Surrendering Sovereignty to the USA, through CENTO, and India 1965..........then begging for equality and fair treatment from the USA, after all this in his book, "Friends not Masters"
That is a moot question, and very topical for Pakistan, especially given the fact that Pakistan is not a transparent state, but a FAILED one.
It was a failed state during the military, and certainly is a failed state now, under civilian rule. What we should not do is equate the Pakistani failed state with civilian Pakistani governments. The Pak military through their overt/covert involvement in Pak politics bare the main responsibility for this failure.

Surrendering to India 1971. For all the talk of blaming Mujib, India, Bhutto, Kissinger.......ultimately the Pakistani army top brass shares the main responsibility.
The process of losing Pakistani sovereignty began in 1954, when the Pakistani military signed a security agreement with the USA (Ayub/Bogra-----U2 flights into Soviet Union airspace illegally from Pakistani bases), and received $1 billion worth of military and economic aid. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Since that time its been down hill for the country........with an incremental loss of sovereignty through the actions of the Pakistan military mainly.

Surrendering at Kargil.
AND especially since 2001, and the events of 9/11 Pakistan's sovereignty has been further eroded. We do not know what is the full range of sovereignty Pakistan has surrendered to the USA. Musharaf the puppet of America was not open about this fact, and Zardari most certainly is not.

Musharaf's war against Sharif. 4,000 Pakistanis sacrificed.
In relation to such key security questions it is the prime responsibility of the Pakistan military.

Surrendering sovereignty to the USA. Fighting and killing Pakistanis, in the course of fighting the USA's fake bogus wars.
One must summarize that the greatest amount of sovereignty was lost under Musharaf.

The Pakistani military top brass have a history of surrendering to foreign countries for a few $, and more. They are enemies of the state.
How Much Sovereignty Has Pakistan Conceded?
Forget about Shamsi airbase in Baluchistan. The Americans are using that one for Iran. There is an altogether different base for the drones in Baluchistan. It’s a Pakistani piece of land that no Pakistani knows what’s inside. In fact, Pakistani air defense personnel are stationed inside the Embassy compound in Islamabad where they ensure that drones fly safely to kill Pakistanis and return to the base unharmed.
BY SHIREEN MAZARI in The News International.
(LET'S SEE NOW, ..................1) Pakistan operates insurgency bases against India/Kashmir. 2) Pakistan has unofficial bases which operate against Afghanistan, via the Taliban. 3) Pakistan has bases which operate against Iran {I must say the Iranian government is really being all very diplomatic and understanding about this....various deals with Pakistan government on the offing.} Does Pakistan have bases in the Northern areas which operate against China?....because that will complete the picture, Ah yes the Turkestan Liberation Movement..........................what kind of special retards do they select at Kakul? I'm not blaming the civilian politicians because this not their area...the Pak military solely decide on this area........but the point is you reap what you sow eventually .........the destruction of Pakistan)
It certainly did not take Holbrooke long to reveal his arrogant ignorance about Pakistan. Hysterical over the Swat agreement – clearly it undermines the U.S. efforts to expand the destabilization of Pakistan and thereby seek a rationale for sending troops into Pakistan and eventually targeting the country’s nuclear assets – he made some absolutely absurd remarks.
(Holbrooke is a Jew, a German Jew...who has adopted an Anglo-Saxon name for the sake of legitimacy within America, unlike Kissinger the other notorious German Jew.
In relation to the Swat Peace deal, was that really good for Pakistan? Really? To have a quasi-autonomous fundamentalist government inside Pakistan with its own Sharia law, so close to Wah/Taxila, Peshawar and Islamabad. Do you accept the army version of the story that their 12,000 well armed men could not handle 3,000 poorly armed Taliban? That the mighty Pakistan military machine of 800,000 men unofficially backed by 300,000 paramilitary can't deal with a mere 3,000 men? The story does not smell right, and as a security expert, should not smell right for you either)
(Well there you go again Ms. Mazari. Its 2009, and there is considerable evidence to suggest that 19 Ay--raabs did not carry out 9/11. Now thats not me saying this but people in government, prominent politicians around the world, senior military and intelligence people.......so your generalization about the official narrative about 9/11 is a little basic.
