Mar 16, 2009

BND und ich.

I landed in Munich Germany without any money, only the clothes on my back, and started wondering the City, after I left the UK in 2002 and Greece in march of 2003. I eventually found some Bangladeshis who very generously offered me lodging, and food. I soon found some work washing dishes at restaurants, and then I enrolled on a German language course.

The Polizei harassment began almost immediately, both physical and psychological with the intelligence present in the background in civilian clothing, wondering around strutting about posing, with a variety of expressions, as if observing some exhibition or game. Most possibly my secret service MI-5 files were passed on to the BND, based in Parlach near Munich, and British advisers from MI-5 most certainly also came over and "trained" them in the British techniques of torture and psychological ops. What I experienced was not that different from what I experienced in the UK, though being gassed was very ironical in Germany, MUNICH.

In addition in the course of my 25 months there, I was stopped 5 different times, and checked for my I.D by the Polizei. There were also mock road blocks by police on bus lines I used..........I say mock road blocks because no actual searches were conducted by the inspecting police; just a show of power.The most dramatic incident however with the Polizei took place at a church.

I was determined to work whilst in Germany, and had not taken any state benefit for a full 15 months and was determined to sustain myself. For me in terms of self dignity and self worth this was be useful to others and to one self......However sometimes it does not quite work out like that, and by May and June of 2005 I was without any money, and literally starving (I went a whole week without food in the richest city in Germany, another irony). So desperate I turned to a social welfare organization for foreigners who advised me that I could get free meals at a church.

I went to the church, self conscious and embarrassed, and joined the queue for food. Mid way through my food, the Polizei arrived and ushered me into their car. Apparently I had been involved in some kind of violence. The young officer who spoke perfect English apologized in terms of his expression, and explained that this is what he had to do.....kind of like following orders. He shrugged his shoulders, and remonstrated with his hand in an Italian like fashion. So there I was on the Volkswagen polo, and as soon as I arrived at the Polizei station a senior police officer said I could go, no questions asked, answered or any follow up. Needless to say I never went back to that church again for food, but found another alternative church where finally I could eat without any problems. My conclusions were that this was "Marienplatz Polizei", and Marienplatz is a place where Jews have their synagogue and congregate, and I assumed the Polizei were behaving in a "Juden Polizei" way when he said, "sorry we are following orders".

In my last 10 months there I lived on state benefit for a considerable period of time, in private rented accommodation paid for by the state. However, although my basic needs were provided for by the state, I could not live in such conditions for ever. I had to find productive work and build a career, and so I applied to some places to teach English. But the job situation even in Munich was bad, and as a result I started thinking about moving out of Germany all together. I had consistently made an effort to establish a career in law, and after 10 years of effort, time and money when I saw no hope in this area, I decided to move on and pursue another equally respectable career, teaching English as second language.

It was a respectable profession. Most of my family were teachers, and you can live, travel, and see many countries with such an occupation. Otherwise in Germany I also was at the receiving end of harassment and at times it was quite quite painful…….(the aura of Nazi Germany had not quite disappeared) They really went for it at times, especially if my writing displeased them. I was writing and faxing my personal ideas to an American source on a variety of political subjects, and other areas. They were using gas and micro-wave to torture and of course the usual psy-ops. My understanding was that in Germany I would never be allowed a regular job, and the best I could hope for was washing dishes, if that (the general environment of washing dishes was so hostile that I didn't last very long in the jobs). In addition the general tenor of the German security was disrespectful….belittling of me as a person in what were often tough times for me in that city.

Since April 2005, after leaving Germany the BND have been following me around the world and continuing with the harassment using the locals. I have no connection with Germany, nothing. My stay with Germany was by accident, as I had plans of working in another country but couldn't. Thus whilst being constructive, I never picked up the German language and bothered to learn it, or develop any friends whilst there. There was no emotional attachment to the country, and the negative treatment did not help matters.

However the BND has shown considerable dog like interest in me. In fact a bit too much interest. Now I could understand this if I was writing quite a lot about Germany, politically, or belonged to a certain political party in Germany but of course the pure truth is that such things don't apply to me. Presumably its not about eggs whatever symbolically that may hold for them..........this is not the BND's area or concern anyway. My only conclusion, in the absence of clear answers is taking the "Juden Polizei" analogy and that the BND is "performing" for the Jew. That since 1945, the German nation has been infused with huge amounts of guilt of the Holocaust, and that as part of the repayment of this Holocaust crime Germany must pay the Jew reparations and debts.

Again its not my problem, and not my concern what self inflicted guilt and punishments the German nation imposes on itself....its their choice. I do however have a problem if the Jew uses the German state apparatus to get at me for some ill-defined unlawful reason. And that in the course of serving the Jew agenda the BND break the law in the course of harassing me, whilst encouraging others to do so along the way.


Jew codes and their dogs

Germany. Code Number 3. Probably working for European Jewry.................objective is destruction and finished in Switzerland. Switzerland and Zurich is the financial center of Jew money in Europe......and therefore from a ritualistic Jew perspectives the most appropriate place.

South Korea. Code number 3...........working for New York Jews. Dogs, T-shirts, and books are the other symbolic codes

Japan. Code number 7/11/24 ..........working for the London Jew.

London Jew. Code number 5................put in a oil drum with spent nuclear fuel, and sent to the bottom of the North Sea.

The dogs who are playing these Jew games are few, and from security. They are not representative of the overall people in those countries. Though it doesn't stop these dogs from waving the flag in the name of illegality. Most Germans are good honest people; Most Koreans are good honest people; most Japanese are good honest people, and finally most people in the UK are good honest people, as stated from personal experience and time in these countries.


What is it all about?

Male ego, male envy, simple racism......because if I was an ethnic English I would not be going through this.

Covering all these human foibles and exploiting the competing emotions is the Jew with his own set of agenda's.

The Jew constitutes only 0.2 % of the world population. And yet his local rabbi has told them that the earth his theirs to inherit, as the "chosen people". But how do you inherit the earth, if you are only 0.2% of the world population..........simple you create competition between groups and get them to destroy each other, and after the destruction you step in and take control. Pure and simple.


German Nazism (funded by Jewish Bankers)


The Soviet Union (funded by Jewish bankers)

10 million Germans killed 1940---47.

60 million Soviets killed 1918---1991.

Germany is now totally run by Jews, and that is speaking from personal experience.

Most of the key former Soviet Union states are run by Jews (Ukraine Russia), and again speaking from personal experience. So good are the Jews in Russia, that that country will cease to exist in 60-70 years.

So where do I come into all this?

Imagine that as a Jew on the serious business of taking over the world, hatch schemes which take many decades and careful planning to take shape, with not an inconsiderable financial investment in such schemes in addition. Take Hitler for example (see previous posts), it is alleged he was identified by the Jews in Germany as a future tool of their schemes as early as 1919 (full 20 years before WWII), whilst still others maintain that he was identified and propagated by the Jews even earlier........then all that careful grooming, and finance to achieve his objective, which was to launch a genocidal war against the Soviet people, whilst simultaneously destroying Germany in the process.

How can I say this without being egotistical.

What if through my "unique" experiences in life, to an extent by considerable education, and the chance company of certain good peoples opinions (mainly in the UK), I am able to decipher the schemes code shall we say if not of the world, then at least for South Asia, the area that I was born in and originally come from, and to which I have certain emotional attachments, naturally.

And this ......."skill" for some Jews with big ideas is too much, too too much, for have not their local rabbi since they were children promised them the earth? And hence the bizarre illegal antics and surveillance around me, since 1985.