
Michael Adebolajo, from a well-off Christian family.
The alleged 'Woolwich terrorist', Michael Adebolajo, was under the influence of MI5.
It would appear that MI5 used torture to try to force Michael to become one of their agents.
. Speaking on the BBC Newsnight programme, a friend of Michael Adebolajo "said that Michael was tortured and harassed by MI5 - who asked him to spy for them."
Woolwich suspect's friend arrested after appearing on Newsnight / Woolwich attack: MI5 'offered job to suspect'
(OSAMA BIN LADEN, while living in Wembley, was reportedly a guest of MI6 in 1996.)
Michael's friend, Abu Nusaybah, was arrested under terrorism legislation minutes after acting as a 'whistleblower' on the BBC.
According to The Guardian, in 2012 Michael went to a lawyer to complain of harassment by MI5.
Michael's friend, Abu Nusaybah, was arrested under terrorism legislation minutes after acting as a 'whistleblower' on the BBC.
Abu Nusaybah says that Michael, while studying in a village in Kenya in 2012, was arrested and then sexually assaulted.
.Abu Nusaybah says that Michael, while studying in a village in Kenya in 2012, was arrested and then sexually assaulted.
According to The Guardian, in 2012 Michael went to a lawyer to complain of harassment by MI5.

Feltham young offender institution
Michael Adebowale, the second Woolwich 'terrorist', is suspected of having been brainwashed by MI5 while in Feltham young offender institution.
Other people mind-controlled by MI5 in the Feltham young offender institution are thought to include Richard Reid and Jermaine Grant.
Michael Adebowale, the second Woolwich 'terrorist', is suspected of having been brainwashed by MI5 while in Feltham young offender institution.
Other people mind-controlled by MI5 in the Feltham young offender institution are thought to include Richard Reid and Jermaine Grant.
Richard Reid pretended to try to blow up a plane with a 'shoe bomb' and Jermaine Grant is currently being held in Kenya charged with terrorist offences.
Adebowale's mother Juliet worked as a probation officer.
Adebowale had briefly appeared on TV as part of Jamie Oliver’s School Dinners series.
www.mirror.co.uk/news/MI5's mind control prison

The similarities between what happened at the Kincora Children's Home and the Bryn Estyn Children's home

The similarities between what happened at the Kincora Children's Home and the Bryn Estyn Children's home
Do MI5 and MI6 torture children?
Do MI5 and MI6 torture children?
MI5 and MI6 are said to have been involved in organising child abuse at the Kincora and Bryn Estyn children's homes in the UK.
. MI5 and MI6 are said to have been involved in organising child abuse at the Kincora and Bryn Estyn children's homes in the UK.
Reportedly, the former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was observed by his Special Branch guards making use of boys from the Kincora children's home. (The troubles: Google Books Result)
Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Sir Anthony Blunt, several bishops, and an archbishop. (Cached)

Sir Jimmy Savile, suspected of being a spy, near the Kincora home.
Michael Adebolajo was born into a wealthy Christian family.
Samantha Lewthwaite is the daughter of a soldier.
Samantha Lewthwaite
On 3rd March 2012, the Daily Mail told us about Samantha Lewthwaite from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK.
http://www.dailymail. girl terrorist working for the spooks
On 3rd March 2012, the Daily Mail told us about Samantha Lewthwaite from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK.
http://www.dailymail. girl terrorist working for the spooks
Samantha is linked to the London Tube Bombings of 2005, and, to terror in Mombassa in Kenya.
Her father was a soldier in the UK military.
Her parents separated when she was 11.
There is a suspicion that Samantha works for military intelligence (MI5 or MI6).
She may have been brainwashed.
As a teenager, she wore make-up and dresses, and went to parties with her friends; she allegedly converted to Islam.

