President Trump generously and magnanimously has offered to talk to Iran, without ANY pre-conditions.
This is despite the fierce opposition from the Deep State, and especially the Neocons inside the USA.
President Trump generously, and with courage offers the hand of friendship with Iran.
The mullahs of Iran installed by the CIA IN 1979, under a Globalist Rothschild based master plan of PROMOTING Islamic Fundamentalism in the 1970's, first mooted in the USA at Princeton University by Bernard Lewis, the British super agent of the FCO.
AND implemented by the GLOBALIST Carter administration, and specifically the Polish emigre Zbig Brzezinski who had a violent hatred for Russia (Poles traditionally hate Russia..... Catholic verse Eastern Orthodox Christian thing going back 1000 years......and his ancestral home was in Eastern Poland, land later annexed by Stalin and latched on to Ukraine in 1945????).....anyway all this GLOBALIST high games had very little to do with the true interests of the USA.
Replace a USA puppet Shah who was very obedient, and well behaved to the point where Nixon promoted the Shah as the Police man of the Persian Gulf.............with what? .....crazy mullahs?? Obviously not.
What is the Economic loss to the USA in terms of trade and jobs between 1979----2018? $1 trillion, $2 trillion.....???? with Iran. The strategic loss??? The psychological loss???
The CIA mullahs must take up this generous offer from the President of the lone super-power in the world, offered to a Third World Third rate CORRUPT theocracy run my illiterate mullahs.
The CIA mullahs should consider themselves LUCKY.
RUSSIA has taken the offer of negotiations, and indeed has accelerated this unique OPPORTUNITY by inviting President Trump to Moscow, and away from the Global media.
Likewise North Korea has also taken up the generous offer.
The mullahs should not feign faux indignancy with a few tweets, and subsequent remarks from The Trump Presidency. The mullahs should understand politics---what is useful for domestic politics and International high stakes politics.
- Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's son Ahmed negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Paris in 1980. What is the October surprise???
- Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's son Ahmed and other mullahs negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Paris in 1980's ..........about weapons to Iran. What is the Iran/Contra conspiracy???
- Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Italy in 1991 about CIA Saddam's Iraq.
- Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Clinton cabal in Oman in the 1990's about the CIA backed Taliban.
- Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Clinton cabal in Oman in the 1990's about how to repatriate the Shah's billions frozen/stolen by Western banks and corporations.
- Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Oman in 2001 about how to cooperate and manage post Taliban Afghanistan.
- Death to America shout the crowd.......whilst Khomeini's lieutenants negotiates with the USA and Bush cabal in Italy/Oman/Amman in 2003/4/5/6/7/8/9 about how to cooperate and manage post CIA Saddam ..........Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Shout the Iranians and Americans together...why don't you guys send in 1000 of your Quds Brigade to Iraq....why they can bunk with our boys if they need a place!
We'll pay for everything! The Pentagon is good at that sort of Thang.
The mullahs must do what Russia and North Korea are doing, and not act like shy indignant hard to get coy 15 year old girl's.
The CIA mullahs must stop having covert meetings with the USA.
This could be the first OFFICIAL meeting in 41 years between the leaders of Iran and the USA.
For President Trump I respectfully request that the full spectrum of relations between the two nations be grasped so that we better understand where we are at and how it arrived here....from the illegal CIA coup against the Democratically elected and populist government of Mossaddegh in 1953, and the imposition of a very nasty police state there after under the CIA/MOSSAD trained SAVAK, and the subsequent CIA coup and the imposition of the mullahs under a bizarre GLOBALIST PLAN from Londonistan. (with intense covert cooperation on-going ever since as briefly described above)
We ALSO hope and pray that the USA and President Trump is not seriously touting a MARXIST TERRORIST GROUP MEK to replace the mullahs in Iran.
'The history of the MeK stretches back to the 1960s, when it was founded by a group of Iranian students who opposed the shah and espoused an ideology that mixed Shiism—particularly the cult of martyrdom—and Marxism. Along with the group’s anti-regime sentiment came a hefty dose of anti-imperialism and hatred of the United States and Israel. Some of its members trained in PLO camps in Lebanon and Jordan.
From the outset, the group advocated violence. Among the MeK’s many terrorist operations in the 1970s were bombings and shootings directed against American military personnel stationed in Iran—three U.S. colonels were killed during this period, as were three contractors. There was an attempted kidnapping of the U.S. ambassador to Iran, an assassination attempt against the general heading the U.S. military mission, as well as attacks against Iranian facilities belonging to General Motors, Shell Oil, Pepsi, Pan Am Airlines and others. When the revolution occurred, the MeK joined forces with the religious hard-liners looking to overthrow the regime. The group supported the takeover of the U.S. embassy in November 1979, and, according to some eyewitnesses, MeK members took part.

.......the bizarre and brutal Mujahidin e-Khalq (MeK), an Iranian resistance group that helped launch the Islamic revolution and then fell out with the Tehran regime. The MeK has plenty of American blood on its hands, as well as that of thousands of Iranians killed while the group was a strike force serving Saddam Hussein in the 1980s and '90s.'
MICHAEL HIRSH Politico 2016.
The good people of Iran have suffered enough under 40 years of CIA mullah rule already, with no less than 5 million of the most educated leaving the country. We hope for once the USA state no longer plans further harm to be inflicted on the good people of Iran, who have not historically done anything bad against the USA......THROUGH SUCH EXTREMIST GROUPS.....installed and shouting new pedantic repetitive CIA scripted slogans.
"Long live the glorious revolution! Long live Comrade Marx........down with the Imperialist Capitalist USA pigs!!!!"

No pre-conditions against Russia negotiations.
No pre-conditions against North Korea negotiations.
No pre-conditions against Taliban negotiations.
AND, so no pre-conditions against CIA mullah Iran negotiations.