West, Turkey Warm to the Idea of Talks With Syria’s Assad
Assad 'Has to Go,' But Could Stay in the Meantime
by Jason Ditz,antiwar.com

German Chancellor Angela Merkel similarly insisted any talks about Syria should realistically include Assad, saying the West has to speak with all actors in the region if they want to accomplish anything. That Merkel didn’t include the requisite number of “Assad must go” comments in her speech sparked some backlash, with suggestions that any talks involving Assad would mean no rebels would participate.
Which is true primarily because the Western nations that have been backing those rebels keep telling them not to participate. The Russian government has tried to get such “unity transitional government” talks going more than a few times, and the lip service initially given by everyone is scrapped pretty quickly when rebels who already agreed to participate suddenly change their tune after comments from some official in the US-led coalition.