Samantha and Germaine Lindsay
While studying for a degree in religion and politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London she met Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay, a fellow Moslem convert.
Germaine Maurice Lindsay had links to drugs crime.
There is a suspicion that he was protected by the police and thesecurity services.
The police failed to follow up an armed incident at a flat involving a car used by Lindsay. (7/7 inquests: police failed.)
Lindsay had a conviction for importing drugs.
CCTV of the car could not be used "because it was obscured by a Bedfordshire police poster."
The investigating officer went on holiday and then went on a residential training course.
Eventually Lindsay's car was found at Luton railway station as part of the investigation into the July 7 bombings.
Allegedly, Germaine Lindsay was one of the 2005 London Tube Bombers and died at King's Cross in London.
After the 7 July bombings, Samantha was placed by the authorities in a ‘safe house’.

While studying for a degree in religion and politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London she met Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay, a fellow Moslem convert.
Germaine Maurice Lindsay had links to drugs crime.
There is a suspicion that he was protected by the police and thesecurity services.
The police failed to follow up an armed incident at a flat involving a car used by Lindsay. (7/7 inquests: police failed.)
Lindsay had a conviction for importing drugs.
CCTV of the car could not be used "because it was obscured by a Bedfordshire police poster."
The investigating officer went on holiday and then went on a residential training course.
Eventually Lindsay's car was found at Luton railway station as part of the investigation into the July 7 bombings.
Allegedly, Germaine Lindsay was one of the 2005 London Tube Bombers and died at King's Cross in London.
After the 7 July bombings, Samantha was placed by the authorities in a ‘safe house’.

Samantha's villa in Mombassa, reportedly.
Police in Kenya say they have found Samantha Lewthwaite's luxury villa in the holiday resort of Mombassa in Kenya.
They suggest she was involved in a plot to blow up hotels and shopping centres in Mombassa.
She has a South African passport under the name of Natalie Faye Webb.

Police in Kenya say they have found Samantha Lewthwaite's luxury villa in the holiday resort of Mombassa in Kenya.
They suggest she was involved in a plot to blow up hotels and shopping centres in Mombassa.
She has a South African passport under the name of Natalie Faye Webb.

Police believe that the people living at the Mombassa villa were Samantha Lewthwaite and Habib Ghani, who is originally from Hounslow, in the UK.
The Landlord, Nelson Korir, said the man called himself Mark and spoke with an English accent.
He said three children were with the couple.
He said the woman wore western clothing and didn't cover her head.
Have the Kenyan police stumbled upon an MI6 or Mossad cell?
aangirfan: The torture of American children, by the US military?.
aangirfan: OSAMA BIN LADEN
Michael Adebolajo: Britain’s Abu Mansour al-Amriki? Multiple Ties to Fake Muslim “Terrorists”
Posted by Scott Creighton at American everyman.
It’s been reported that Michael Adebolajo, the guy who did the
interview right after attacking the British soldier Lee Rigby, has been
under careful observation by MI5 for a couple of years at least. They
say he was running around the area last week handing out fliers and
talking about jihad. Certainly a good way to establish his credentials,
wouldn’t you say? People are calling for an investigation into how
British intelligence could have dropped the ball so badly in this case..
Again, just like the FBI and the Boston Bombing.
But a more interesting development has been reported. The Daily Mail says that Michael was also prevented from going to Somalia to fight along the terrorists down there just last year “by authorities”. They don’t mention which authorities those were. I thought that was particularly interesting. We have been sending fake terrorists down to Somalia for quite sometime, trying to destabilize the relatively young unification government in the country. The U.S. has sent two such phonies down there. And that’s where he was going to help the Somali branch of al-CIAda destabilize the country?
“One of the pair – Michael Adebolajo – was so high profile he was photographed outside Paddington Green police station six years ago behind notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary.
He was even intercepted by officials as he attempted to travel to Somalia to fight alongside Islamist terrorists last year.” Daily Mail
“The slaying of a British soldier in southeast London cast a spotlight on radical preachers that influenced Michael Adebolajo, the attacker seen in videos with bloody hands holding a butcher knife. It also raised questions about the reach of the terrorist group al-Shabab, after a British government official said one of the two men tried to go to Somalia to train or fight with the group.” APThey say he was trying to get into Somalia in order to join up with al-Shabaab, a.k.a. the “Mujahideen Youth Movement” an offshoot of our very own creation, al Qaeda. I’m still looking into who stopped him. We all know that Britain and the United States as well as others are not only financially supporting al Qaeda linked groups in an attempt to overthrow the Assad government in Syria, but they have actually sent Brits and Americans into the area to fight alongside the terrorist organization. Saudi Arabia is paying them for us.
My implication here is that he may in fact have been an asset of the British government. Somalia is a hotbed of U.S. and British sponsored state terrorism and his attempting to go there just last year is certainly a red flag. But also, notice what it says about the Paddington Green police station and Anjem Choudary.
Choudary is the go-to “scary Muslim” in Britain when anyone needs one. He was there for the Danish cartoon “crisis” and he was even brought to the attention of the public back in 1999 when it was discovered by a newspaper that he was recruiting and training young guys to go overseas and fight terrorism campaigns.
I already wrote about the current terrorism campaign that Britain is supporting. There have been others.
Think about the training facility they set up at the University of Miami, where they trained a thousand young men to go into Cuba and destabilize that country a couple decades ago. Of course it was all “off the books” stuff, the organizers called “the crazy anti-Castro crowd” later. But it was officially supported and run by the CIA and others in their typical unofficial way.
A little quote from Wikipedia if you don’t mind:
“Salma Yaqoob, the leader of the Respect Party, said of Choudary: “He is a bigot whose goal in life is to provoke division. He engages in these provocations because he is deeply hostile to any coming together of Muslims and non-Muslims. For him, the fact that a majority of the British people – Muslim and non-Muslim – oppose the war in Afghanistan is not something to be celebrated, but is something to be feared.”"

