. The man is close to Trump, but curiously did not take any administrative positions in the Whitehouse. Instead he has played the role of a HOLY PURE Messenger, SYSTEMATICALLY GOING THROUGH THE KEY TALKING POINTS THAT AFFECT THE VIABILITY OF THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION. Not an easy task with Alex Jones around, but important key talking points sometimes have to be delivered in deadpan, matter of fact style which does not include hyperbole or theatrics. The outsider looking in. A good well intentioned loyal friend acting as a guiding light. He has 50 years of strategic political experience, which Trump the showman/Businessman does not. He is a traditional Conservative Republican. He is of Hungarian descent. He is not corrupt, or someone who enjoys torturing and killing babies (A must before you can work for the Rothschilds of London) Unlike the Globalists he genuinely loves the USA. He is pro-Israel, but is not a Chrsitian Zionist. Trump needs to lose his child like 'daddy you will protect me from the DNC/Deep State' fascination with the military. The American military CANNOT solve the USA's enormous problems. They simply don't have the IQ, and the expertise. They are repetitive and monotone.....left right left right left right left right left right...... ALSO, the USA military has contributed to America's problems by participating in the DEEP STATES agenda to convert the country into an East German style, hyper secure police state....where one in four of the citizens worked for the state security apparatus. 9/11 could not have been pulled off without the cooperation of the Pentagon. Impossible.......and the murder of 3000 Americans and 4 million Muslims since 1990. In fact if it were a business, the Pentagon would be the worst enterprise/MNC in the world, where failure is a success, and defeat is a victory.
. . . . What difference would it make to the Taliban if they knew whether there were 8400 troops in Afghanistan (The official figure) or 12,000, possibly the true figure or 30,000 including private contractors and NATO? The Taliban after all are CIA managed "Controlled Opposition" actors. In a DEMOCRACY for the sake of accountability Capital Hill MUST know the true figures. Especially when $8 trillion Pentagon expenditure since whenever is not audited.....nobody knows where that huge taxpayer money went.....to pay for new golf courses in the PERSIAN GULF, new casino's in the Philippines, or whore houses near the American military bases in Guam.....who knows, nobody. In the case of Afghanistan, why does it require $50 billion taxpayer money to sustain 8400 servicemen in very low-intensity warfare?
Pentagon’s Concealment of Troop Levels Faces Mounting Criticism Keeping Figures Secret Is Convenient for Leadership, Avoiding DebatesPosted Jason Ditz at antiwar.com
. That would require a massive DEEP STATE effort to do that with 4 planes.... The CIA Some 500--700 USA citizens on American soil quietly frog marched from the planes and executed by the CIA in secret locations, in addition to the 3000 in all the buildings???
Euro---for Europe Amaro--one common NAFTA currency, for North America Bankcorr---Global one world currency, controlled by the Rothschilds of London. Bitcoin.
TRUMP has taken on the Goliath....he must possess a strong EGO (I prefer to say self-belief of what is right)
. In such times these things play a very important role, which must not be under estimated. They are a very distant loose evolution of the court jester from the Medieval period. Alex Baldwin whom I admire does a perfect comic impersonation of President Donald Trump. Great satirical movies both serious ones like Dr.Stangelove and Slapstick ones like Dumb and Dummer could be written and produced by Hollywood. They would be better than the super hero Marvel/DC comic strip movies that have very little worth, with ever-diminishing returns. Band of Brothers etc. Saving Private Ryan, Troy, Alexander etc...Pearl Harbor...The Thin Red Line. Marvel/DC comic strip movies were appropriate for the BUSH II era 2001--2009, when the USA EXPANDED its military muscle illegally using 9/11, but now we are in a different era.
Moscow says under US stewardship the drug trade(da!!!da!!!) and ISIS (da!!!da!!!) are flourishing and now Afghanistan's Shia community is being attacked with the help of unidentified helicopters
By Russia Insider
Russia has hinted in the past that the United States is covertly sponsoring the Islamic State in Afghanistan. On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson raised the bar by alleging that “foreign fighters” who were transferred by “unknown helicopters” have perpetrated a massacre of Hazara Shias in the Sar-e-Pol province in northern Afghanistan. The spokesperson said:
Shia Hazara are descendants of Ghengis Khan troops stationed there from the 1219 invasion of Khorasan. They are aligned with Iran, due to their religion and many Hazara men go to Iran for construction work. In the CIA manufactured 'divide and conquer' policy imported CIA ISIS fighters are often pitted against Shia's GENERALLY across Afghanistan, including the Hazara (Think of Charlottesville with more violence). The same in Pakistan.
