MI-5 actors at the Woolwich incident, where maybe the soldier may or may not have been killed. The state can disappear, and give new identities to many people.
MI-5 crowd of actors looking on at the scene........present at the incident..maybe 10-20, and especially one of the women talking to the killers very coolly, whilst he still has the weapon which he used. The close up cameraman taking in the scene, as the killers address the nation:
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him". - (Act III, Scene II).
The rather BASIC hammy Islamist MAD statements at passers by the savage meat cleaver "killers'.
Some local policemen stating that they did not recognize most of the people in the ACT.
The Actor killers hanging around the scene for a full 20 minutes, AFTER they killed, before the cavalry arrive.(Most killers disappear after they kill)
The Actor killers are shot by blank bullets? After the wild savages of Islam with their scimitars charge the cavalry.
All that was missing was some Miklos Rozas background music from El-Cid.
3/10 for Effort.........though rather Jewy and Hammy.
By the Way the concept of the "Nights in shining Armour' with Chivalry originates from Persia, a full 1000 years before its reached Europe from around 800 AD via the Iranian tribes in the Ukraine, who through the Great Migrations settled in France and Spain...The Alans......and Maybe even the Samatians employed by the Roman army.

Kirk Redpath, friend of Michael Adebolajo
The Woolwich terror suspect Michael Adebolajo was best friends with Lance Corporal Kirk Redpath who was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2007.
Michael was consoled by friends at the funeral of Lance Corporal Kirk Redpath.
Woolwich suspect Michael Adebolajo was best friends with a soldier blown up in Basra
Michael may have joined MI5 in 2007. In 2010 he was apparently in Kenya working for MI5.....building up his Islamist credentials?

Michael Adebolajo may have joined MI5 because of what Moslems were doing to his fellow Christians in Nigeria..... It goes both ways...Northern Nigeria is Moslem, and Southern Nigeria Christian.....as with the DRC, Western corporations have artificially inflamed tensions in the country to weaken it; better manage its substantial oil resources to their advantage, and finally weaken the negotiating position of Nigerian governments to seriously gain concessions for the Nigerian workers from the Western oil industries.....better pay for workers, health insurance, decent housing, safe working conditions and schools for their children. With the enormous wealth generated by oil, and yet most Nigerian workers in the petro-chemical sector live in such appalling conditions of squalor and poverty.
Michael grew up in a well-to-to Christian family.
He lived near Kirk Redpath in Romford.
They were classmates at Marshalls Park School.
They spent time at each other's houses after school.
The Kirk’s brother Grant has said that Michael was "the most laid-back, nicest guy in the world.
Justine Rigden, a hairdresser, dated Michael.
She has said: "He was really friendly and really polite.... He used to do a bit of MC-ing, rapping....He was just this normal regular boy."
Michael grew up in a Christian home with his three siblings and parents Tina, a social worker, and Anthony, a nurse.

A church attacked in Nigeria. Michael may have joined MI5 to help counter Islamic extremism.
Michael is from an academic family in West Africa, where Christians are highly unlikely to convert to Islam, unless as a pretence.(deep cover)
Michael attended university and may have been recruited there by MI5.
MI5 may have asked Michael to infiltrate Moslem groups.