MI-5 AGENT Ajem Chaudhury.
If you take that and put it in perspective, a man attempting to generate open hostility between Muslims and people of other faiths, you can start to understand just what it is that Choudary is doing: he is actively working to demonize Muslims in the eyes of the people of Britain. Of course the question is “Why?”
And Michael Adebolajo diced up a soldier in broad daylight in the middle of a busy street ranting about how Muslims are mistreated?
See a pattern developing?
There’s a photo of Michael standing directly behind Choudary at one of the rallies they attended looking as much like a “scary Muslim” as he can.
So the idea that he was trying to get into Somalia to help with the destabilizing campaign in that country last year is not out of the question. Choudary has done it before and I’m sure he never stopped.
So what’s in Somalia?
Well, there are a couple fake Muslim terrorists down there from the U.S. for one thing. At least there were back then including by not limited to the world famous “rapping terrorist”
“Omar Hammami, or Abu Mansour al-Amriki, is one of the highest-profile Americans to ever join an al-Qaida affiliate. He quickly established himself as a unique sort of English-language propagandist for Somalia’s al-Shabab. “Land by land / and war by war / only gonna make our black flag soar / drip by drip / shot by shot / only gonna give us the death we sought,” he rapped in 2009. In 2011, the Alabama-bred rapper spat, “It ain’t do or die/ it’s do or paradise” on a track called “Send Me A Cruise” (as in cruise missile). And Hammami had the unmitigated gall to flip Tupac’s “Hail Mary” on “Make Jihad With Me.” (“Attack America now/ martyrdom or victory/ we takin’ Nairobi to Addis [Ababa].”) Pretty terrible, but still good enough for WorldStar.” Wired Feb. 2013Yes, the “rapping terrorist”. The American “jihadist” who took off for Somalia to run the revolution in 2006 just when the country was trying to put together a coalition government and end decades of basic lawlessness. His own group got sick of him trying to be a star so according to the story, they kicked him out. Who knows what really happened. Maybe he was becoming a joke and they didn’t want their “scary Muslims” being laughed at.
Another American went down there around the same time, a guy by the name of Daniel Maldonado a.k.a. “Daniel Aljughaifi”. He didn’t last too long. In 2007 authorities in Kenya arrested him and he eventually got shipped back to the states where he is finishing out his sentence in a cushy federal pen somewhere. He’ll be out in 3 years or so.
What was happening in Somalia back then, early 2012, was very similar to what is happening today in Syria. It just didn’t get much attention with Syria, Egypt and Libya getting all the attention.
“Terrorists across “Somalia” are gathering at the Buhoodle town of far south-east Somaliland, to establish safe-haven for their illegal armed operations across Somaliland and Ethiopia. Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), Al-Etihad Al-Islamiya, Al-Shabaab and tribal militia loyal to Warlord Ali Khalif Galaydh are building illegal army in the town to destabilize the region.” Somaliland Press, Feb. 2012You might argue that this is all circumstantial and it is, I’ll grant you that.
After all, the Daily Mail isn’t the most credible of sources and they are quoting “unnamed” officials when they report he was stopped from entering Somalia for some reason. And that is also true.
But his association with the chicken-hawk headhunter Choudary cannot be denied. Nor can Choudary’s penchant for making people hate Muslims.
And all that fits in the scheme of Choudary sending Michael down to Somalia to be yet another Brit destabilizing a country under the guise of “radical Islam”
I don’t know what it all means, but if you understand the history of our efforts to destabilize nations under the pretense of Muslim terror, and you can see that certain factions have a vested interest in ginning up anger and division inside this country and Britain, and then you consider these players and what they have done in the past, I think it’s pretty clear that something other than “jihad” was going on the other day in Woolwich.
Muslim connected to British intelligence says there will be more “lone wolf” attacks
Kurt Nimmo at Infowars.com
MI-5's Anjem Choudary. Photo: Snapperjack.
Anjem Choudary, described as a “hate preacher” by The Daily Mail, has called the alleged Woolwich killer Michael Adebolajo a man of “impeccable character” and has warned there will be more “lone wolf” attacks so long as British troops remain in Afghanistan.
“That is the presence of British forces in Muslim countries and the atrocities they’ve committed, and how the Muslim community in this country are under pressure due to draconian laws which have tried to silence them,” Choudary said following the attack near the Woolwich Barracks. He said he knew Adebolajo and had once attended the same mosque with him.
Choudary, along with Omar Bakri Muhammad, led the Islamic organization al-Muhajiroun. The group was proscribed under the UK Terrorism Act 2000 along with Islam4UK, another group led by Choudary.