We can see attempts to stir up ethnic conflict in the country… Cases of unidentified helicopter flights to territory controlled by extremists in other northern provinces of Afghanistan are also recorded.
For example, there is evidence that on August 8, four helicopters made flights from the airbase of the Afghan National Army’s 209th corps in Mazar-i-Sharif to the area captured by the militants in the Aqcha district of the Jowzjan province.
It is noteworthy that witnesses of these flights began to fall off the radar of law enforcement agencies. It seems that the command of the NATO forces controlling the Afghan sky stubbornly refuses to notice these incidents.
From the above, it appears that sections of the Afghan armed forces and the NATO command (which controls Afghan air space) are hand in glove in these covert operations. No doubt, this is a very serious allegation. The attack on the Hazara Shias must be taken as a message intended for Tehran.
Historically and culturally, Iran has affinities with the Hazara Shia community in Afghanistan. Possibly, the Trump administration, which has vowed to overthrow the Iranian regime, is opening a ‘second front’ by the IS against Iran from the east.
Interestingly, Russian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement on Friday on the alarming drug situation in Afghanistan. It pointed out that:
A sharp increase in drug production is expected in Afghanistan this year and one-third of the country’s population is now involved in the cultivation of opium poppy.
The geography of the Afghan drug trafficking has expanded and now reaches African continent.
Tonnes of chemicals for processing narcotics are illegally imported into Afghanistan – with Italy, France and Netherlands “among main suppliers”.
The US and NATO are either unwilling or incapable of curbing the illegal activity.
Russia and Iran cannot turn a blind eye to the hostile activities by the US (and NATO) in their backyard, transforming the anti-Taliban war into a proxy war. They cannot but view the Afghan conflict through the prism of their deepening tensions with the US.
What are Russia’s options? The Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with the top brass in Moscow on August 18 that the Afghan conflict poses a threat to Central Asia’s stability. He said that Russia plans to hold joint military exercises later this year with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Russia has military bases in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Again, Ambassador Zamir Kabulov, Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan, said recently that if the Afghan government and the US are unable to counter the IS threat, Russia will resort to military force. Kabulov disclosed that Russia has raised in the UN Security Council the air dropping of supplies for the IS fighters in at least three provinces in northern Afghanistan by unidentified aircraft.
Of course, it is inconceivable that Russia will put “boots on the ground” in Afghanistan. But if the IS breaches the borders of the Central Asian states, it becomes the “red line”, Russia will hit back.
Russia is reinforcing its bases in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Significantly, in a joint military exercise with Tajikistan in July, Russia tested its Iskander-M short-range ballistic missiles, one of the most advanced weapons in the Russian arsenal, with a range of 500 kilometers and a payload of 700 kg. Iskander is equipped with terminal guidance systems with the capability to overcome missile defences. Iskander’s accuracy could be better than 10 meters. (Russia has deployed the deadly weapon to Syria.)
With the exit of White House strategist Steve Bannon, an inveterate anti-war ideologue in the Trump administration who wanted the Afghan war to be brought to an end, the generals now have the upper hand in controlling the US policy. Defence Secretary James Mattis and National Security Advisor HR McMaster favour deployment of additional troops to Afghanistan.
The ‘known unknown’ is John Kelly, whom Trump recently appointed as his chief of staff. But there are enough indications that Kelly (a retired Marine Corps general and father of a fallen Marine, 1st Lt. Robert Kelly, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010) almost certainly shares the opinion of Mattis and McMaster.
The more one looks at it, President Donald Trump’s real challenge is not about winning the war against the Taliban, but the high risk he’ll be incurring, by taking his generals’ advice, to put his imprimatur on a full-fledged proxy war in Afghanistan against Russia, Iran and China.
