
The poor, poor proud noble Pashtuns, the descendants of Sher Shah and Sher Afghani, and many many more, disenfranchised and out of power in Kabul after dominating Afghanistan for more than a 1,000 years, since 2001. Being harassed by alien hostile occupation forces from the other side of the world, treating them with dishonor and disgrace, exploiting their country for their narcotics trade, and the benefits of a few criminals in the UK and the USA.

In Kabul there is a puppet American government made up of the usual criminals and bandits the Americans feel at home with, and where sadly the only "hope" and "salvation" for the Pashtuns is a return to power of the Taliban, the illegal medieval fifth column entity created by the USA through the services of Pakistan from 1994, and run by the Pakistan military..................for the Americans as a casus belli for neo-imperial criminal adventurism as the "controlled opposition".
And the situation for the Pashtuns in Pakistan?
They too, all too many of them are being attacked by the Pakistan army, in collaboration with with the USA, using Pakistani military bases. For ever since independence this noble race has been neglected by the Pakistan government, and now the final act of the Pakistan government in collaboration with the Americans, much like East Pakistan in 1971, are inflicting suffering on this noble people........in pursuit of their geo-strategic agendas in this area.
Surely the division of Pakistan must follow, since the Pashtuns will not forgive and forget this slight by the Pakistani central government operating as extensions of the Americans.
An Empty Tribal Belt? Pakistan Is Betraying Its Proud Tribesmen
The proud tribesmen of Pakistan, those who beat the English and the Russians and fought their way to liberate half of the Indian occupied Kashmir are now facing an American conspiracy and a Pakistani complacency.
(That there is an American strategy there is no doubt, related to narcotics and other things...."The Grand Chessboard" Brzezinski, "Arc of Crisis" , since the 1970's and Bernard Lewis.......UK/London Narcotics-neo-imperialism interests, and the continuation of the British empire Opium trade from the 19th century onwards etc.
but Ahmed you say "complacency" of Pakistanis, which Pakistanis and what complacency? Unless you are a complete idiot.............in Pakistan if not the world you should know that the Pakistani army has been battling the Taliban in the NWFP for the last couple of years at the behest of America, and America has been using some Pakistani bases to attack Pakistani civilians mainly. Thats what the billions of $ worth of American military aid is meant for presumably.
In addition your hero Busharaf, dedications of whom adorn your site, carried out his private jehad using Arabs and other Sunni foreign nationals against Pashtun Shia's in various parts of the NWFP, and Northern Territories in the late 1980's and 1990's, another good reason to charge Busharaf with treason.........the ethnic cleansing of the Pastuns in certain areas has both Pashtun ethnic dimensions and Shia/Sunni dimensions.

So Ahmed there is no complacency on the part of the Pakistan military which has created this tragedy and mess with the Pakistani Pashtuns, but merely more bad judgment and traitorous behavior of a few top brass in the Pakistan military in taking the American advice, and $ and military aid.......these criminal top brass in the Pakistan military sacrificed the dignity and integrity of Pakistan for the sake of misguided wrong American advice.................the real tragedy is that they are still taking orders from the Americans after all this failure.

But Ahmed you are an ISI/Pak military media front, so you use semantics and evasive language of otherwise all too obvious facts that nearly all Pakistanis are familiar with, except you as a so called articulate informed journalist.........The Pakistan military determine all security issues in Pakistan; the Pakistan military created the Taliban and still control it; the Pakistan military take their best advice from the Americans.....and that's the tragedy.....and mystery)
American Afghan blunders have resulted in expelling the proud Pakistani tribesmen from their homes and turned almost half a million of them into refugees in their own country.

(Only indirectly through the actions of the Pakistan military, allowing such things on Pakistani soil, and previous Pakistani military incited conflict in that area funding training and arming Sunni radical groups and criminals............you can't seriously be suggesting the Americans are directly attacking 500,000 Pakistani Pashtun civilians......causing them all to leave their homes)
If this wasn’t enough, here the Pakistani authorities comes to treat them as animals in the ‘tent cities’ built for them near Peshawar.
And then come the Americans and the Indians to spread literature encouraging the Pashtun to demand a separate homeland called Pashtunistan.
(Like you mean 1971 East Pakistan............? The Pakistan military can assist this separation process by dusting off their operational manuals from 1971 East Pakistan, or they can try something radically different)
PakNationalists Group have been explaining to Pakistanis, with original reporting and informed analysis, how Pakistan’s tribal belt was peaceful until 2005, and how ‘non-state actors’ in Washington DC have used the Afghan soil to create, arm and sustain insurgencies inside Pakistan that run from the Chinese-built Gwadar port in the south to the Chinese border in the north. The suicide bombings, the attacks and the destabilization is punishment for Pakistan for supporting the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan and for insisting to stick to Kashmir against the wishes of India, Washington’s new regional slave-soldier.

