Oct 10, 2011

Iraq is the main victiom of 9/11, then Afghanistan, then the USA, then finally Pakistan.

A rather stale Western liberal overview of the plight of Pakistan. Pakistan is indeed a victim, but equally important it must be said that had not the Pakistani military (ISI) participated in Washington's games in the region for 30 odd years, and had they not been so gullible and naive, Pakistan would not be in the situation it is now.

The primary folly lies with the Pakistan military, and still to this day the Pakistani military clings to gora masterji in the cooperation with them in Afghanistan. The acrimony towards Pakistan now by gora sahib masterji is not because the Pakistani military has ceased reading from the Washington written script, but that there are always power dynamics which change policy in Washington, with competing groups which sometimes harms old faithful ally's. Diem in Vietnam for example....Saddam in Iraq...Gaddafi in Libya....General Noreiga in Panama.....all products of the USA.

The biggest obstacle for Pakistan is the Pakistan military working with the USA covertly.

As to who is the main victim of 9/11....well I would say Iraq obviously, given what has happened to that country between 2003--2011. Then Afghanistan still under occupation, then the USA as it slides into further decline with $trillions in war costs etc......and the fourth of course Pakistan with the loss of 35,000 civilian deaths, and economic loss according to Pakistan government statistics of $68 billion since 2001.

Pakistan with its 1,100,000 military machine, nuke weapons and substantial conventional forces is a not a "VICTIM" in any sense, bullied by Washington to accept Washington's terms or else (though threats have been used). After all Pakistan always had China to fall back on.

But it is in the current Failed State due entirely to the folly and stupidity of its military top brasses fascination for gora sahib. Civilian politicians NEVER had the ultimate power to really control and run the country, for better or worse, so they are absolved.

Zardari bhen is a puppet brought to power by the USA.......his job is simply grinning in front of the camera and looting the country........hence another explanation for the mess in the country.


Pakistan is the Real Victim of Bush's Great 9/11 Folly

By Peter Preston in the Guardian.

We have seen 10 years of going nowhere on one side of the border – and 10 of going backwards on the other: back to bloodshed, back to civil chaos. It's simplistic to say that Afghanistan doesn't matter. You might as well say that the 100 years of war that scarred medieval Europe didn't matter. But Afghanistan still belongs to an inchoate, old world of milling conflict. Seize power there and turmoil will soon take it away. Leave enemies to stew. The real victim of Bush's great 9/11 folly is Pakistan. It might have been a buoyant nation today, joining India and China at world economic forums. Instead it is a failing state.

A decade ago General Musharraf was Pakistan's new man on top of the heap. He'd
locked prime minister Nawaz Sharif away for life. As the army habitually seized Islamabad power, there was nothing too surprising here. Musharraf's battalions depended on US weapons and cash. Sharif's Muslim League, seeking friends elsewhere, had endangered all that. What would America do once the dust from the twin towers had cleared? Invade Afghanistan; throw out the Taliban. What could Musharraf do? Only swear to support them.

But it was never that easy, of course. The fatal border, the
Durand Line, barely exists in any physical sense. Tribal areas straddle it. Rule of law barely exists, then as now. Two million or more Afghan refugees huddled in ramshackle camps on the road from the Khyber Pass to Peshawar. Pakistan (recruited by Washington as an ally against Soviet occupation in Kabul) couldn't stand idly by. It was involved in every way – just as India, across its other border, was involved in keeping Musharraf off balance. A political quagmire in the making.

So today, those 10 dreadful years on? Musharraf is in London exile. Benazir Bhutto, the supposed hope of democracy, is dead, murdered by zealots. Her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, is president. And just look at the public opinion polls.

A couple of years ago Gallup Pakistan asked people in the country
what the most serious threat to Jinnah's pure state was. Some 11% said the Taliban, 18% India – but 59% picked the United States of America. Asked the same sort of question (via the Pew Research Centre) this summer, after Bin Laden was killed, and about 70% saw America as more enemy than saviour. Every drone attack runs the risk of making that opposition deeper. Who approves of Zardari's leadership? It lurches along in the 10% range, come rain or more rain. Who wants the army back? Only 8% in 2009, and its commander-in-chief's ratings are slipping. The leader-in-waiting is Sharif, probably in political business again, but this is back to the future with a vengeance.

There is, in short, no consensus of any meaningful kind – except, perhaps, blind antipathy towards Washington. There are no trusted institutions, no leaders who command respect, no prospect beyond the irredeemably bleak. And it is against this background that America
blames Pakistan for its frailty in the fight against terrorism and cuts back on military aid. Pakistan in US eyes is an enemy, not an ally. Pakistan must be lectured and punished. But Pakistan is also a victim of western policy. So many stumbles, so many wrong turnings: but a victim nonetheless.

Its sense of grievance may be unappealing. The preoccupation with India, the futile attachment to Kashmir, the hapless swings between corrupt democracy and army autocracy are all heavy burdens. Yet the message of public opinion, in its bewilderment, cannot be ignored. For three decades of Afghan tumult, Pakistan has been blown hither and yon by outside imbecilities. And 10 full years after 9/11, it is the heaviest casualty of them all.