This is very Jewey Netanyahu loves to relax in NY, by watching gay couples making erotic love on the stage. Obummer was preoccupied with tranny toilets whilst America was being destroyed. DECEPTION is also very Jewey, that which is all not what it appears. The DNC is very Jewey. Paedophilia HQ in Israel is Jewey. I don't however buy his excuse for not formally interviewing, President elect Donald Trump when it was offered to him in January 2017. Desperate, isolated President Trump needs to press flesh and glad hand fellow travellers face to face WHENEVER HE CAN in formal interviews, and Infowars should not deny him this opportunity. This process becomes an affirmation of who Trump is and why he was elected by the people...and his base. It is disingenuous for Jones to say that Trump would merely come on his show to pat him on his back. Now if Alex knows he is not good at interviews with prominent people.....that is not a problem. (i) You PLAN the interview in advance with talking points, in language the base understand. (ii) You use David Knight who appears more sophisticated at this instead of Alex Jones.....BUT Infowars must take the opportunity to fly the flag and link up with the President, just as he is being isolated and misguided with the wrong policy moves....'My instincts tell me not to escalate in Afghanistan.......' That is a man and a President who is isolated by the DEEP STATE. Alex also was not interested in a Whitehouse Press Pass.....again providing lame implausible excuses. Eventually sending very old, Dr. Jerome Corsi who appears to have no PRESENCE in the front row of these DAILY PRESS briefings. Jerome Corsi should be sitting in the front row, joyfully highlighting and bantering with Huckabee about Trump policies....or David Knight, or Watson. Now if Jones is SCARED that Trump will be bumped -off soon by the DEEP STATE, and he doesn't want to have a face to face with such a president.....THEN yes I 'understand'. Then I say to Jones good luck to you, and your alternative media meme. This is not dedicated to Obummer and 'Michael'.
. The arguments run back and forth as to who did 9/11 which killed 3000 civilians, on American soil. Worse than the Japanese attack on far away Pearl Harbour which killed 2500 people. On the one hand Loose Change COGENTLY argues that the USA Deep State carried it out, because ONLY they had the full resources and control of the Leviathan apparatus American security empire to have the real ability to make it happen....which consumes $1.5 trillion each year, and employs 5 million Americans. With people like General Meyer, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith and the neocons such as Dick Cheney, Bush II and the rest. In this first narrative, Israel has no role, but is a clear beneficiary when the Pentagon in the 1990's under 'Mad Dog' Mattis and others plan to attack and invade 7 states in the Greater Middle East in the space of 5 years.......including Afghanistan. "Malice a forethought".........pre planned conspiracy. On the other hand investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn who has made it his life work investigating this topical state crime, says that it is Israeli state terrorists in MOSSAD who envisioned 9/11 from the 1970's, and is the same decade when Israel started sponsoring Hamas covertly to weaken the Socialist PLO movement which contained many prominent Christian Palestinians. Also in the 1970's, the Jewish Rothschilds super spy, Sir Bernard Lewis OBE, from the British Foreign Office went to the USA at Princeton University, and started preaching about 'a Clash of civilisation' and 'The Arc of Crisis'.....which essentially entailed the USA SPONSORING ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS to destabilise several Middle Eastern states to bring the "Clash of Civilisation" narrative to life.....starting with pro-American puppet CIA/MOSSAD backed Shah's Iran 1977--1979. And in July 1979, the arming of Afghan Islamic Fundamentalists under the Brzezinski plan against the Communist government in Kabul. Then the 1981 assassination of Sadat by Muslim Brotherhood members, and the 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising in Syria....and so on.....warming up, building up to 'al-CIA-duh' FROM 1996 where OBL travels from Sudan to Afghanistan...9/11 AND GWOT. The invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and the attacks against Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, and Yemen. Finally the 2011 'Arab' Spring which uses ISIS/'al-CIA-duh' to destabilise CIA Gaddafi, Ben Ali of Tunisia, Egypt and most famously SYRIA (a state which has survived the Arab Spring due to its leadership, and the support of Russia). Had the Arab Spring succeeded in Syria, then it would have been Jordan's turn and then Saudi Arabia, last. I support the second thesis, as stated by Christopher Bollyn, but I do not absolve the American Deep state of complicity. What the second thesis means is that ISRAEL and Rothschild London initiated the concept of 9/11 in the 1970's, and the USA DEEP STATE executed it.........by murdering 3000 Americans. What it means is that the USA STATE is an inconsequential witless ANNEX butt buddy of Israel in the realms of security. What the USA is doing