(Who is Washington's true regional "slave soldier" in South Asia Ahmed .....India?
Does India allow any American bases on her soil?
Does India take any military aid from the USA?
Has India sent any regular army soldiers to Afghanistan despite repeated American requests?

Does India send its best cadets and senior officers to be "trained" in the USA?
Ahmed can you name the vast quantities of military hardware in the Indian military machine from the USA, donated free or otherwise?
Which country Ahmed participated in "Operation Cyclone" for the USA?
Which country, more than any other Muslim country helped America create the al-Qaeda myth Ahmed?

Is you is, or is you ain't America's slave soldier? "yes massa, yes massa.........yes massa!"
Which country created the Taliban for the Clinton administration from 1994 Ahmed?
Which country Ahmed handed over 650 mostly innocent people to the USA in a fake GWOT war Ahmed?

OR IS PAKISTAN THE REAL BADMASH SHAITAAN "SLAVE SOLDIER" FOR America?......which has four or more bases in Pakistan being used by the Americans, one of them to attack Pakistan Pashtuns, and the other to attack Iran, and Jundullah? The Pakistan which takes American military aid. The Pakistan military which consults and follows the orders of the Americans. Acha sahib! Acha Sahib! Acha Sahib!)

Is you is, or is you ain't America's slave soldier? "yes massa, yes massa.........yes massa!"
The anti-Pakistan insurgencies hide behind the covered faces of the so-called Pakistani Taliban who receive money and weapons from Afghanistan. (With whom your Pak military did a deal for peace recently lest we forget, against the American wishes)Now the Americans want to expand the process of more and more Pakistani tribesmen leaving their homes and escaping deeper inside Pakistan. The suspicion is that Washington wants to create a buffer zone between the U.S.-occupied Afghanistan and, a zone inhabited by no one. All Pakistani tribes pushed out. The strategy is working. The number of these Pakistanis who have become refugees inside their own country is nearing half a million.
(Which the Pakistan military is assisting.........to what end is this objective?)
Pakistani media and journalists are playing an unfortunate role in helping the Americans by focusing on failed Pakistani politicians and their power games that are diverting the attention of the Pakistani public opinion from the important issue of the plight of these brave Pakistani tribesmen and how our government is silently abetting the Americans in humiliating them.

(Now we are talking about a different matter. Zardari and Sharif aren't responsible for the mess with the Taliban since 1994, in the NWFP more recently........this is purely a Pakistan military problem of their own making in listening to and being naive about bad faith American advice about "strategic depths" etc Busharaf 9 years in power in the critical years when it mattered, where he could have managed the situation better.

So which one of these jokers looks like and behaves like or at least a little like Sher Shah; Allauddin Khilji ; Mahmud Tuglaq, Mehmud Ghauri, Babur or Akbar even.
I think what is happening in Pakistani politics is good, its murky, dirty and in the end good where Chaudri is reinstated, and Sharif gets Punjab back under his control....this is what democracy is about............people agitate,.............protest......mobilize around issues.......for you as an ISI/PAK military front journo this looks "unstable" but this is POLITICS..........as long as innocent people don't get hurt.

Obviously given the recent developments the Pakistan media is going to be focused on that rather than the Pashtuns and their plight, sad though that is...........and through the progress and "evolution" of the Pakistani politics maybe we can finally have solutions to the Pashtun plight and problem)
I wrote recently in The News that Pakistan needs a Putin, a Pakistani nationalist who loves his homeland and his people and who is ruthless enough to do what’s right for all of us and for the homeland and liberate it from the clutches of the stooges of the Americans and the Brits. I hope he comes before it’s too late.
I am sure such a figure will emerge out of Pakistans present population, but I doubt it will be a figure from the corrupt and worthless ISI, which operates as an annex to American geostrategy in the reason.
You and their type are perfectly happy taking $10 billions of American military/ economic aid and working around American geostrategy in the region, but jump up and down and cry foul when such policies naturally destabilize Pakistan.........................how stupid. Do you think such generosity was because Jew America "loves" Pak---i----stan, the Islamic Republic?
I mean well Ahmed, harsh barrack room banter aside.....its being more open and direct, an expression of well intentioned frustration, genuine concern, passion and feeling, no more. I don't have to write about Pakistan generating the ire and sufferings of certain quarters. But I want to. I expressed the same things, almost the same issues with Farook Rana in the early eighties as a school student...........where I met official arrogance and down right we are always right stupidity. My advice is Pak...............there are no hidden 300 levels of meaning. That it is good for the whole nation if what I say is considered and heeded.
We need a major change in the Pak military game plan for Pakistan, or its bye bye Pakistan.
Finally I am not a Pakistani, but you as a young journo must see the problems where they really are if you can, and be honest to yourself and your audience. The solution lies first with the military, that huge organized force in Pakistani society of 800,000 men backed by paramilitary of 300,000.............once that is sorted out, we can start talking about responsible civilian governments.