Jul 31, 2018

President Trump offers to talk to Iran, face to face.

President Trump generously and magnanimously has offered to talk to Iran, without ANY pre-conditions. 

This is despite the fierce opposition from the Deep State, and especially the Neocons inside the USA.

President Trump generously, and with courage offers the hand of friendship with Iran.

The mullahs of Iran installed by the CIA IN 1979, under a Globalist Rothschild based master plan of PROMOTING Islamic Fundamentalism in the 1970's, first mooted in the USA at Princeton University by Bernard Lewis, the British super agent of the FCO.

AND implemented by the GLOBALIST Carter administration, and specifically the Polish emigre Zbig Brzezinski who had a violent hatred for Russia (Poles traditionally hate Russia..... Catholic verse Eastern Orthodox Christian thing going back 1000 years......and his ancestral home was in Eastern Poland, land later annexed by Stalin and latched on to Ukraine in 1945????).....anyway all this GLOBALIST high games had very little to do with the true interests of the USA.

Replace a USA puppet Shah who was very obedient, and well behaved to the point where Nixon promoted the Shah as the Police man of the Persian Gulf.............with what? .....crazy mullahs?? Obviously not.

What is the Economic loss to the USA in terms of trade and jobs between 1979----2018? $1 trillion, $2 trillion.....???? with Iran. The strategic loss??? The psychological loss??? 

The CIA mullahs must take up this generous offer from the President of the lone super-power in the world, offered to a Third World Third rate CORRUPT theocracy run my illiterate mullahs. 

The CIA mullahs should consider themselves LUCKY.

RUSSIA has taken the offer of negotiations, and indeed has accelerated this unique OPPORTUNITY by inviting President Trump to Moscow, and away from the Global media.

Likewise North Korea has also taken up the generous offer.


The mullahs should not feign faux indignancy with a few tweets, and subsequent remarks from The Trump Presidency. The mullahs should understand politics---what is useful for domestic politics and International high stakes politics.

  • Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's son Ahmed negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Paris in 1980. What is the October surprise???

  • Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's son Ahmed and other mullahs negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Paris in 1980's  ..........about weapons to Iran. What is the Iran/Contra conspiracy???

  • Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Italy in 1991 about CIA Saddam's Iraq. 

  • Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Clinton cabal in Oman in the 1990's about the CIA backed Taliban.
  • Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Clinton cabal in Oman in the 1990's about how to repatriate the Shah's billions frozen/stolen by Western banks and corporations. 

  • Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Oman in 2001 about how to cooperate and manage post Taliban Afghanistan.

  • Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Italy/Oman/Amman in 2003/4/5/6/7/8/9 about how to cooperate and manage post CIA Saddam ..........Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Shout the Iranians and Americans together...why don't you guys send in 1000 of your Quds Brigade to Iraq....why they can bunk with our boys if they need a place! 
We'll pay for everything! The Pentagon is good at that sort of Thang.

The mullahs must do what Russia and North Korea are doing, and not act like shy indignant hard to get coy 15 year old girl's.

The CIA mullahs must stop having covert meetings with the USA.

This could be the first OFFICIAL meeting in 41 years between the leaders of Iran and the USA.

For President Trump I respectfully request that the full spectrum of relations between the two nations be grasped so that we better understand where we are at and how it arrived here....from the illegal CIA coup against the Democratically elected and populist government of Mossaddegh in 1953, and the imposition of a very nasty police state there after under the CIA/MOSSAD trained SAVAK, and the subsequent CIA coup and the imposition of the mullahs under a bizarre GLOBALIST PLAN from Londonistan. (with intense covert cooperation on-going ever since as briefly described above)

We ALSO hope and pray that the USA and President Trump is not seriously touting a MARXIST TERRORIST GROUP MEK to replace the mullahs in Iran. 

'The history of the MeK stretches back to the 1960s, when it was founded by a group of Iranian students who opposed the shah and espoused an ideology that mixed Shiism—particularly the cult of martyrdom—and Marxism. Along with the group’s anti-regime sentiment came a hefty dose of anti-imperialism and hatred of the United States and Israel. Some of its members trained in PLO camps in Lebanon and Jordan.

