It should be moved from Bavaria (from where the Nazis started in 1919...with the guidance of the Abwer) to near Berlin.
Its should be remodeled as a civilian foreign intelligence service rather than as a military intelligence.
Gays, especially butch gays should be excluded from it.
Its origins is in the SS and Gestapo from the Nazi period through the Galen network should be eliminated, and therefore a thorough de-Nazification of it should take place.
Its should stop acting as the WHORE of USA intelligence....it is no longer 1948..with the Red army occupying Prussia.....mechanisms to ensure this through the German Bundestag.
It should stop spying on German companies, where IP and R & D and sheer German ingenuity is transferred to the USA, primarily, but also to other countries.....mechanisms to ensure this through the German Bundestag.
It should stop its relation with mafia organizations in Eastern and Central Europe for drug smuggling from Afghanistan, counterfeiting...attempting to copy its brethren in the USA.
It should try and serve Germany's best interests, from where the taxes pays for its very existence and functioning.
Angie Merkels center right party can't seriously reform the BND, but they must undertake a PR exercise where they pretend to reform it...after ALL the scandals.
What is required is radical party to come to power, which abolishes the fascist BND, and transfers most of its powers to either the German Foreign ministry (passive intelligence gathering and analysis) , and still others to the federal police. Germany there after will become more efficient and effective a country.
Germany vows tougher control of spy agency after new revelations
Reuters and antiwar.com


Heiko Maas told the Rheinische Post newspaper in an interview to be published on Friday that a fundamental reform of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) was needed.

"Parliament must get all the necessary means for an effective control of the intelligence services," he added.
The media reports were the latest in a controversy over German intelligence that has erupted since former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed in 2013 a widespread U.S. surveillance program that included tapping Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone.

Germany's foreign intelligence agency is already under scrutiny after revelations earlier this year that its officials indirectly helped the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) spy on European firms such as defense manufacturer Airbus.

The scandal has caused a political uproar in Germany, where privacy is an especially sensitive issue after the extensive surveillance by Communist East Germany's Stasi secret police and by the Gestapo in the Nazi era.

The latest reports are seen as an embarrassment for Merkel, who repeatedly commented on Snowden's revelations of widespread U.S. espionage in Germany with the sentence: "Spying on friends isn't on at all."

Former fucking SS and the Gestapo in the BND
The German magazine Der Spiegel's online edition and public broadcaster ARD reported that BND officials spied on embassies and other government buildings of allies such as France and the United States through so-called "selectors" such as names and internet addresses.

Some of these search terms were not on the chancellery's commission list for the BND agency, suggesting its agents spied on allies without permission, the media reported, adding the government ordered the BND to stop this practice in autumn 2013.
(Reporting by Michael Nienaber and Matthias Sobolewski; editing by Andrew Roche)