Mar 13, 2009

The sad state of American affairs.


You can be a dual citizen Israeli-American holding sensitive positions in government, such as in the Pentagon with a checkered past, conducting all manner of illegalities, determining where and when America commits to war, BUT if you as a pure American and are not part of this group, and there is a mere whiff of "doubt" about an appointee as to where their loyalty lies, they are rejected outright.....through the malicious machinery of the Jew lying machine.

America is subverted. American interests are subverted.

America is a puppet of a little country in the Middle East, and its not Kuwait.

America is a puppet of Israel, and especially of its most extremist elements, who through operations like 9/11, carried out by Israel ostensibly, basically run America.

So Mr. FREEMAN how will America regain its "freedom" eventually, as surely as you must know, the path of Israel as "follow my leader" is a certain path to the destruction of America? Articles in the WSJ aren't going to shame these creatures, and prevent this eventuality.


The Tactics Of the Israel Lobby

By Charles Freeman in Information Clearing House.

March 11, 2009 "WSJ" -- -To all who supported me or gave me words of encouragement during the controversy of the past two weeks, you have my gratitude and respect.

You will by now have seen the statement by Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair reporting that I have withdrawn my previous acceptance of his invitation to chair the National Intelligence Council.

I have concluded that the barrage of libelous distortions of my record would not cease upon my entry into office. The effort to smear me and to destroy my credibility would instead continue. I do not believe the National Intelligence Council could function effectively while its chair was under constant attack by unscrupulous people with a passionate attachment to the views of a political faction in a foreign country. I agreed to chair the NIC to strengthen it and protect it against politicization, not to introduce it to efforts by a special interest group to assert control over it through a protracted political campaign.

(So how will his replacement be viewed? Israel's puppet? How will his opinions and decisions be viewed? Impartial work of the highest caliber that meets the genuine needs of American security interests?)

As those who know me are well aware, I have greatly enjoyed life since retiring from government. Nothing was further from my mind than a return to public service. When Admiral Blair asked me to chair the NIC I responded that I understood he was "asking me to give my freedom of speech, my leisure, the greater part of my income, subject myself to the mental colonoscopy of a polygraph, and resume a daily commute to a job with long working hours and a daily ration of political abuse." I added that I wondered "whether there wasn't some sort of downside to this offer." I was mindful that no one is indispensable; I am not an exception. It took weeks of reflection for me to conclude that, given the unprecedentedly challenging circumstances in which our country now finds itself abroad and at home, I had no choice but accept the call to return to public service. I thereupon resigned from all positions that I had held and all activities in which I was engaged. I now look forward to returning to private life, freed of all previous obligations.

I am not so immodest as to believe that this controversy was about me rather than issues of public policy. These issues had little to do with the NIC and were not at the heart of what I hoped to contribute to the quality of analysis available to President Obama and his administration. Still, I am saddened by what the controversy and the manner in which the public vitriol of those who devoted themselves to sustaining it have revealed about the state of our civil society. It is apparent that we Americans cannot any longer conduct a serious public discussion or exercise independent judgment about matters of great importance to our country as well as to our allies and friends.

(Yes, indeed so. How did invading Iraq benefit America? How did invading Iraq strengthen America's security domestically? Did it win more American allies in that region or around the world? Did this adventure make the American military battle hardened, and more powerful? Did this war cost the American exchequer a couple of trillion $, bankrupting the American economy? Did it lead to cheap oil? Was Saddam a threat to America? Did Saddam possess WMD's that threatened the neighborhood AND America?

What is the moral province of killing 1.2 million people and making another 4 million homeless, through lies, deceit, and falsehood in another country? What is the morality of destroying another country using lies, deceit, and falsehoods of a manipulating third party over America?

And Afghanistan? There are many ways America could have influenced Afghan governments without smashing and invading the country. The Opium business has soared to 800 tons per annum under American occupation, and is exported to Europe and America which fuels misery and crime in your society and as a moral American does one justify this? The endless civilian casualties in Afghanistan from the security actions. The destabilisation of neighboring Pakistan. The maintenance of a failed narco state where the greatest gangsters in the land rule the roost outside of Kabul, only because they are anti-Taliban and pro-American....and so the majority of Afghans want the Americans to leave, and don't mind if the Taliban come back into power------which of course is not a solution {the Taliban}

.....GWOT is fake, and OBL is probably dead, al-Qaeda doesn't exist, and the Taliban are a creation of the Pakistan military with the approval of Clinton's America. A few criminalised Jewish Americans might benefit from all this but certainly not the majority of Americans.......a just war certainly not.)

