HEATH 'RAPED BOYS' by aangirfan.

In 1970, Prime Minister Edward Heath (above) made Lord Victor Rothschild the head of the UK government's Central Policy Review Staff.
While at university, Edward Heath may have been recruited by MI5, which was heavily influenced by Lord Victor Rothschild.

TWO police investigations into child sex rings were reportedly shut down after it became clear that Edward Heath was involved.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
It has been reported that Edward Heath was spotted at a house in north London where men were abusing children.
A former detective who worked on the case says that the whole investigation was halted after it became known that Heath was part of the abuse ring.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
A 64-year-old man says "Heath picked him up in a Jaguar car on the A2 road near Welling, Kent, before taking him to a Park Lane apartment and sexually assaulting him."
"Heath raped the 12-year-old boy after picking him up. The youngster had run away from home."
Victim 'was raped by ex PM when he was just 12' / Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
A woman, believed to have been arrested for running a brothel, told
detectives she would stand up in court and reveal lurid details of
Heath's perverted sex life if she was ever charged with any offence.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror

Apparently Heath kept a young male friend at his home in Hampshire.
Jeremy Norman relates that "A curious and unexplained character greeted us at the front door. A young, educated, oriental man, who seemed to be a close friend and confidant (of Heath).
"He was clearly not an employee, as he stayed with us during our chat as though he were a friend.
Brian Coleman, a member of the London Assembly, wrote that Heath had been warned by police to stop seeking out sex with boys in public toilets.

Police in the UK have announced:
"Sir Edward Heath has been named in relation to offences concerning children.
"He lived in Salisbury for many years and we would like to hear from anyone who has any relevant information that may assist us in our enquiries or anyone who believes they may have been a victim."
Sir Edward Heath named in child sex abuse investigation / Former British PM Heath caught up in child sex abuse claim

Former UK prime minister Edward Heath.
We once saw Edward Heath's Rolls Royce parked outside a large hall where Heath was making a speech.
Sitting alone in the back of the Rolls Royce was a handsome young boy.
Graham Chapman (right)
Graham Chapman, of Monty Python, claimed that he slept with the UK prime minister, Edward Heath.
While filming Monty Python And The Holy Grail in Scotland, Chapman announced to the clientele of a pub that the former prime minister Edward Heath was homosexual, and that Chapman had slept with him.

Reportedly, Heath was warned on 4 occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police not to loiter in London's lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys.
Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. / Heath warned about gay sex trysts - Telegraph
(We do not necessarily agree with everything Shrimpton says)
Reportedly, boys from the Kincora children's home were "being taken to big country houses to be used by public figures, including Lord Mountbatten, the former head of MI6 Maurice Oldfield, and Edward Heath."
Lobster's Ramsay on Paedophile Panics - Rigorous Intuition
'Going "up the Heath" is a bit of a rite of passage for many gay men.'
I go with gay strangers.
It has been alleged that Sir Edward Heath, the prime minister from
1970-74, visited the Jersey care home Haute de la Garenne and used to
take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called
'Morning Cloud'...
"The person bringing children for him to abuse is Sir Jimmy Savile.
"He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud when they were at party conference.
Reportedly, boys from the Kincora children's home were "being taken to big country houses to be used by public figures, including Lord Mountbatten, the former head of MI6 Maurice Oldfield, and Edward Heath."
Lobster's Ramsay on Paedophile Panics - Rigorous Intuition
'Going "up the Heath" is a bit of a rite of passage for many gay men.'
I go with gay strangers.
"He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud when they were at party conference.
"Allegedly Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP's with children for them to sexually abuse."
[2011 Sept] The Wheel of Fortune By T Stokes
[2011 Sept] The Wheel of Fortune By T Stokes


Edward Heath had a home in Salisbury in Wiltshire, next to Hampshire.

Hampshire is linked to child abuse.
The police have been protecting the child abusers?
"In the Hampshire police area, 63 high profile and protected names were removed (from a list) by officers serving in Operation Danforth, Hampshire Constabulary's response to Operation Ore (child pornography investigation)."

Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jerseychild abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth in Hampshire.
Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation