V" of NATO's treaty, a mutual defense clause that makes an
attack on one alliance member an attack on all members - thus opening up
the door for more direct foreign military intervention.
Turkey's ruling government led by PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is in fact
undermining its own national security by running errands for NATO versus
Syria. By supporting foreign terrorists invading neighboring Syria, it
undermines the legitimacy of its own campaign against Kurdish rebels
within its borders, not to mention beyond them. Turkey's current stance
vis-a-vis Syria is not shared by all members of Turkey's government, and
at this critical stage, now more than ever they need to make their
voices heard both to the Turkish people and to the people of the world.
Carving Out "Safe Havens" for the US State Department's SNC
The ultimate goal of inundating Syria with foreign fighters and weapons
while Saudi Arabia and Qatar farcically call for a "democratic
transition" in Syria is to create a "safe haven" from which the US State
Department coached
and directed "Syrian National Council" (SNC) can rule from -
further dividing and undermining the Syrian nation-state.
The US foreign-policy
think-tank, Brookings Institution blueprinted designs for
regime change in
Libya as well as both
Syria and Iran.
In their report, "Assessing
Options for Regime Change" it is specifically stated (emphasis
"An alternative is for diplomatic efforts to focus first on how to end
the violence and how to gain humanitarian access, as is being done under Annan’s leadership.
This may lead to the creation of
safe-havens and humanitarian corridors,
which would have to be backed by limited military power. This would,
of course, fall short of U.S. goals for Syria and could preserve Asad
in power. From that starting point,
however, it is possible that a broad coalition with the appropriate
international mandate could add further coercive action to its efforts."
4, Assessing Options for Regime Change, Brookings Institution.
Image: Also out of the Brookings Institution,
Middle East Memo #21 "Assessing Options for Regime Change (.pdf)," makes no secret that the humanitarian
"responsibility to protect" is but a pretext for long-planned regime
The Brookings Institution's "safe havens" and "humanitarian corridors"
are meant to be established by NATO-member Turkey, who
had been threatening to partially invade Syria in order to
accomplish this. And while Turkey claims this is based on "humanitarian
concerns," examining
Turkey's abysmal human rights record
in addition to its own ongoing armed campaign against the Kurdish
people both within and beyond its borders, it is clear they are simply
fulfilling the agenda established by their Western patrons on Wall
Street and in the city of London.
There is still extreme danger that with Aleppo still under threat by
foreign fighters and the so-called "Free Syrian Army," NATO is
preparing cross-border provocations to justify the "limited
military power" Brookings calls for in establishing its prescribed "safe
havens." Fabricated "massacres," "humanitarian crisis," and false
flag attacks involving chemical weapons are also pretexts the West
might use for a limited military incursions into Syria in an attempt to
cripple its military and lend its militant proxies a "safe haven" in
Syria to rule over.
NATO Terrorists Come to Overrun, Not
"Liberate," Aleppo. by Tony Cartalucci
July 25, 2012 - A pivotal conflict is unfolding in northern Syria
in the city of Aleppo - one told with two narratives. For the Western
media, speaking on behalf of US foreign policy and the
corporate-financier interests behind both their "journalism" and the
subversion of Syria, the "Battle for Aleppo" constitutes brave
"pro-democracy" fighters rising up in the streets of the ancient city to
do battle with invading "regime thugs." This despite a year and a half
of reporting
Aleppo as admittedly a pro-government bastion.
Image: An approximation of areas where fighting has
been taking place in Aleppo, Syria. Clearly during the initial offensive
by the FSA, they came in from 2 of the city's main highways, both
leading to the Turkish-Syrian border. It appears that a large number of
fighters have been trapped inside the center of the city, surrounded by
Syrian military forces. This was not an "uprising" but rather an
invasion by armed militants from either near, or across the
Turkish-Syrian border. It is unclear whether a significant number of
additional militants are on their way.