From the outset, the group advocated violence. Among the MeK’s many terrorist operations in the 1970s were bombings and shootings directed against American military personnel stationed in Iran—three U.S. colonels were killed during this period, as were three contractors. There was an attempted kidnapping of the U.S. ambassador to Iran, an assassination attempt against the general heading the U.S. military mission, as well as attacks against Iranian facilities belonging to General Motors, Shell Oil, Pepsi, Pan Am Airlines and others. When the revolution occurred, the MeK joined forces with the religious hard-liners looking to overthrow the regime. The group supported the takeover of the U.S. embassy in November 1979, and, according to some eyewitnesses, MeK members took part.
Jack Turner
.......the bizarre and brutal Mujahidin e-Khalq (MeK), an Iranian resistance group that helped launch the Islamic revolution and then fell out with the Tehran regime. The MeK has plenty of American blood on its hands, as well as that of thousands of Iranians killed while the group was a strike force serving Saddam Hussein in the 1980s and '90s.'

MICHAEL HIRSH Politico 2016.

The good people of Iran have suffered enough under 40 years of CIA mullah rule already, with no less than 5 million of the most educated leaving the country. We hope for once the USA state no longer plans further harm to be inflicted on the good people of Iran, who have not historically  done anything bad against the USA......THROUGH SUCH EXTREMIST GROUPS.....installed and shouting new pedantic repetitive CIA scripted slogans.

"Long live the glorious revolution! Long live Comrade Marx........down with the Imperialist Capitalist USA pigs!!!!"
Image result for cia protest slogans in english egypt
No pre-conditions against Russia negotiations.

No pre-conditions against North Korea negotiations.

No pre-conditions against Taliban negotiations.

AND, so no pre-conditions against CIA mullah Iran negotiations.  


Jul 28, 2018

Robert Mueller is a Deep State GLOBALIST cover-up operative


There is No Collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, headed now by 17 (increased from 13, including an Obama White House lawyer) Angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the Witch Hunt is an illegal Scam!

Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend..

....Also, why is Mueller only appointing Angry Dems, some of whom have worked for Crooked Hillary, others, including himself, have worked for Obama....And why isn’t Mueller looking at all of the criminal activity & real Russian Collusion on the Democrats side-Podesta, Dossier?

Robert Swan Mueller III

As the name suggests Mueller is a Deep State operative......who has been groomed by the Deep State since the 1960's. He is their star.

His crimes?

We will focus on the big ones. But we must be cautioned to the fact that a certified member of the Deep State can commit many crimes inside the USA and still not face prosecution. This is why many of them appear so sure of themselves.

Synonyms for confident

adj certain, assured

1. As head of FBI he covered up the crimes of the Deep State in the mass murder of 3,000 American civilians on 9/11, inside the USA.

As head of the 'Premier law enforcement agency' in the world he surely would have known who did 9/11, rather than come up with FAKE ones a few days after without any thorough investigations. 

As its head he would have been legally obligated to pursue the REAL perpetrators, since failure to do so would mean that these criminals could repeat the crime again, again and again.....safe in the knowledge that they wouldn't be touched by the FBI.

The crime of 9/11 was certainly not committed by 19 Ay-raabs armed with box-cutters. In their 20's mostly, illiterate, cocaine junkies, CIA employees who in perfect synchronicity hijacked 4 commercial planes.....hopped into the cockpit of an extremely complex computerized machine...and then using the Play Station joystick and ALONE without the aid of co-pilots and navigators....carried out complex maneuvers to go-off course to that which had been programmed in the planes computer....and crashed the planes ON target...whilst the rest of the pilots, co-pilots, navigators and passengers just passively watched.

Noble Americans scared shitless with inactivity by Ay--rab box-cutters. 

You see folks these 19 CIA patsies albeit illiterate and cocaine aadald----somehow could reprogram the computer of an advanced commercial jet----------cuss they can .....ok, and, and.....and fly em all over the NE without alerting the $1,500,000,000,000 trillion security Leviathan (NORAD) of the USA (Chalmers Johnson) and fly thems birds without ANY PRIOR EXPERIENCE OF FLYING COMMERCIAL PLANES...........and without any co-pilots or navigators. 

Unless they never got on the plane in the first place.

Or they got on and got off at a secret location, after the planes off radar.

Robert Mueller would have known that FACT.

Its his responsibility to know such facts as head of the 'Premier law enforcement agency in the world'.

This is the man who produces lists of FAKE perpetrators from thin air, safe in the knowledge he can't be disapproved....because you see he is the head of the FBI and an honorable man.

19 Ay-raaabs hijackers (initially compiled by RAW Indian Intelligence on request by the FBI) begs many questions.

16 Russians charged for ALLEGEDLY spreading Russian propaganda against Hilary. Unlike the 19 Ay-raabs who mostly disappeared(not into commercial planes of course)...SOME OF THESE Russians came to the USA, and faced up to Mueller and told him to prove what he was saying (The Russians are saying they didn't do it)....to which Mueller went into a panic and ran from them, proving the list of 16 was FAKE.

AND......what kind of statutory crime is spreading 'Propaganda against Hilary'? (I'm a barrister from the UK, non-practicing)....In that sense I am also guilty of spreading propaganda against Hilary, because I think a child's blood drinking Lesbian psychopath, fraudulently embezzling funds from around the world, especially charity money meant for poooor desperate people and selling state secrets to the highest bidder, sponsoring and arming ISIS.....and importing cocaine to the USA with the Bushes.........just..... maybe is unfit to run the USA, and initiate WWIII.

Anyway how does this fake charade against the 16 relate to Russian collusion by Trump?

Are Russians legally under International law banned from propaganda? The only people who are qualified to do political motivated propaganda are CNN, NYT and the Washington Post?

What is propaganda and how is it different from trolling?

From this case's smell and texture against the Russian 16, is Mueller a mere gofer for Hilary??? Is Ms. Hilary Rodham Clinton your client and you a mere Deep State mafia lawyer.(Wilmer Hale)

Is your job Mr. Mueller to sabotage an inevitable Trump victory in 2020, through legal harassment and baseless innuendo? An open ended ill-defined 'investigation' that is not an investigation...but a running farce and vaudeville.

12 Russian GRU officers indicted for ALLEGEDLY hacking into DNC servers one day before the Presidents meeting with Putin, and gleefully announced by Rod Rosenstein.

Playing politics with haloed sanctimonious 'neutral state' 'investigations' are we? 

Thank you GRU officers and Julian Assange for exposing REAL DNC and Hilary crimes. The American public during a critical election needed to know this vital fact exposed, before making informed choices ...........thank you Seth Rich (RIP)

BUT, as before sort of, Mueller does not expect any blow back from this latest fake allegations against Russians. He does not expect the GRU intelligence officers to come to the USA, blow their cover, and say to him......prove it! He has learned from previous mistakes. And, so President Putin has offered that the GRU officers be interviewed in Russia by the FBI. Mueller ofcourse will not take up the reasonable Russian offer........because his 'investigation' is not an investigation trying to get REAL ANSWERS/TRUTHS, but a deep state 'operation' against President Trump.....'a mafia DNC legal swat team'....a witch hunt...a farce and mockery of American law.

. . . .

2. As head of FBI (2001---2013) he played a central role in imposing a police state  in the post 9/11 'Patriot Act'  world, and complicit in the incarceration and subsequent torture of Americans and foreigners........and lots of false flags, and lots of sting operations using FBI low IQ patsies.

3. Bagman for Hilary in the Uranium 1 Deal with Russia(Whilst head of the FBI?)....clear conflict of interest.

4. Head of HSBC,   the biggest drugs laundering bank in the world.(Conflict of interest)

5. Leading a Deep State intelligence operation against the duly elected President of the USA, DRESSED otherwise as a legitimate investigation of Russian meddling in USA elections.

President Trump will visit President Putin in Moscow soon.

As soon as the formal invitation from Moscow arrives.

As with Helsinki, no pre-conditions for both sides.

Unlike Helsinki, however SOLID economic agreements should be teased out into some kind of MOU in written form.

Nothing like trade and economic cooperation to really solidify relationships between nations.

The current $25 billion is nothing, not enough.

Minerals from Russia to the USA, and USA manufactured goods/technology to Russia....with a positive trade balance guaranteed by the personal convictions of President Trump and Putin.

LATER, next year more sensitive issues can be tackled...once the initial trade/economic agreements are under the belt.

Senator Rand Paul can do the initial negotiations, shuttling between Washington and Moscow several times before the final meeting in Moscow. This is important as President Trump/Putin alone themselves cannot iron out the parameters and legalities of such potential agreements.....they will require EXPERT ADVICE....from their respective people.

