Ten years in Afghanistan means its the longest "war" the USA has ever fought, based on ignoble causes, which at least a third of the USA servicemen are aware of.
Ten years in Afghanistan means the bankers have made fat profits from the Afghan heroin/opium trade.
Ten years in Afghanistan means the further criminalization of the USA, as it conducts wars for criminal narcotics purposes, where State institutions become corrupted and compromised for this specific sole purpose. It subverts the state into thinking that this is the ONLY way the USA can generate wealth, and create things....which benefits a few Wall Street Jews, but harms millions in the USA, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
Ten years in Afghanistan means that due to the criminality and double standards of the USA occupation of the country......distorting double rectum-speak becomes the norm of the State.
Ten years in Afghanistan means that many occupation servicemen have lost their lives for a worthless artificial Western Intelligence concocted lie.
Ten years in Afghanistan means that many occupation servicemen have suffered serious injury for a worthless artificial Western Intelligence concocted lie.
Ten years in Afghanistan means the USA has expended anywhere between $600--1000 billion in Afghanistan for a fake security cause, concocted by Western Intelligence.
Ten years in Afghanistan means the "Opportunity Cost" loss of the above money that could have been invested in the USA to make the country shining and successful, and not a basket case debt ridden country beholden to China, along with the real shame that goes with it.
Ten years in Afghanistan means thousands of innocent Afghan civilians have died, and the subsequent loss of dignity, opportunity and development that ordinary Afghans could have enjoyed but for the faggotty games of Western Intelligence.
Ten years in Afghanistan means that the country has seen little development under American occupation, little stability and is considered among the most corrupted, Failed States in the world, run by a Kleptocracy of American elected puppets running an American sanctioned narco State.
Ten years in Afghanistan means its security problem for Pakistan, and to a lessor extent Iran.
Ten years in Afghanistan means the Heroin grown by the American occupation forces in Afghanistan is exported to Pakistan, Central Asia, Iran, Ukraine, Russia, EU and North America.........causing suffering for millions of people around the world.
Ten years in Afghanistan means the laws introduced to make America safer have in reality been inverted against average Americans into humiliation, degradation, servitude and loss of basic liberty within a Police State.
Ten years in Afghanistan means that the military/industrial complex has profited hugely, but that the middle class in the USA has been disappearing, and the working class squeezed.
Ten years in Afghanistan means the USA military machine is less able to fight REAL foes in REAL wars, but can only manage fights against Western Intelligence organized "Controlled Opposition" entities such as the Taliban.
No nation "wins' from wars, be they a few days or 10 years.

Obama Marks Decade in Afghanistan With False Statements on Wars
Obama claimed America has been made safer and that the wars are drawing to an end, despite facts to the contrary
President Barak Obama marked the ten-year anniversary of the war in Afghanistan with a paper statement, claiming to already have made a public speech reflecting the decade of war last month, on the anniversary of September 11th.
The statement contained the usual platitudes of patriotism and glorification of war. ”Thanks to the extraordinary service of these Americans, our citizens are safer and our nation is more secure,” Obama said.
Obama made these statements, of course, while ignoring the mountains of evidence that these ten years of war, and in Afghanistan specifically, have exacerbated the terrorist threat America faces. War, occupation, Afghanistan’s corrupt client state, thuggish US-supported militias and a brutal night raid strategy have all increased anti-American hatred and resentment among a poor, uneducated, overly religious population.
Obama also misled Americans in his statement by pretending that American troops were withdrawing in Iraq and drawing down in Afghanistan. In Iraq, an expanded diplomatic presence and military presence will remain past the December deadline for withdrawal. US presence, and heavy influence over the Iraqi regime in general will not go away any time soon.
In Afghanistan, the transition to Afghan-controlled security has gone terribly wrong and the presence of “trainers” has been increasing. Meanwhile, top military officials have repeatedly explained that a heavy US military presence will remain in Afghanistan well beyond the 2014 date to withdraw.