The mullahs of Iran, installed by the CIA in 1979 (did anybody think that illiterate mullahs could take over a modern country by themselves) .....must not play THIRD WORLD POPULIST POLITICS, with the lives and economic welfare of Iran. They must not borrow slogans from CIA Saddam ...........and thus...سرانجام سرنوشت و عدالت کریمی
US had extensive contact with Ayatollah Khomeini before Iran ...
Iran has suffered enough under the CIA mullahs from the medieval era policies...
....to be PC correct in mullah Iran you have to have an Arabic face and an Arabian name....especially if you are applying for a government job........just as most of the Arab world led by Saudi Arabia bey for the blood of Iran through an attack by the USA....AND Israel (They will host airbases for them).
To be Persian genetically and in name is a sin in CIA mullah Iran.(The Globalist HYPER-SENSITIVE ABOUT RACE/ETHNICITY Jew is offended that there are Aryans in the land of the Aryans.......how can this be!!!!?????)
5,000,000 educated and skilled Iranians have been chased out of Iran by the CIA mullah puppets.......along with $1,500,000,000,000 of their assets.(Do you think this has harmed the economy????)
AND OF-COURSE THE CIA Mullah puppets adopt Neo-Liberal economic policies that hurt ordinary powerless Iranians. Neo-Liberal economic policies that were formulated by the Chicago School of Economics...and Professor Milton Friedman. ...in the 1960's and 1970's and unleashed as a testing ground in Chile, after the CIA conducted a coup in the country.
Neo-liberal Economic policies only help one group of people-----Wall Street.
It is a covert form of economic warfare in favor of the well connected elite class of the USA.
President Donald J Trump is in the process of dismantling this ideology in America, without using Saddam like SLOGAN'S....
Neo-Liberal economic policies which are now being implemented by the Rohani government IN IRAN AND RUSSIA...... ARE WORSE THAN AMERICAN SANCTIONS.
Neo-Liberal economic policies is American sabotage of the Iranian economy by stealth.
What you do is adopt the economic policies of Nazi Germany (1933--1945) and the Soviet Union (1928--41).........minus the GLOBALIST BANKSTER POLITICS......and WARS!!!
Demand side economics, autarky and self reliance.......(heavy debt based government expenditure on INFRASTRUCTURE/INDUSTRY/EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE.....extremely non-inflationary development)
SO...................the mullahs must stop making threats, and negotiate with President Trump directly. They must negotiate a new deal. As CIA puppets this may be hard to do, but then again if North Korea can then why not Iran???
Trump Says Ready to Make ‘A Real Deal’ With Iran
Says 'Iran is not the same country anymore'
During his speech in Kansas City on Tuesday, President Trump said he is “ready to make a real deal” with Iran, adding that “Iran is not the same country anymore.” He also said this new deal would not be like the “disaster” deal made by the Obama Administration.

The statement comes just two days after President Trump’s bellicose Tweet threatening Iran with “consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.” Speculation was that this was an attempt to replicate the US strategy in North Korea, where threats were followed with successful diplomacy.
Yet Iran and North Korea are clearly dramatically different situations, not the least of which because Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons, or a nuclear arms program to dismantle.
Willingness to negotiate at all with Iran is a substantial difference in Trump Administration position, however.
Willingness to negotiate at all with Iran is a substantial difference in Trump Administration position, however.
Trump’s position that Iran is “not the same country anymore” is also a significant one, even if he didn’t elaborate in this speech. In previous comments, Trump has suggested Iran shows the US more respect since he withdrew from the P5+1 nuclear deal.
This could be a significant long-term aspect of Trump’s position on Iran, if he feels that presenting Iran’s behavior as improving is important to defending his decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal. When the president feels that a deal would vindicate his past policies, he seems much more eager to make such deals.