Jul 13, 2018

World Peace? Taking Global Civilization to the next level??


According to the above gossip, Angela Merkel has illegal property in Paraguay gifted to her by the Globalists who control her and through her, Germany.

Why did George Bush and Angela Merkel Buy Land in Paraguay ...

The Bushes are closely linked to the Jewish Hitler project, and it is believed that they eventually managed most of the illegal stolen Nazi Gold, from Europe and ASIA.

The Bushes are believed to be crypto-Jews originally from Germany (Busch).

The Bushes organised 9/11 through Dick Cheney, so it is alleged, with Saudi help.

The Saudis are believed to be crypto-Jews, and this explains Saudi Arabia's close security relationship with ISRAEL, and the House of Saud with the House of Busch.

As  to global dominance...I think in the 'Post-Industrial' modern world its not going to be achieved by military might....'Here is my AR-15 and aircraft carrier...CIA/special forces intrigues....OBEY ME!!!!!!!!'

Modern global power will be wielded by REAL economic power, soft power and the power of ideas along with scientific engineering technology.

The USA is a paper economy whilst many other economies are REAL PRODUCTIVE ECONOMIES which are not based on speculative digits in the stock market.

According to the CIA/WB/IMF:

China's industrial base is about $10 trillion whilst that of the USA is about $4 trillion.

China's policy is Win-Win international cooperation, and not unnecessary aggression and confrontation.

The USA's policy seems to hegemonic Imperialism, using the might of the USA's military and the lesson plans from the Korean war, Vietnam war, Afghan war and Iraq.....