MI-5's Omar Bakri Muhammad
Prior to the July 7, 2005 bombings in London, Bakri admitted to journalist Ron Suskind that he worked for British intelligence. Prior to the Suskind revelation, Roland Jacquard, a French counterterrorism expert and government adviser, said that “every al-Qaeda operative recently arrested or identified in Europe had come into contact with Bakri at some time or other.”
Bakri’s background is similar to another British intelligence plant, Abu Hamza al-Masri. The London-based imam worked with two branches of the British security services, the Special Branch of the British police and MI5, beginning in 1997.

MI-5's Abu Hamza al-Masri......captain hook to scare the kids.
Another radical Muslim imam, Abu Qatada, began cooperating with MI5 agents in 1996. Qatada was allegedly on al-Qaeda’s fatwa committee and videos of his sermons were discovered in suspected 9/11 hikacker Mohamed Atta’s Hamburg apartment. Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui were reportedly Abu Qatada converts.

MI-5's Abu Qatada....to really really frighten the kids.
Anjem Choudary’s shady connection to radical Muslims linked to British intelligence reveal that his commentary on the murder may be part of a larger script. It likely includes further enlargement of Britain’s terror laws which are invariably expanded after sensationalistic attacks. The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 was introduced after the September 11 attacks in the United States and the Terrorism Act 2006 was enacted after the London bombings. British citizens should expect additional legislation rolling back their civil liberties following the latest incident.