This is WONDERFUL news for the world, but I fear it will make Hilary upset as she preferred to do back room deals with nations, in exchange for strategic top secret information and things from the USA...and invariably this corrupted and compromised the Party dealing with her (Russia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Qatar, Turkey.............)..BUT enriched her PERSONALLY.

Her $3 billion election campaign came from somewhere, and not all of it from Georgi Schwartzer.


Putin Invites Trump to Visit Moscow for Meeting

White House says Trump is 'open' to visiting, wants to meet Putin again
 Posted on
After a successful summit last week, President Trump invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White House. He has subsequently put off such an invitation until next year, but that doesn’t mean a second summit won’t happen before then.

President Putin on Fridayannounced that he is inviting Trump to visit Moscow for a meeting. Putin further said he is “ready” to go to Washington for talks, but appears to want to have Moscow on the table as an alternative, since Trump appears to fear the political consequences of having Putin visit the White House before the Mueller investigation wraps up.

White House officials say that Trump is “open to visiting Moscow upon receiving a formal invitation.” It’s not clear when this visit would happen, but it seems likely that Putin is trying to get another formal meeting soon after the Helsinki summit.

That summit was politically difficult for Trump, as he faced repeated criticism from US media and lawmakers for not being more hostile toward Putin. Visiting Moscow would still be controversial, but likely would be less visible than a White House meeting.

A lot of issues were reportedly discussed in Helsinki, and President Trump was quick to declare it a success. Officials have been very vague about anything that was agreed to, however, and Defense Secretary James Mattis says that no policy changes were made during the summit.
Image result for general mattis meets russians

Speaking of Mattis, the Pentagon chief also said he is considering direct talkswith his Russian counterpart, Sergey Shoigu. No US defense secretary has spoken with a Russian DM in years, with the less confirmed phone call way back in 2015. Face to face meetings are even more rare, and haven’t happened in many years.

Jul 27, 2018

Canada, The UK and Germany will give asylum to 400 ISIS fighters rescued by Israel.

They call themselves the 'White Helmets'.....but we know who they are.

They may win Oscar Academy Awards in Hollywood.......but we know who they truly are.

The State Department may approve them.............but we know who they are.

The CIA may protect them.............but we know who they are.

Israel may bring them to safety, but we know who they are, and WHAT CRIMES they committed in Syria.

The alt-right in Europe protest illegal Muslim invasion.

Israeli commando's went into Syria illegally and rescued injured ISIS fighters into Israeli hospitals.

When the Israeli military rescued the 'White Helmets' SPECIFICALLY.....IN A nation where millions are affected by war...........then we surely know who they are. 

During the DAY the White helmets donned Rescue gear and pretended to save Syrian civilians....but at night they donned the BLACK gear of ISIS, and fought the SAA and tortured and killed civilians.

Justice will reach ISIS in Europe.

In the West these ISIS members will get free housing, money to spend (allowance)..and free food. They will spend their time to expand their organisation, and their religious extremism.


Jul 25, 2018

Russia! Russia! Russia!

President Trumps approval rating is probably closer to 55--60%, but such FACTS will not come from the MSM.

They  grossly miscalculated that in the 2016 election Hilary would win a landslide, with a 9 to 1 odds....and candidate Trump brought himself into this propaganda by preparing his concession speech, and Hilary prepared the VICTORY PARTY, with Colombian cocaine, Persian caviar, Belgian patie de foie gras and of course French champagne. Several Haiti toddlers were also imported for their blood fest party.
Image result for elite luxury feast
Image result for satanic goat mask

Sometimes the American public win over the GLOBALISTS.

After 2 terms of Obummer, and lovely Hilary as DNC candidate...it was obviously going to a Republican victory.

Image result for burger and fries

President Trump has very little ties with Russia.(Business, spiritual, psychological, ethnic and social)...his ties are with Scotland, Germany....Noo Ywak...Real Estate...shady Israelis/Jews..and American entertainment (WWW and the Prentice).

The Democratic Party has HISTORICALLY greater ties with Russia because of the Jews. 