in Syria, Libya and Iraq is for Israel......Greater Israel......Eretz Israel......by mordering 3000 Americans, and several million people in the Middle East. This is a sad realisation that many Americans must rationalise and come to this conclusion when analysing the security actions of the USA state since..........1990. The USA is run by absolute MORONS......WHO kills Americans for another country. Great nations emerge, with good leadership, BUT Great Empires also decline. OBVIOUSLY a 20 something INDIVIDUAL ARAB, with mediocre ability cannot just hop into a modern sophisticated complex fully computerised cockpit, and guide the joy stick IN COMPLEX MANOUVERS into the target like some arcade video game.......NOT IN THE REAL WORLD. A modern passenger jet liner requires men of upper middle-class background, with IQ'S IN THE TOP 1 %, USUALLY middle aged, highly educated, highly trained......probably ex-military with experience in their airforce. You ALSO need more than one person-----pilot, co-pilot and maybe a navigator. It is thus scientifically impossible for one lone, lowlife CIA linked Ay----raaab TO ACCOMPLISH simultaneously the tasks of 3 separate highly trained people.......impossible. Remotely controlled passenger jets is however possible.....WITH NO PASSENGERS INSIDE....NASA Mars Orbiters are remotely controlled to Mars and back....distance.. 'The minimum distance from Earth to Mars is about 54.6 million kilometres and the furthest apart they can be is about 401 million kilometres, with the average distance being about 225 million kilometres' Wikipedia. The USA state has such technology since the 1970's. Only the Pentagon has cruise missiles in the USA.(Pentagon attack on 9/11) _________________________________________________
Deep State insider, Dr. Steven Pieczenik has some very important things to say which contextualises the serious situation in Afghanistan for the USA, and the war on terror.... The USA will withdraw from Nafta.....Trumps nod to the continuation of the revolution Threat to shut down Congress unless they give him the money to build the wall....$22 billion??? 'al-CIA-duh" and ISIS are the creation of the CIA, says Dr. Pieczenik who worked in the CIA at one time. The Taliban created by the CIA....so he questions what are the true motivations of the generals who formulated his Afghanistan policy.
. The Greater Kurdistan project must be destroyed. Iran and Turkey, the two countries that will lose the most from the CIA's Greater Kurdistan Project, therefore, must work together.....militarily. At least these 2, if not all 4 countries.
Iran denies joint operation against Kurds with Turkey
By Yahoo News and AFP.....and antiwar.com
- Iran's Revolutionary Guards on Tuesday denied claims by Turkey that the two countries were planning joint military operations against Kurdish rebels in Iraq." "We have not planned any operations outside Iran's borders," said a statement from the Guards' regional ground forces headquarters published by the ISNA news agency. "But as always we will strongly confront any group, team or person who wants to penetrate into Iran's territory for anti-security or terrorist operations," it added. The statement came a day after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said a joint Turkish-Iranian operation against Kurdish militants was "always on the agenda". A leading Turkish newspaper also claimed Iran made a "surprise proposal" to Ankara to jointly attack Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq during a rare visit by armed forces chief of staff General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri earlier this month.
Turkey has battled the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) for decades, while the Iranian security forces have also fought its affiliate, the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK). Both groups have rear bases in neighbouring Iraq. Despite denying that specific operations were planned, the Revolutionary Guards did threaten the possibility of cross-border attacks in the future.
"Although Iran has no plan to take widespread operational actions outside its borders, if any terrorist group... aims to take the slightest measure to create insecurity on our borders, they will be faced with our intensive and fierce response, and their remnants will be targeted wherever they are," the statement said.
Erdogan said on Monday that the two countries' military chiefs had discussed how to work against Kurdish militants.
"The work will continue because you know that the PKK terror organisation has a foot in Iran," he said.
"We believe that if the two countries cooperate, we can reach a conclusion in a much shorter period of time." Tensions between Turkey and Iran
-- both of which see themselves as historically powerful regional leaders -- have often been tense, and they currently back opposing sides in the Syrian conflict. Bagheri's visit
-- hailed as the first by an army chief of staff since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution -- was therefore seen as a key sign of warming ties.
"The actions of Turkey and Iran complement themselves. We reached good agreements to prevent terrorists passing from one side of the border to the other," Bagheri said during the visit.
