Oct 17, 2011

President Sabourjian shouldn't have been elected for the second term

Ahmedinejad's only skill, if one could accept the validity of this fact, is that he is very good at making populist speeches....he is all sound but no content. He is a disaster abroad, and he is a disaster at home.

It is intriguing why the mullahs chose Ahmedinejad to front their very real power from 2005, and why they helped him win in a clearly fraudulent second term in 2009......and why they still cling to him after 6 years of repeated disaster.

On the other hand being "President" within a mullacracy is not a easy task, and Ahmedinejad had no real power to exercise in the first place, except make speeches for the mullahs in power, as a civilian front from the poorer sections of Iranian society.

Scrapping the position of President will have no real effect on the power structure of Iran, accept reveal to us who actually runs Iran, and who exactly fixes the elections in Iran.

The main threat and problem of Iran is the mullahs who were put into power by the USA/UK 32 years ago. Iran therefore needs an internal revolution against the mullahs, and their strange policies which have led to 5,000,000 quality Iranians leaving their sacred country in the first place, taking with them $1500 billion worth of Iranian national assets, along with their vital skills.

Mahmoud Sabourjian is merely a powerless front of this original REAL PROBLEM--the mullahs themselves.


Khamenei: Iran Could Scrap Presidency in the Future

Comments Seen as Warning to Ahmadinejad

by Jason Ditz at antiwar.com

Speaking today, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei suggested that the current presidential system in Iran might not last forever, adding that “there would be no problem” in scrapping the office entirely in favor of a parliamentary system.

Considering the on-again, off-again feud between Khamenei and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the comments are seen as a warning that the controversial president might find not only his job in danger, but the office entirely.

The two engaged in a rare public battle earlier this year, with Ahmadinejad refusing to show up at cabinet meetings in the second half of April to protest being overruled by Khamenei on a cabinet firing. A number of key clerics and top political figures have been openly demanding Ahmadinejad’s ouster since then.

The position of president in Iran doesn’t carry nearly the power it does in other presidential systems, and in practice it is little more than an Interior Ministry with a fancier title. The title, and Ahmadinejad’s tendency to make controversial comments in the international press have been a major headache for Iran’s foreign policy since he was elected.

It might well be that, given Iran’s rather unique political system, a prime minister would be less of a hassle. Such a position would likely be filled with aging MPs with considerable political savvy instead of fiery speakers like Ahmadinejad.