An Invasion, Not an Uprising
The second narrative is discerned not from official Syrian government
talking points, but from a more critical examination of the Western
media's own reports, which exposes what is instead, indeed a pro-Syrian
Army, pro-Syria city being overrun by so-called "Free Syrian Army"
militants pouring in from two specific points - Aleppo's northeast
facing Azaz, and Aleppo's northwest facing Bab al-Hawa. Militants
emanating from these directions come from areas directly across from the
Turkish border.
We know this, because BBC and other Western networks rode in with the
militants on their way to Aleppo. One report, by BBC's Ian
Pannell, describes how he came in on just such a convoy. Clearly,
these are not "sons of Aleppo" rising up.
It appears that the operation in Damascus was expected to last longer
and cause more chaos amongst the ranks of the Syrian military. It also
looks like a
large psychological operation planned by NATO was attempted, but
failed, or pushed back at the very least - one involving the seizing of
Syrian broadcasting and replacing it with false reports of the
government's imminent demise. The lightning fast defeat of FSA militants
in Damascus lent the Syrian people and their army a morale boost,
instead of the psychological defeat NATO had intended to deal.
With Damascus secured and slowly returning back to normal, all eyes have
fixated on Aleppo. The Western media is now portraying security
operations in the city as "brutal" with
verified lies of "Russian-made MIGs" "bombing" civilian populations
being spread. With FSA militants seemingly trapped in the center of the
city, and with the Syrian Army allegedly bringing in reinforcements,
the Western media has attempted to portray what was a militant
infiltration of the city, as instead, an invasion of Syrian military
forces against "city defenders." How to "Liberate" a Pro-Army, Pro-Syrian City - Use Terrorism,
Brutality, Intimidation
Also discerned from the Western media's own reports is just how the FSA
is trying to "liberate" Aleppo. BBC's Ian
Pannell claims militants are attempting to "extend their control"
while "seeking revenge." His narrative is accompanied by video footage
of FSA militants rounding up what he claims are "suspected shabiha,"
kicking them and firing weapons at their feet. The fate of these
unarmed, terrorized men is never revealed by BBC, and Pannell excuses
the FSA's behavior by claiming, "there is little justice on either
Image: From BBC's Ian
- young men "suspected" of being "Shabiha" are rounded up as the FSA
"seeks revenge." BBC fails categorically to explain how NATO-backed
terrorists can "liberate" a city that is admittedly pro-government - but
it appears it will be done through terrorism, brutality, mass murder,
and intimidation.
CNN also adds inadvertently contradictory facts to their fallacious
narrative. In an article titled, "Faces
of the Free Syrian Army," we are treated with a grossly
unsubstantiated narrative, seemingly meant to counter evidence reported
on by outlets such as French intellectual Thierry Meyssan's VoltaireNet.
VoltaireNet's article, "Who is
Fighting in Syria?" reveals that the FSA's ranks consist of mostly
radicalized gangs, many not even Syrian. Further more, the article
points out that the Syrian Army is conscripted from amongst the nation's
citizens. It is a "people's army."
CNN's article, despite attempting to allay fears that the FSA consists
of foreign terrorists, still admits:
Meanwhile, residents of
the village where the Syrian Falcons were headquartered said there were
fighters of several North African nationalities also serving with the
brigade's ranks.
A volunteer Libyan
fighter has also told CNN he intends to travel from Turkey to Syria
within days to add a "platoon" of Libyan fighters to armed movement.
Clearly, foreign-armed militants storming a city, many of whom are not
even citizens of Syria, is not a "liberation," but rather an invasion.
Especially when these foreign fighters are facing an army conscripted
from the Syrian people themselves.
And as with any invasion, a degree of "shock and awe" is required to
create the necessary fear and panic in order to subjugate the invaded.
The atrocities BBC alludes to reaffirm reports from both
Human Rights Watch and the
UN describing widespread war crimes carried out by the FSA. This,
above all else, is how they "take" and "hold" territory, especially in
areas where the Syrian Army enjoys widespread support, like in Aleppo. This is not "liberation," this is terrorism and invasion.