Erik Prince is correct, up to a point. This 'problem' should be made an Afghan problem. What ALL mainstream media misread and misinterpret whether deliberately or through lack of knowledge the TRUE MOTIVATIONS OF THE USA's presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is an Opium plantation, run by the CIA/Pentagon, and when it is processed in Afghanistan/Pakistan into Heroin it is exported throughout the world in what is a $50-100 billion annual business, including importing the stuff into the USA, USING MILITARY AIRCRAFT.......with the money laundered in Wall Street Banks. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-spoils-of-war-afghanistan-s-multibillion-dollar-heroin-trade/91 http://www.globalresearch.ca/afghanistan-the-worlds-largest-opium-producer/5596034 http://www.globalresearch.ca/who-benefits-from-the-afghan-opium-trade/3294 http://www.globalresearch.ca/drug-war-american-troops-are-protecting-afghan-opium-u-s-occupation-leads-to-all-time-high-heroin-production/5358053 The PRICE of sacrificing a few 1000 American servicemen and private contractors for this illicit business is worth it for many in the DEEP STATE. The annual cost of $50 billion to the AMERICAN TAXPAYER......is worth it for the few in the DEEP STATE. AND YES, the depreciation of the American army fighting an insurgency OF 20--30,000 MEN is worth it for the DEEP STATE.
The Afghan war may be 'good' in criminal ways for the American Oligarchs........since it seems they are no longer able to compete and undertake business in the normal sense against Japanese, Chinese, German and emerging new markets. But Professor Michael Chossudovsky is not a conspiracy theorist. Old gnome Jeff Sessions won't be dealing with this 'little problem' involving USA state institutions since at least the days of Vietnam, and why that little war lasted 10 pointless years. He prefers to prosecute individual Americans, who are not politically powerful, smoking soft drugs privately.
. They need to be removed from the Whitehouse. Out of the Trump administration. Salome's 7 veils dance needs to be stopped, in front of King Herod. Jared Kushner is weak, and will become weaker....just as Trump promotes him to his deputy with massive unconstitutional powers. AND whilst it is fashionable for Trump's allies to talk of his many enemies.....within and without(VERY important)...we must also talk of the failings of his own family, especially his DNC linked son-in-law and daughter. ......who never fail to give the wrong advice, and the Trump talking points from Soros and the DNC transmitted by via these two. The other weakness of Trump is his penchant for billionaires, Globalists and Deep State Generals who betray him, and his constant whining about not being able to implement his populist agenda......because of the Globalists, Billionaires and Deep State Globalists. http://mostaqueali.blogspot.com/2017/04/salome-in-white-house-dancing-for-king.html
. He ALONE has exposed the crimes of Hilary He ALONE has exposed the crimes of the DNC HE has also exposed the crimes of the USA DEEP STATE. Julian Assange, the great Aussie, has selflessly promoted the interests of the world, and played a significant TIMELY ROLE in the election of President Donald J Trump. At a minimum the Trump administration must first through the DOJ, cancel all charges against him and any overt or covert requests for his deportation by the UK Criminal State to the USA as a fugitive, who illegally (according to Obummer law) published USA state secrets. He MUST be free from his Ecuadorian embassy prison, and allowed to roam free in Leicester Square and the West End as a free man, and further that the USA government will not intern him or imprison him should he travel to other countries where the USA exercises significant COVERT power.....EG Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan and Thailand on his way to Australia to visit his family and home. Julian Assange must not be harassed by local overt and covert security forces......especially any dogs working for the CIA. THIS WOULD BE THE FIRST STEP. Then when President Trump is politically stronger, give Julian Assange a few years later....... The Presidential Medal of Freedom is an award bestowed by the President of the United States and is—along with the comparable Congressional Gold Medal—the highest civilian award of the United States. It recognizes those people who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors".[2] The award is not limited to U.S. citizens and, while it is a civilian award, it can also be awarded to militarypersonnel and worn on the uniform.(WIKIPEDIA) POLITICAL GRATITUDE IS GOOD........IT PAYS. JUSTICE IS GOOD. FAIR PLAY IS GOOD ENCOURAGING YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO DO THE RIGHT MORAL THING FOR THEIR COUNTRY IS GOOD. __________________________________________
Assange Meets Rep. Rohrabacher, Vows to Prove Leaks Didn’t Come From Russia Congressman Says He'll Brief Trump on Meeting
During the meeting, Assange assured Rohrabacher that Russia was not the source of leaks which WikiLeaks published during the 2016 campaign related to the Democratic Party, and he promised specific information would be provided to prove that.