80% of Jews, especially Noo Ywak vote for the Democratic Party.....the party since the 1960's has re-invented itself as the party of the fringe, and other disfranchised under class. The 9 million Jews see themselves as outsiders in America...STILL...and they thus embrace African-Americans, Latino's and Asians more than most Americans vis a vi---European Americans, the dominant group in the USA, and especially WASP Americans.

The Russian Empire before the Bolshevik Revolution at one time had the largest Jewish population, containing 5.5 million Jews (1900)....and from this a strong link developed between Jews in the USA and Jews in the Russian Empire. This Jewish network would then be applied to the workings of the Democratic Party, and how it related to Russia later.

  • Jewish bankers gave Japan $200 million  in 1900 ($5.7 billion 2018) to wage war against Imperial Russia, and counter Russia in China and the Far East. Russia's costly defeat caused a revolution in Russia in 1905.
  • Suffice to say from the above fact that the Rothschilds and the Jewish bankers bankrolled all Russian revolutionaries in Russia from 1880 onward.
  • The Jewish bankers bankrolled the Bolshevik revolution from 1916, in conjunction with Imperial German military Intelligence...run by a Globalist Jew (Max War--burg....his brother Paul War-----burg running the new Federal Reserve from 1913...bank rolling ALL sides of the tragic Great War)
  • Surprise surprise.....it is NY Jewish Wall Street finance which played a central role in Stalin's 5 year plans and the Industrialization of the Soviet Union.
  • It is Jewish American spies who hand over Atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union....along with Victor Rothschild...a science fanatic.
  • Jews in the Soviet Union collapse the country from 1991, and leave the country in a mess looted to the last penny.

  • Bill Clinton and especially Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party continued with this tradition of covert collaboration with Russia (Hilary is Jewish).
  • The deals with Russia over URANIUM could never be conceivably described as strategically beneficial to the USA.
  • high TECH missile technology from the USA were transferred to Russia by Hilary.
  • Shady mafia Oligarchs from Russia gave Hilary money.

Suffice to say from the above that Putin expected Hilary to win hands-down, as did most of the USA DEEP STATE....and more importantly Putin wanted Hilary to win. LOGICALLY in such a scenario Putin wouldn't invest in ANYTHING which would hurt her chances of victory. 

Since 1991 Russia has retreated strategically and has not politically interfered in any countries....most of all in her backyard--consequently backyard countries suddenly have had USA/NATO bases OR THE LIKE  in them--Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kirghistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

It would be incredible if Russia can't/won't interfere with the politics of its neighbors, but somehow manages to interfere several thousand miles away in another continent....for the first time in history with the internal politics of the sole hyper-power on earth with the USA's $1.5 trillion security budget.

Georgia with a Neocon trained leader decide to go further infused with 'Dutch courage' militarily attack a Russian satellite state (The people in that state want Russian passports and citizenship but for the collapse of the Soviet Union)...Crimea 80% ethnic Russian, and Ukraine 40% ethnic Russian.

Image result for general Marat Kulakhmetov


  • Russia is a global military power conventionally.
  • The USA can never DOMINATE the world on her own.....physically impossible/futile to try.......its not going to happen. 
  • Russia is one of the biggest nuclear power...as great as the USA..EQUAL TO..
  • Russia is geographically the biggest country in the world in several time zones---with $85 trillion worth of minerals under the ground, and not including the Arctic circle.
  • Since 1991 A political class of people in Moscow have evolved with the guidance of the CIA/STATE Department who are keenly pre-disposed to the USA leadership in the world....USA leadership (Atlanticist)
  • There is no need given the above points to go into a DARWINIAN ZERO-SUM GAME WITH RUSSIA.....and turn Russia into a Democratic Republic of Congo. ....Whilst the USA mystically magically a born again Hyper Hyper Hyper Power, wields its big stick.(What an ugly world led by America since 2001)

  • The pioneering Russian met with the pioneering American in Alaska, California and the West coast generally, PEACEFULLY.
  •  During the American Civil War the Russian Fleet Docked in the East coast to prevent  the UK intervening on the side of the South Confederates WITH their Minister for War Judah P Benjamin, A ROTHSCHILD AGENT. Imperial Russia helped prevent the country USA from dividing itself.
  • In the Great War Russia and the USA were on the same side.
  • In WWII Russia and the USA were on the same side.
  • The Cold War was initiated by the British with Churchill giving the Iron Curtain speech, and killing Roosevelt. Roosevelt had developed a good working relationship with Russia...being the first American President to meet his Soviet counter-part. For Roosevelt he saw a post world WII  order that maintained PEACE through the intense cooperation of the USA, USSR and China.