I appreciate at an overt level Pakistan had a high powered role in 9/11 working for America, and you may wish to deflect from that and say 19 young Ay--rabs in their twenties mainly, after living and working with American security extensively, under total surveillance by Israeli security tailing them then went on to dumb found the vast sophisticated security apparatus of America and subsequently went on to carry out 9/11...........Ms Mazar never in the real world. In fact possibly no humans were on any planes that struck the various targets and that remote controlled planes, drones and cruise missiles hit the various targets.......remember NASA sends probes to Mars and guides them back all the way by remote control, so...
The 19 Ay-raabs did 9/11 is a cover story, maybe quite likely none of them even got on a plane, to throw the scent off American/Israeli security involvement in that sad episode using equipment "borrowed" from the American armed forces......blah blah blah....its all out there Ms. Mazar, so read a few of these sources......we had a coup in America by Israel in 2001 9/11, and their desire to fix America's future foreign agenda more clearly under a Israeli friendly president GWB, and pursue Israel's agenda's......To get the Pakistani nukes, occupy Pakistan...a real possibility around September 2001, and then the invasion of Iraq, and a couple of other Middle East countries until reality hit this ambitious Israeli program......BUT the ideas and people are still there especially NOW in Israel and America....so.
Ms Mazar you are a security analyst who takes pride in your profession.......... presumably, so clearly identify the policies behind 9/11, and why it happened. Alternative theories about 9/11 are not being written by just lonely 20 year olds, with nothing better to do, adding a bit of imagination to their analysis, but serious professional people from the inside of security have questioned in detailed sober analytical language, which say that the only "conspiracy theory" is the one offered by the USA government. Don't just throw up red herrings which confuse, and explains nothing to ordinary Pakistanis.....be brave and exact in your explanations.)
Unlike them, the Swat militants are a motley group comprising various shades of Pakistanis, primarily madrassah educated and certainly not from the financial elite of the country. As for FATA, the militants comprise several groups ranging from Al-Qaeda offshoots, religious zealots, Afghan Taliban, Pakistan Taliban, local groups and criminal elements.
(of course you would know better about them, then Holbrooke.............but in one sense I agree with Holbrooke; they are ALL the same as al-Qaeda; Islamic fundamentalists are Islamic fundamentalists, whats the difference? Sharia law, women should only live within their homes and not venture out; no music; no fun; ; no TV; no cinema; no development; no modernity, all enforced through the power and might of the gun, locally or regionally.
BUT unlike Holbrooke, I obviously have different opinions as to their true origins, you know how they first came into existence. Holbrooke and the Western MSM say they naturally appeared, through the radicalization of fighting in Afghanistan, and the animosity of especially American presence in their territory later.......WHILST I say that these array of organizations which suddenly appear are fake organizations of Western intelligence working as a fifth column to destabilize Muslim countries, which can then be softened up for future invasion and attack of other nations (Afghanistan/Pakistan/India?/Iran............) Al-Qaeda is a fake front organization of Israeli/Western intelligence.........to be sure Osama Bin Laden was a real person until 2001, when he possibly died, but to say that he has thousands upon thousands of men under his control....that is the fake part of the Western propaganda, about Islamic terrorism.
Uniquely the Pakistani government and many like you Ms Mazar maintain this fake narrative for America/Israel about al-Qaeda, to the detriment of Pakistan long term (for if there is really no al-Qaeda why does America need to be in Pakistan? If America created the Taliban through the Pakistani military then why is America in Pakistan?)...........Rehman Malik says that the 3/3 attack is the work of possibly al-Qaeda......nah....that was the work of Pakistanis clearly probably working for one of the millions of fundie groups with links to the military.......they don't want Sharif agitating for power.....but the idiots might have miscalculated....and energized their political enemies within Pakistan.)
But for Holbrooke it would appear these crucial differences are irrelevant and all that is relevant is the religious identity! Talk about bigotry and prejudice. As for his understanding of the security situation in the NWFP, it was defined in terms of people not “being able to walk their dogs!” Now how many ordinary citizens of
(Sala Bacha is Jew Kuta himself, appointed to look after the Jews interests in this region.......OPIUM....the ultimate Jewish controlled international global business (Globally narcotics and amphetamine business from Israel is worth $600 billion). From Afghanistan specifically it is worth any where between $50---100 billion, with some Afghan war lords getting a share of the profits, along with certain Pakistanis, Iranian mullahs, Turkish security people in the military, Kosovo...........then into Europe and North America.....huge business, where the Afghans toil over it and get the least; the Americans provide the key logistics and organization, with the British not too far behind, and the final profits into the Jews and their banks to be laundered, in London especially and NY of course.....COVER story with no end in sight: "We need to be in Afghanistan to look for OBL, al-Qaeda and fight the Taliban, who might take over Afghanistan and Pakistan tomorrow.
