Oct 16, 2015

Iran true to its words, and has passed the test of 12 years....the longest IAEA inspection program from the USA


IAEA: Iran Met Deadline, Nuclear Inquiry Completed

Final Report Scheduled for Release in Mid-December


by Jason Ditz at antiwar.com
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today confirmed that Iran has met all deadlines on their long-standing investigation into past atomic activities, and that the inquiry has concluded. The final report on the IAEA’s inquiry is due to be delivered by mid-December.
This is meant to cap many years of investigation, and resolve the repeated allegations of secret Iranian nuclear activities, though history suggests that there’ll be new rounds of allegations backed without evidence suddenly emerging to keep the IAEA from closing this outright.
The IAEA has repeatedly affirmed Iranian cooperation with this inquiry, and regularly issues statements confirming the non-diversion of its civilian nuclear material. The monitoring of the civilian program will continue.
The inquiry aspect of this, however, should be resolved at this point, and with Iran having met all its obligations it’s just down to the agency dotting its i’s and crossing its t’s on the matter.