The idea that Russia can't sell arms to Pakistan, because of its special strategic relationship with India is absurd.
Russia can buy influence in Pakistan, which is looking to re-orientate towards the SCO, and away from the USA.
$20 Billion worth of USA military aid since 2001 to Pakistan, including 4th generation fighter jets hasn't stopped the BJP clamoring to cosy up to the USA.....with Modi and other ministers visiting the USA a thousand times in quite a short space.
On the other hand since Russia has given India state of the art military equipment like no other nation (not even China) since the 1960's, then it makes no sense selling state of the art equipment to India's arch rival....Pakistan.
You can argue that helicopters have some utility against insurgency fighters, but state of the art jets can only be pointed in the direction of India. It would be grossly insensitive of Russia to sell such equipment to Pakistan, unless they want to throw a 60 year old relationship, still strong, up in the air......out of the window.
The Pakistan military, trained by the USA/UK is still a puppet of the USA, and is the most powerful institution in the country. Such an institution should not be rewarded with the latest Russian state of the art equipment such as the Su-35 which will then be trained on India, who else?
Russia should by all means strengthen ties with the civilian government of Pakistan with gas pipeline deals, infrastructure deals, power station deals and strategic industry deals...AKA the 60 strategic projects offered by the former Soviet Union to Pakistan, worth between $30-40 billion if Pakistan ceased supporting the Afghan Mujaheddin in the mid 1980's.
This grand plan has now been taken up by China....who is doing exactly the same as the Soviet Union promised, worth $50 billion.
But selling Su-35 to Pakistan is taking things a bit too far.
Pakistan is a Failed State significantly run by the USA trained Punjab military....with a PPP GDP of $900 billion. In the scheme of things its not that an important country for Russia. Pakistanis are not related to the much beloved Tartars or the White Huns. The locals of Khorasan which partially covers Pakistan adopted the Khan name out of respect for Genghis Khan, not because they are significantly related to the Mongols(save the Hazara minority)......same with Sikander (Alexander)

On the other hand India IS an important country with a PPP GDP of $7.5 trillion. By 2050 India may well have a PPP GDP of $50 trillion. INDIA is an important country, but it is a nation that does not punch its weight around the world.
Russian business, and Russian industry wishes to significantly strengthen its relations with India in the coming years for obvious strategic reasons. Selling Pakistan state of the art Su-35 hinders this process.
Modi was brought into power by the Israelis and USA, with his right-wing government (Ukraine--Porky Poroschenko) Tony Abbott (Australia). Modi smells like an Israeli agent with his two false flags in 2002 and 2014 which helped his elections to public office ...........ONE OPINES THAT HE MAY WELL BE GOOD FOR INDIA IN UNINTENDED WAYS.......great are the mysteries of the universe and the law of unintended consequences.
But Russia should not be upset with Modi and the BJP. Modi will not always run India. There will be an India after Modi.
Pakistan-Russia Su-35 Fighter Jet Deal Potentially The Largest
at valuewalk.com and antiwar.comPakistan is negotiating a deal to purchase Sukhoi-35 'Flanker E' fighter jets from Russia, which is expected to be the largest defense deal between the two countries, according to IHS Jane’s.

A senior Pakistani government official confirmed the discussions between Pakistan and Russia regarding the supply of Su-35 fighter jets. However, the official emphasized that it is “too early” to tell whether both countries will reach an agreement.
Previous reports indicated that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov revealed that the two countries are in talks on the supply of Su-35 fighter jets.
According to the Pakistani official, they are interested in the Su-35 fighter jets because the country’s Air Force needs a twin-engine fighter with the capacity to fly longer range than the JF-17 and to penetrate deeply into the enemy’s territory.
Pakistan’s Air Force has a mixed fleet of Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) F16 Dassault Mirage-5s, Chinese-manufactured F-7s, and the JF-17 Thunder. China and Pakistan partnered in producing the JF-17 Thunder fighter jet.
Pakistan strengthening relations with Russia
Pakistan has been strengthening its relationship with Russia while facing increasing tensions with the United States regarding its efforts to fight the Islamic militants in the region. The U.S. considers Pakistan as an unreliable partner in fighting terrorist groups..
Pakistan recently agreed to purchase Mi-35 “Hinde E” attack helicopters from Russia. The Pakistani government did not reveal the details of the deal including the value and schedule for the delivery of the Mi-35 helicopters.
Last year, Russia and Pakistan signed a bilateral defense cooperation agreement to boost its military-to-military relations. Both countries are expected to sign a technical cooperation agreement for the sale of Russian military equipment to Islamabad.