The Afghan people are being suckered first and foremost, as are the Pakistanis, the good American ordinary folk, the good ordinary British people.................NATO. But which brave gentlemen in positions of responsibility is going to say, "excuse me this is all so wrong, we're in Afghanistan pimping for the Jew and his international narco business"
The language Holbrooke uses, in reference to the dog is the expression of his arrogance and disdain. Of course the Jew knows most Pakistanis don't keep dogs; they can barely feed themselves. But this is his Jew sarcasm, of condescension, of even of contempt and hate. )
But for us Holbrooke is a secondary issue.
( I wouldn't say that, have you seen his back ground and history? The Jew is a Jewish power person appointed specifically to pursue their agenda's in a particular area. If his policies reinforced Balkanisation and separatism in one part of the world which then created failed narco-states run by America as further staging posts of their empire {Bosnia, Kosovo----using Islamic fundamentalists shipped from Afghanistan 1992---1998, and Iranian finance !!!!!!!!}, then I would be very very concerned in his activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I would view him with extreme extreme hostility, and put him under total surveillance, and note his activities............and be very very wary of him. If the bastard says its sunny, it means its going to rain; if he says all is well; it means things are going badly)
Far more critical is the lying and cheating the governments of Pakistan have been indulging in with their own people as they have gradually conceded more and more sovereignty to the U.S.A. We now know that the drone attacks have not only been done with the complicity of the
(Quite surreal hey Ms Mazar? The Pakistani defense forces have the resources to protect the Americans in Pakistan, least there is any angry Pakistanis with missiles etc, but the Pakistani defense forces can also facilitate the Americans to attack and kill innocent Pakistani civilians from Pakistani bases, in the course of waging a bogus fake, trumped up war against al-Qaeda and the Taliban, fake narratives which the Americans created with the Pakistan military.
Then the Pakistani military are not working for Pakistan but are an alien occupation force working for a foreign power and their geo-strategic criminal objectives; OPIUM, OIL and the Pakistan nukes.
That could explain the behavior of the Pakistani military in 1971, in East Pakistan, in Baluchistan since, in FATA...............they have a tendency to fight their bloodiest, nastiest and longest wars against their own people.)
As for our Defense Minister declaring that the
(Ms Mazar I would say a good deal of your top politicians and military brass are foreign owned agents.........that's why you get this anus talk from them......how do you justify the unjustifiable? You can't.)
Nor is the drone issue the only major relinquishing of state sovereignty by
(Because there is no beast to fight in Afghanistan, its all part of a slow occupation of Pakistan to pit Pakistanis against Pakistanis as per the "El Salvador Option"................
1) The Americans through "Operation Cyclone", and "Operation Green belt" used the Pakistani military to train upwards of 85,000 mujaheddin.....and the primary resources were given to the most extremist Mujaheddin groups......Hekmatyar and Haqqanni.....not your normal average moderate Afghan, but peculiarly perverse extremist groups. The Democrats start the ball rolling and the Republicans pick it up.
2) "Operation Taliban" again an idea of the Democrats in 1994, using Benazir and of course the Pakistan military, to fight the Afghan Mujaheddin and bring order and control to Afghanistan, under Pakistani guidance.
3) Now we have "operation anti-Taliban and al-Qaeda"...and the Americans want to train some new types of Pakistanis, the Frontier Force to deal with the old Taliban.
Where does it all end? It doesn't and it is a damned good way to destabilize Pakistan.
But our loyal, patriotic Pakistani armed forces top brass don't see where its all going)
Then there is the access given to the FBI to accompany our security forces as they make their arrests. Why? Is it because the
(Who knows what arrangements Musharaf agreed to with the USA, after 2001. There are some rumors that the Americans have some control over Pakistan's nuclear assets.............only a clean, open accountable civilian government can get at the truth. Zardari the American puppet won't.......he will be constantly lying to the people..........