Rep. Rohrabacher is the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, a position which might be of considerable import amid multiple Congressional investigations into the allegations of Russia being behind the leaks. Assange has long maintained that not only did Russia not provide the leaks, but no state party had done so.
The putative “Russia hacks” have fueled US hostility toward Russia since mid-2016, despite both Russia and WikiLeaks denying that Russia was involved in the leaks, which were seen to politically embarrass Hillary Clinton during last year’s campaign, and which some Democrats have alleged were a concerted Russian plot to “get Trump elected.”
Cointelpro Mueller is another aspect of this..... Russiagate is another aspect of this... The administration leaks is another aspect of this... The media MSM onslaught against Trump is another aspect of this... Trumps counter-move must be: 1. Continue the economic reforms, and public jobs drive 2. Tighten up his ship of state, with more true Trump Troopers....quickly through the networks of his base. 3. Attack the DNC on many fronts......opening investigations into everybody in the DNC, including the cleaning ladies. old Gnome Sessions is not equipped to do 3. Strange looking Rod Rosenstein, is a bi-partisan blank appointee of the Deep State who appointed Mueller.......he first needs to go. Fox news: 354 out of 577 current administration positions that require congressional approval have been left blank by the Trump administration......no nominees. Is the Apprentice gameshow host hoping for bigger commissions from the nominees to those positions, or is he just lazy?? We must not rely on the Washington post statistics.
So President Trump must hire more True Trump Troopers, and replace the 80% Obummer holdovers from his administration. This Globalist Neo-liberal regime started in January 20th 1993......they have been in power for 24 years....under Clinton, Bush II and Obummer. With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the GLOBALISTS thought that their time had finally arrived. Trump MUST establish a massive master plan to replace them ALL. The Apprentice showman surely can organise a basic employment drive of a few 1000 in Washington, without relying on Goldman Sacks, the Deep State swamp politicians, Billionaires with off shore accounts or Deep State Generals. Maybe Mike Cernovich could do this very effectively....connecting with young energetic True Trump Troopers from the base. He must learn to embrace his True Trump Troopers, who are not RICH and SUCCESSFUL like him.....people who are not so cosmopolitan and diverse. Trump must learn that fellow billionaires and military men who exude muscular military power, aren't the only people to have around his administration.
. The list only includes countries destabilised and destroyed since 1945, not before. And it is subjective. The true list is greater. _________________________________
Overthrowing Other People’s Governments: The Master List
By William Blum at information clearing house.
- Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
China 1949 to early 1960s
Albania 1949-53
East Germany 1950s
Iran 1953 *
Guatemala 1954 *
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Syria 1956-7
Egypt 1957
Indonesia 1957-8
British Guiana 1953-64 *
Iraq 1963 *
North Vietnam 1945-73
Cambodia 1955-70 *
Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
Ecuador 1960-63 *
Congo 1960 *
France 1965
Brazil 1962-64 *
Dominican Republic 1963 *
Cuba 1959 to present
Bolivia 1964 *
Indonesia 1965 *
Ghana 1966 *
Chile 1964-73 *
Greece 1967 *
Costa Rica 1970-71
Bolivia 1971 *
Australia 1973-75 *
Angola 1975, 1980s
Zaire 1975
Portugal 1974-76 *
Jamaica 1976-80 *
Seychelles 1979-81
Chad 1981-82 *
Grenada 1983 *
South Yemen 1982-84
Suriname 1982-84
Fiji 1987 *
Libya 1980s
Nicaragua 1981-90 *
Panama 1989 *
Bulgaria 1990 *
Albania 1991 *
Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s *
Somalia 1993
Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
Ecuador 2000 *
Afghanistan 2001 *
Venezuela 2002 *
Iraq 2003 *
Haiti 2004 *
Somalia 2007 to present
Libya 2011*
Syria 2012
Q: Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?