The libels on me and their easily traceable email trails show conclusively that there is a powerful lobby determined to prevent any view other than its own from being aired, still less to factor in American understanding of trends and events in the Middle East. The tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth. The aim of this Lobby is control of the policy process through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views, the substitution of political correctness for analysis, and the exclusion of any and all options for decision by Americans and our government other than those that it favors.

There is a special irony in having been accused of improper regard for the opinions of foreign governments and societies by a group so clearly intent on enforcing adherence to the policies of a foreign government – in this case, the government of Israel. (Obviously, but I suppose different standards apply to them, and this is a result of the weakness of gentile Americans towards Jews)I believe that the inability of the American public to discuss, or the government to consider, any option for US policies in the Middle East opposed by the ruling faction in Israeli politics has allowed that faction to adopt and sustain policies that ultimately threaten the existence of the state of Israel. It is not permitted for anyone in the United States to say so. This is not just a tragedy for Israelis and their neighbors in the Middle East; it is doing widening damage to the national security of the United States.

(Ceaseless wars, and an expanding defense budget; bankrupt economy; NAFTA WAS A GREAT IDEA of the Jews to control under one umbrella the whole of North America with Mexico, but I suppose with what is happening with Mexico now, the open border policy does not with NAFTA seem such a good Jew idea.........that maybe being proud and aggressive about being American without interfering with the affairs of other nations is not such a bad idea that perhaps America might try one day.)

The outrageous agitation that followed the leak of my pending appointment will be seen by many to raise serious questions about whether the Obama administration will be able to make its own decisions about the Middle East and related issues. I regret that my willingness to serve the new administration has ended by casting doubt on its ability to consider, let alone decide what policies might best serve the interests of the United States rather than those of a Lobby intent on enforcing the will and interests of a foreign government.

(The Democrats have always been the Jewish party of America, and is the reason why 80% of Jews voted Democrat that way. Generally the most pro-Israel policy are adopted when the Democrats are in power.........Bush Junior to a certain extent with his deference to Israel broke that record.....AND so we have especially since Clinton, then Bush and now Obama five highly pro-Israel administrations........such administrations with such behavior attracts certain types of relationships with Israel inevitably, and then what you see is the ensuing arrogance of the Israelis viz "Realist" and "traditional" American foreign policy------How do you break this trend as a WASP American for America? Well you need to talk, and articulate your opinion to the relevant circles in America clearly, without doubt or shame.....and then organise with like minded WASPs, and be ready for a long struggle, and a revolution in Capital Hill.)

In the court of public opinion, unlike a court of law, one is guilty until proven innocent. The speeches from which quotations have been lifted from their context are available for anyone interested in the truth to read. The injustice of the accusations made against me has been obvious to those with open minds. Those who have sought to impugn my character are uninterested in any rebuttal that I or anyone else might make.

(These creatures are experts in this area, and they have ample experience against numerous others within America.........A Congressman maybe who did not toe their line; maybe a journalist; maybe an academic; maybe a senior officer in the armed forces.............and so on and so you are in an ethnic struggle with these creatures, and for this you must find friends and compatriots with whom you can share your ideas, and with whom you can organise with without any confusion or misunderstanding of intentions relayed through the antics of third parties of the Jew)

Still, for the record: I have never sought to be paid or accepted payment from any foreign government, including Saudi Arabia or China, for any service, nor have I ever spoken on behalf of a foreign government, its interests, or its policies. I have never lobbied any branch of our government for any cause, foreign or domestic. I am my own man, no one else's, and with my return to private life, I will once again – to my pleasure – serve no master other than myself. I will continue to speak out as I choose on issues of concern to me and other Americans.

(One can be a friend of Saudi Arabia, and China and still be totally loyal to America as an American citizen. So what? One cannot be a dual citizen of Israel and America and still remain loyal to America. The "International Jew" as Henry Ford termed them can never be loyal citizens of America.

It is not so much the friendship with Saudi and China that mattered to the Jew, as the independence of thinking which ruffled the Jew about you. The Jew requires for his master plan, pliant obedient mediocre somewhat stupid autonomatons who will do their bidding without any questions being asked)

I retain my respect and confidence in President Obama and DNI Blair. Our country now faces terrible challenges abroad as well as at home. Like all patriotic Americans, I continue to pray that our president can successfully lead us in surmounting them.

(Now that is being optimistic Chuck)