As to torturers from the former Evil British Empire being allowed to torture Pakistani nationals in Pakistan for allegedly belonging to al-Qaeda, a fake organization run by the Pakistani military for America is unbelievable!!! The Pakistani military top brass are worse than the Jew Kuta, just unbelievable..........words fail me, what can I say about the Pakistani military top brass?
As to the FBI, have you noticed how ALL 3 South Asian governments are falling over themselves in inviting the FBI to investigate serious security situations within their respective countries (Mumbai 26/11/2008.....BDR massacre 25/2/2009.......... Lahore 3/3/2009)...........this tells us more about the weakness of these countries governments, than anything else.
Ms Mazar no serious, respectable, competent, responsible, confident, able government, elected by the people through fair open elections in a country invites foreign security agencies to rummage through the national dirty linen, none. Not Russia, not China, not Venezuela, not Iran, not Turkey, not France, not................By doing this, you are basically saying, "we are not competent to investigate our own national security problems ourselves, because either the government does not trust the security agencies, or have no confidence in an open fair investigation by its own investigative mechanisms."
You are openly advertising your national failures to the world.
Who is the FBI? Its an intelligence organization of the JEWUSA, that deals with internal criminal/security issues. It originally was run as the personal fiefdom of JE Hoover, the homosexual head who ran the organization until his death in 1972, from the 1920's. He basically did what he wanted, without any accountbility.
The first area of controversy is their COINTELPRO program against hundreds, possibly thousands of ordinary innocent Americans whom the FBI did not like, because of their opinions and political activity. These American citizens did not break the law in any way, and they were never subsequently charged with anything, but the FBI put them under surveillance and in many cases destroyed their lives........loss of jobs, broken marriages etc.............this went on against targeted individuals for years into decades.....unconstitutional, and wholly illegal.(The British version of which I have faced since 1985)
The Great FBI at the same time from the 1950's through to the 1990's, never actually detected any significant Soviet spying operations in the USA (counter-espionage, their responsibility) In fact they have problems detecting any Israeli espionage in addition......OR espionage of other countries.
Finally under JE Hoover, there was no such thing as the American Mafia. In his 'little' world all Americans were more or less apple pie, and such things as organized crime did not exist...........through his tenure the American Mafia greatly consolidated their position, and in many respects became almost legitimate members of American society.....dominating narcotics, pornography, liquor, gambling, prostitution, money laundering, protection rackets, fraud, swindling, blackmailing....and so on.
So maybe they are not perfect, but at least JE Hoover is gone, and the extensive Capital Hill investigations into the organization in the 1970's have since inserted new reforms by which this organization is abiding by, right?
I wish I could agree, but alas if we just look at the issue of counter terrorism, we only see failure after failure after failure....1993 WTC, Oklahoma City bombing 1995, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and of course 9/11 just a few yards away from their largest office in the country (NY FBI office, 1100 personnel).
More sinister explanations from the alternative security fraternity is that by using agent provocateurs, the FBI actually organized some of the above mentioned terrorist acts......to reinforce and increase their powers within America for certain vested interest groups in the country (Criminal Jews........you need a dictatorial America that does not ask too many questions for the criminal Jew to succeed), increase government patronage and their sense of importance to the country....heaven forbid, where would the world be without the FBI? Where would South Asia be without the FBI?
And it gets better; according to this Indian paper and other sources it was Indian intelligence which identified the 19 hijackers that allegedly carried out 9/11, which the FBI relied on and used. Now I know that under the BJP from 2000, India moved closer to Israel, and it would be natural for India to "produce" such a list for the FBI. But the question is how would Indian security know for definite the activities of 19 Arabs in far away USA from India, for years and months and come to definite conclusion that they had carried out 9/11....and more logically why would the FBI rely on such a list????
Its what we call the business of obtaining "legitimacy" in the platform of propaganda, and you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Intelligence organizations due to their shady background, and illegal work.................basically you have to be a certified criminal to work in such organizations unless you are a pure analyst. "legitimacy" can be obtained if another foreign source can confirm the "truth"....which is the role India played in 9/11, never mind the high improbability that such guys would clearly and audibly be disclosing their full membership and fraternity over the airwaves for India to over hear.....but who's asking hey?
And so we now have the return of the favor where the FBI, basically sells the Indian narrative about Mumbai 26/11, and covers up Israel's role yet again as they did with 9/11. The FBI investigations gives it a seal of efficacy and truth you see, with all their first world technology which our Indian investigators being a "Slumdog" country cannot gain access to ..........and lo Bangladesh also wants the FBI.........and the Pakistani government........assholes!!!!!