The USA should pursue the legacy of the GREAT Democrat 4-TIMES leader Roosevelt, but have above board official good relations with Russia, not back channel deals and illegal cooperation of the Hilary kind. Trade between the two nations should soar from the current paltry $25 billion to $200--300 billion annually.

The CIA puppet mullahs of Iran have been offered a reasonable OFFER by President Trump

The mullahs of Iran, installed by the CIA in 1979 (did anybody think that illiterate mullahs could take over a modern country by themselves) .....must not play THIRD WORLD POPULIST POLITICS, with the lives and economic welfare of Iran. They must not borrow slogans from CIA Saddam ...........and thus...سرانجام سرنوشت و عدالت کریمی

US had extensive contact with Ayatollah Khomeini before Iran ...

Iran has suffered enough under the CIA mullahs from the medieval era policies...

....to be PC correct in mullah Iran you have to have an Arabic face and an Arabian name....especially if you are applying for a government job........just as most of the Arab world led by Saudi Arabia bey for the blood of Iran through an attack by the USA....AND Israel (They will host airbases for them).

Related image

To be Persian genetically and in name is a sin in CIA mullah Iran.(The Globalist HYPER-SENSITIVE ABOUT RACE/ETHNICITY Jew is offended that there are Aryans in the land of the Aryans.......how can this be!!!!?????)

5,000,000 educated and skilled Iranians have been chased out of Iran by the CIA mullah puppets.......along with $1,500,000,000,000 of their assets.(Do you think this has harmed the economy????)

AND OF-COURSE THE CIA Mullah puppets adopt Neo-Liberal economic policies that hurt ordinary powerless Iranians. Neo-Liberal economic policies that were formulated by the Chicago School of Economics...and Professor Milton Friedman. ...in the 1960's and 1970's and unleashed as a testing ground in Chile, after the CIA conducted a coup in the country.

Neo-liberal Economic policies only help one group of people-----Wall Street.

It is a covert form of economic warfare in favor of the well connected elite class of the USA.

President Donald J Trump is in the process of dismantling this ideology in America, without using Saddam like SLOGAN'S....

Neo-Liberal economic policies which are now being implemented by the Rohani government IN IRAN AND RUSSIA...... ARE WORSE THAN AMERICAN SANCTIONS.

Neo-Liberal economic policies is American sabotage of the Iranian economy by stealth.

What you do is adopt the economic policies of Nazi Germany (1933--1945) and the Soviet Union (1928--41).........minus the GLOBALIST BANKSTER POLITICS......and WARS!!!

Demand side economics, autarky and self reliance.......(heavy debt based government expenditure on INFRASTRUCTURE/INDUSTRY/EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE.....extremely non-inflationary development)

SO...................the mullahs must stop making threats, and negotiate with President Trump directly. They must negotiate a new deal. As CIA puppets this may be hard to do, but then again if North Korea can then why not Iran???


Trump Says Ready to Make ‘A Real Deal’ With Iran

Says 'Iran is not the same country anymore'

During his speech in Kansas City on Tuesday, President Trump said he is “ready to make a real deal” with Iran, adding that “Iran is not the same country anymore.” He also said this new deal would not be like the “disaster” deal made by the Obama Administration.

The statement comes just two days after President Trump’s bellicose Tweet threatening Iran with “consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.” Speculation was that this was an attempt to replicate the US strategy in North Korea, where threats were followed with successful diplomacy.

Yet Iran and North Korea are clearly dramatically different situations, not the least of which because Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons, or a nuclear arms program to dismantle.

Willingness to negotiate at all with Iran is a substantial difference in Trump Administration position, however.

Trump’s position that Iran is “not the same country anymore” is also a significant one, even if he didn’t elaborate in this speech. In previous comments, Trump has suggested Iran shows the US more respect since he withdrew from the P5+1 nuclear deal.

This could be a significant long-term aspect of Trump’s position on Iran, if he feels that presenting Iran’s behavior as improving is important to defending his decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal. When the president feels that a deal would vindicate his past policies, he seems much more eager to make such deals.