May 27, 2013

More Actors on MI-5 payroll.


Watch Abu Nusaybah’s Bad Acting and Multiple Lies

“I don’t know what it’s called, but I know the sound it makes when it LIES” says an effects specialist to a fake warrior
Abu Nusaybah went on the BBC the other night and lied through his teeth. Lied lied lied.  Yes, Michael Adebolajo spoke to MI5 agents, he was on their payroll more than likely. Abu claims that Michael was taken prisoner by Kenyan authorities 6 months ago and tortured when he went “to study” in Kenya.
Well, that’s funny because it’s been reported that Adebolajo was arrested by Kenyan authorities 2 years ago when he and several other Brits were trying to sneak into Somalia to help them destabilize the country on behalf of British oil tycoons. He claims they tortured him back then as well. Of course the picture of him and the other kids in the Kenyan court don’t show any signs of torture or beatings at all.
This interview is a performance, staged on prime time in order to put certain “conspiracy theories” to rest. The kid playing the role of “scary Muslim” is a horrible actor. Sorry, he just is. And the way it’s scripted makes it obvious what it is.

“ The Sunday Telegraph has established that Adebolajo was arrested by Kenyan authorities in the coastal town of Lamu, before being taken to Mombasa, where he was detained. He appeared in court in late November 2010 alongside other alleged Islamists. He and the others, who were said to age from 18 to 22, were remanded to a local police station. A court report at the time said he was a “Nigerian who had a British passport” and spelt his name incorrectly. Sources in the country confirmed his identity yesterday and said Adebolajo was subsequently deported. He later complained that he had been mistreated.” Telegraph
He had them call the British consulate and the Brits got him back and apparently turned him lose in London again. Odd isn’t it?
I have made this point many times in the past: I am a trained actor. I attended two different schools studying multiple techniques over the years and learned the Meisner Technique in a workshop after school. I worked as a professional actor on regional stages from Richmond to Charleston S.C. And I will tell you something right now, that kid, Abu Nusaybah, is acting. And he’s not very good at it.
So he gets the torture in Kenya story wrong (there is no way he went back to Kenya to be picked up and tortured again) but uses it to create the all important motive narrative. And then he directly answers the question put to him by the BBC interviewer “Do you think he was working for MI5?” and he says “No”
There it is. The other “scary Muslim” says he wasn’t working for special services in Britain. Right from the horse’s mouth. That should shut up all those conspiracy theorists, huh?
Of course, the British intelligence services “picked Abu up” after the interview. Probably took him back to the Green Room or his trailer so he could get changed and make it to the wrap party on time.
But just in case you missed the point, the round table discussion in between the interview segments tells British folk what to think about the performance they just saw:
“But on the MI5 point, should the people watching that be thinking “Is that MI5 doing their job?”
