Russian Airstrikes Hit Our “Moderate” Terrorists in Syria so They Threaten More Terrorism

The Russian defense ministry has released some video of their first strikes against terrorist targets in Syria today. The strikes took place outside of Homs.

These strikes came at the request of the country’s President, Bashar al-Assad after US airstrikes in the country appear to have been targeting civilian infrastructure, not “ISIS” You will notice that there are no long parades of guys in fake beards riding in Helix trucks waving black “ISIS” flags. My guess is, we’ve seen the last of those.

The Russians warned the US and other Coalition of the Willing partners to back off of Syrian airspace right before this morning’s attacks. They did. Russia then went in and hit targets which they claim are “ISIS”, but everyone knows, they are really our moderate terrorists like the Free Syrian Army, al Nusra and other Wahhabist mercenaries.

Areas of the province of Homs struck by the Russians are controlled by an array of rebel groups including several operating under the banner of the “Free Syrian Army,” activists, locals and rebels said. None of the sources named Islamic State as one of the groups operating in the areas hit on Wednesday. Assad views all the forces opposing him in the civil war as terrorist groups (that’s because they are all terrorist groups)…As you can see, the terrorists themselves are threatening still more terrorism if the Russians continue to assist the people of Syria by defending them from the terrorists.
… Iyad Shamse, leader of an FSA Syrian rebel group, the Asala and Tanmieh Front, told Reuters: “There is no Islamic State in this area. The Russians are applying great pressure on the revolution. This will strengthen terrorism, everyone will head towards extremism. Any support for Assad in this way is strengthening terrorism.” Reuters

John Kerry said they would have “grave concerns” if Russia targeted our regime change unconventional warriors fighting their terrorist campaign in Syria. He went on to say ISIS, “cannot be defeated as long as Bashar al-Assad remains president of Syria.”

That’s right. Because, you can’t target a hearts and minds fabrication with smart bombs. Apparently you CAN target our Wahhabist mercenaries though, and thus, Sec. Kerry’s “grave concerns” are justified.

I can promise you this… the days of WESTERN forces putting on fake beards and driving around Helix trucks in long photo-op parades are LOOOOONG gone.

The complicit US media is in a frenzy. They can’t really screech about Russia bombing targets in Syria because they know that’s who WE are supposed to be targeting. And they can’t scream about Russia “invading” a country, because they were invited to help out while President Peace Prize was not.

Plus, try as they might to present Russia’s targeting of the “peaceful moderate terrorists” hired by Barack as a bad thing, ultimately, all they are left with as far as an argument goes is saying the Russians are deliberately defending the government of Assad.

Well, they think we forget but… the United States never gave authorization to use military force in pursuit of forcing a regime change in Syria.

Obama got authorization to fight “ISIS”… or terrorists supposedly in Syria to remove Assad.

It’s a sticky situation for the propagandists of the MSM.

I just watched some talking heads on MSNBC babbling back and forth about the Defense Secretary’s recent statements on the subject. “They’re bombing the terrorists, the moderates, supposed to be “ISIS”, and we bomb “ISIS”, but we don’t want them to bomb “ISIS”, and Obama’s moderates… and Assad has to go, but there is no authorization… but Russia evil… bin Laden?”

Meanwhile, as is evidenced by the statement from that Free Syrian Army terrorist, looks like our moderate “rebels” are about to hit the road and there doesn’t seem to be much President Peace Prize can do about it.

Sure, they can threaten more terrorism targeting soft targets of Syrian civilian centers, but in the end, they know they were losing to Syrian forces alone before the West started bombing Assad’s forces. Now, with the Russians flying sorties in the areas, the Westerners are probably already hiding under their mattresses back in Europe somewhere and the US are sitting on the sidelines safely on a carrier somewhere watching it all unfold.
They don’t dare pull off another chemical weapons attack knowing full well the Russians would be the ones investigating where that Sarin gas came from this time.
And they certainly aren’t going to target Russian pilots.
Here’s the irony and the brilliance of Putin’s gambit:
Since we created the mythology of “ISIS” and now we can’t uncreate it, Russia has the perfect opportunity to jump on our bandwagon and go after our “moderate” terrorists. Who is too say the terrorists they killed today weren’t “ISIS”? The terrorists? They might just as well be “ISIS” saying that and you can’t take their word for it, after all, they’re terrorists. And we aren’t supposed to like terrorists, are we?
And as soon as the Russians and Syrians start picking through the debris and they start finding terrorist-type bombs and chemical weapons, what are the Mockingbirds going to do in the US press corps?
And God forbid they find that stuff and paychecks from the National Endowment for Democracy.
Yes, the masters of the universe have been hung by their own petards on this one.
They created the slippery evil-doers known as “ISIS” and now they can’t unmake them as Russia uses “ISIS” as cover to go into Syria and bomb the crap out of our “moderate” terrorists.
It’s kinda funny when you think about it.
No wonder Obama refused Russia’s help in fighting the terrorists.