Meanwhile we continue to hear statements that external sources are funding the militants in parts of
(Because the Pakistani military know that the external sources funding Baitullah Mesud is the USA, and others. The Pakistani military know that the USA know that they have full total linkages with the Taliban which creates problems for the USA in Afghanistan and kill USA servicemen, thus its OK given what Pakistan is doing for the USA to back anti-Pakistani Taliban, AND carry out Drone attacks..........its fair game in the circumstances........and dangerous, given the nature of the relationship between Pakistan and the USA security forces.
The best policy is of course for Pakistan to distance itself from the USA, AND not try playing a double game with the USA, where the Pakistan military take billions of $ from the USA......$12 billion so far in the name of fighting terrorism handing over upwards of 650 people whom the ISI employed originally in Afghanistan and innocent Pakistanis, and pretend fighting the Afghan and Pakistan Taliban; BUT at the same time have linkages with these same groups supplying them, and coordinating their action in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In the global IQ league Pakistanis are way down, dumb.....and the Pakistani military should refrain from playing this dangerous double game with the USA of all countries:
Request the USA leave Pakistan totally ......military and security presence.
Stop all linkages and support for the Taliban. The Gulf sponsored American backed effort to consolidate Afghanistan under Pakistani influence from 1994, isn't going to happen again. America and the Gulf states will not support such an effort again the second time........the question is how realistic the the Pakistani top military brass want to be about this fact.)
As the deceit ( The deceit is as much by the Pakistani top military brass as it is by the USA............but Pakistan can lose a lot more if the deceit goes pear shaped) by the state continues, the peace in Swat seems to be holding for the present and the nine points for maintaining this peace that have been given by Sufi Mohammad are interesting because they make demands from both sides. Incidentally, the Taliban have also declared a unilateral ceasefire in Bajaur. Since our rulers look up to the West for almost everything, perhaps they should study the Good Friday Agreement which ended the
(I am afraid one cannot make simple analogies between Northern Ireland problem, and the Afghan/Pakistan/Taliban situation. By the 1990's the IRA had basically been infiltrated, and militarily defeated....with members of the IRA killing each other based on false information being supplied by British intelligence and their agents within the IRA.....up to 50 IRA members were killed by the IRA based on false information from the British agents in the IRA..................
1) The IRA had been fighting for 25 years, and there was sense in that organisation that perhaps it was time to try something different like peace, and the British, and especially MI-6 identified this fact and initiated unofficial peace talks without any commitments.
2) In addition a good deal of the top security people based in Northern Ireland, working for the British government, that were fighting the IRA were killed in an accident.....80/90 of them........so the hard line fraction of the Protestant community who could prevent peace, peace which would make their jobs irrelevant were gone.
3) Labor was elected in 1997, and they were more sympathetic in talking directly with the IRA, AND giving them reasonable concessions in terms of political power sharing, and general role in politics which the IRA leadership Jerry Adams Michael McGinnis could present to the IRA fraternity of 600/700 members.
4) The Protestant majority in Northern Ireland slowly came around to the idea, that perhaps it was time to bury the hatchet, after so many years of conflict, and were encouraged by the devolution progress of Scotland, Wales, AND the increasing affluence of the Republic of Ireland, with ample EU help.......i.e what's the point of fighting when considerable gains could be made through peaceful negotiations for the Protestant majority? They rationalized and used their common sense.
NOW in relation to Afghanistan/Pakistan/Taliban/al-Qaeda, you have far many more actors involved in this problem, with each thinking they are smarter than the other and each thinking they have a fair chance of "winning" if they just stick it out a little longer.
1. The Americans have a stake in the Afghan/Pakistan problem: (i) The Opium--$50--$100 billion worth, which they can't just walk away from.....the insurgency from Pakistan provides them an excuse to stay. (ii) There may be a desire to occupy Pakistan in the future, in the course of creating an empire.....the dream of empire is still there within the top brass of the American military, and political class.
2. Israel.......its quite simple, the Pakistan nukes, a goal of theirs since the 1970's, articulated through the USA, India (BJP especially) and so forth.
