Into his 7th month of Presidency President Trump finally met President Putin.
It should have been his first foreign leader meeting, outside of the USA, but due to the faggotty GLOBALIST CIA taking directions from Pizzagate Podesta and the DNC, it became politically impossible for Trump to do what was naturally the RIGHT THING to do ....along the process of fixing America to make it great again.
There was nothing to be gained by eye-balling Russia in Syria, over a few grains of sand in the troubled Middle East.
The GLOBALIST CIA and Hillary would have gained by turning Syria into a potential WWIII flashpoint.....otherwise Syria is an unremarkable, unimportant country in the global strategic picture of the USA. Let Russia keep its only Arab ally and outpost. ........out of 57 Muslim majority countries, let Russia have one, and the USA 54, run by CIA installed dogs. Russia 1 USA 54...IS THAT SO BAD????
Syria isn't the most important country in the 57 nations.....Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Egypt...and Saudi Arabia. Most of these 'important' countries are CIA run foot kissers of the USA. Iran should be on that list run by the Shah, but the GLOBALIST FAGGOT CIA toppled the Shah 1977--1979, and installed the politically illiterate and naive mullahs who 'magically' came to power without a single mullah being killed.
The Globalist faggot CIA listened to a British superspy, named Bernard Lewis, embedded at Princeton University and it is he who coined the term, 'Clash of Civilisation'...later to be copied and echoed by Professor Samuel Huntington, with an American accent....from the 1970's. Then the CIA TOPPLED the Shah.
Then we had the Taliban 1994, 'al-CIA-duh'1996 in Afghanistan......allegedly from Afghanistan and his cave... 9/11 by the CIA/Pentagon and ISIS.
at antiwar.com
After months of anticipation, President Trump finally held his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Trump described the meeting as going well, saying they “had some very, very good talks.”

Putin was quick to deny that any such meddling took place, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that one senior White House official conceded that despite months of investigation into the allegations not a single fact has emerged.
White House officials didn’t confirm any such concession publicly, and insisted that President Trump didn’t believe Putin when he denied meddling in the election. Such allegations began roughly a year ago, and quickly became the centerpiece of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, which claimed Putin was plotting to get Trump elected.
Ultimately, however, the first meeting went off without any big scandals emerging, lasting over two hours despite Melania Trump’s efforts to break it up, and the two leaders were said to have “good chemistry” with one another, suggesting that to the extent it is politically possible for Trump to meet Putin, there is still a possibility to ease tensions between the two nations.