. The neo-Nazis in Charlottesville appear to be clean shaven, tattoo-less military men marshalled by the CIA 'rent a mob' scam practised around the world.........since the days of the Monroe doctrine. They are state destabilisation shock troop ACTORS mostly hired by the CIA, in its globalist misadventures abroad. Working class men with low IQ, and low levels of education. ....but lots of testosterone. If in Venezuela why not the USA...no? What is the difference between Venezuela and the USA to the CIA???? Nothing. The REAL neo-Nazis in the USA, COMPARED to the recent fake CIA ones from Charlottesville, such as the 'Aryan brotherhood' and 'Aryan nation' with Bill White are infiltrated and run by the FBI, the domestic intelligence agency......as part of their normal undercover work. The FBI often fronts and directs their poorly attended rallies of usually a handful of over dressed faggots in Nazi German regalia, along with tattoo's......symbolism over substance. More often than not, these organisations are also created by JEW JEWS. Bill White (Weiss) Frank Collins (Cohen) Alan Ayling.....founder of the English Defense League (Jewish founder, and pro-Israel) aangirfan.blogspot:
Above, we see Mayor Michael Signer, the Jewish mayor of Charlottesville. You mean Odessa.... The CIA's Operation Gladio is about getting people angry and scared and easy to manipulate.
Undercover Israeli soldiers admitted in 2005 to throwing stones at other Israeli soldiers so they could blame it on Palestinians.
Israeli police were filmed in 2015 dressing up as Arabs and throwing stones, then turning over Palestinian protesters to Israeli soldiers.
Quebec police admitted that, in 2007, thugs carrying rocks to a peaceful protest were actually undercover Quebec police officers.
The Charlottesville Nazis are CIA FAKE.
The real American neo-Nazis, infiltrated and RUN BY THE FBI are also........ fake.
A real Nazi in the USA might be someone who looks smart, successful, Jewish, lives in NY and works for Wall Street. They are highly educated, and they speak eloquently like urbane cosmopolitans....but more importantly, they have power, and links to the elite power structure of the USA.
They have no time for poor people in the USA, and outside, for old people, for other nationalities especially non-European ones. They love war, and global violence and hatred. (Scott Creighton) SUMMARY: This littel drama in Charlottesville seems to have been created by the CIA. The drama parades young men ONLY in Nazi mode, with torchlights. This pleases with erection and masturbation the Nazi elements of the CIA Deep State. HOWEVER THE OVERALL DEFINING end of the saga is a purported fake neo-Nazi (military guy) ploughing into a crowd of anti-Neo-Nazi supporters. Thus in this CIA saga the neo-Nazi is the villain in the eyes of the American as he should be, of course. It is a subtle CIA pitch for Hilary, who has been groomed into power by the CIA. and, a not so subtle, pitch against President Trump and his ARMY of ANGRY WORKING CLASS RED NECK WHITES. There is NO EVIDENCE that President Trump endorsed this event, or his party organised it. The event is however saying that maybe marshal law needs to be brought in, and President Trump impeached for unleashing dangerous undertones in American society.....and that ONLY HILAY can save the republic from eventual civil war, along with the help of Bill and Soros....and...
Charlottesville: What You Wish Upon Others, You Wish Upon Yourself
By Moon of Alabama
U.S. "liberals" cuddle fascists and right-wing religious extremists in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela and elsewhere.
But when similar movements appear on their own streets they are outraged.
The person in the center on the above picture drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters in Charlottesville killing one and wounding several.
Politicians and media hail such persons when they appear, often hired by the CIA, to overthrow the government of some foreign country. They condemn the same mindset and actions at home. But glorification of right-wing violence elsewhere hands justification to right-wing groups at home.
Above: Fascist torch march in Kiev January 28 2017. Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Republican Senator McCain, The New York Times, the Washington Post and many "liberals" supported the above nazis.
Above: Fascist torch march in Charlottesville, August 11 2017. Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Republican Senator McCain, the New York Times, the Washington Post and many "liberals" condemned the above nazis.
You can not have only one of these.
To claim, as "liberals" do now, that such marches as in Charlottesville, "is not what and who we are", is a lie. Ask people from outside the U.S. how the empire appears and acts towards them.
The U.S. uses fascism, religious extremism, torture, targeted killing and many other vile instruments of power in its quest for global dominance (Through divide and conquer). All of these methods and ideologies, all of them, will one day come home.(with the aid of the CIA)