3. The British Empire.........a nostalgic desire to recreate the Britisj Raj using the Americans, and more specifically using their agents in America Brezinzski et al..."Grand Chessboard" other such theoretical nonsense about Pax Americana in Central Asia, and the Eurasian landmass.(ii) London is the global center for the laundering of drugs narcotics money, has been since the 18th century, and in that sense Britain has certain"financial" interests in the Afghan/Pakistan problem. In on sense you don't need thousands upon thousands of your troops on the spot to run your narco empire......but certainly in the initial stages as with Bengal in the 18th century and later China, some force locally is useful if you want to make sure you gain the maximum profits, and crowd out competition from likely competitors.
4. Pakistan......some in the top Pakistani military brass feel and think that if they just stick it out, and maintain linkages with the Taliban, that somehow in the future when the Americans are worn out, Pakistan can again regain control of Afghanistan.....so the top Pakistani military brass are playing a dangerous double game with America....not that the Americans are complaining loudly (Do you read about it in the press?)....because the Pakistanis are providing the justification and reason for why the USA needs to be in the region for an indefinite time.
So with so many actors with conflicting interests, very difficult to achieve peace in the Pakistan/Afghan scenario. Pakistan can only achieve some kind of settlement on its side of the border, if a strong administration, disconnected from the USA/UK, decide to deal with the Top brass of the Pakistani military and their hidden agenda's, and (i) Remove all foreign security personnel from Pakistan USA/UK mainly (ii) Destroy all linkages between the Pakistan military and the Taliban (iii) Cut all linkages between the Pakistan military and all radical Islamic groups in Pakistan.(iv) Call America's bluff and tell the world about the reality of al-Qaeda, and the role of the Pakistani military in that fake narrative......thus you remove the justification of America being in the region.
That's a tough call, and you need a strong leader in Pakistan to do that. Is there one like that?
I have excluded Iran, Russia and India from the above list because they don't have direct military presence in Afghanistan, and as a Pakistani one should be wary of becoming jealous each time the USA keeps requesting how India is playing a role in Afghanistan. Note, we should not use chamar logic and mentality, and get angry with India, over this little USA psychological game. The Indians have declined sending troops to Afghanistan.
Coming back to the issue of the Pakistani state’s deception of its own people, the net result is that there is no credibility left. That is why interlocutors like Sufi Mohammed become necessary. If the credibility of the government and the establishment is to be re-established, they must first come clean on the extent of the sovereignty already surrendered to the
( Yes Yes and Yes............How can the Islamic Republic of Pakistan have reasonable relations with the JEWUSA.......you can't.)
Study the history of U.S.-backed regimes – be it in
(So Sharif must do his duty and take power eventually, from Zardari. His political campaign must focus on Zardari only and the increasing ALL APPARENT failure of Zardari's regime.....................some where in the future Sharif must and should succeed over Zardari and his corrupt/criminal regime filled with foreign backed agents; its a matter of time only......this year hopefully.
However in many respects, Zardari is irrelevant once is he removed from power.
The real problem for Sharif and Pakistan generally is the Pakistan military, as briefly explained in very basic metric terms above. So although he must focus verbally on Zardari's failures in government exclsively, which ordinary Pakistanis can relate to, whilst out of power, when Sharif actually comes to power, it is the military he needs to sort out..............and be wary of.
Unfortunately all too many Pakistanis still have a rather quaint romantic view of the Pakistan military (I suppose most people must believe in some thing which is honorable and reliable within Pakistan.....if not the politicians or institutions of state who else?) , and whilst that may be justified for most of the men serving in the Pakistan military, the real problem is the top brass of the Pakistani military. Zardari only came to power less than a year ago, but the real root causes of Pakistan's national problems go back much further preceding Zardaris accent into power..........this root cause of Pakistan's problems were/are caused by the Pakistani military solely, and it is this which Sharif must face and address when he finally ascends power, without talking about it openly.
One final point which I want add is that Sharif in the course of pursuing power does not become a later day ZA Bhutto, against Zardaris "East Pakistanis", 1970 redux. Granted that Sharifs power base is the Punjab and he should have no shame in mobilising this area, but in doing so he should not create animosity with other states in Pakistan, and over play the role of a later day Punjabi nationalist.
Zardari is bad for the Punjab, for Sindh, for Baluchistan, for NWFP, for ALL of Pakistan, and it is this message that Sharif must convey to the WHOLE OF THE COUNTRY.
Good Luck!