Wars and conflict can sometimes begin through miscalculation, mis- perception and provocation.
There should not be any war between Japan and China because:
1. Trade between the two countries totaled $700 billion in 2014 (Japan and China's biggest trading partners...are each other, as neighbors). Think of all the companies and people involved in such business/trade who could be hurt by conflict between the two countries.
2. China will become leader of the FREE WORLD....and is in the process of doing so. At the moment tentatively like a baby learning to walk with Russia and BRIC countries. In the future, unilaterally. After an absence of 200 years a big Asian power will assert itself in the global arena. That should be welcomed after 500 years of European and Western colonialism, racism and destruction......which has led to the death of 80 million in the colonies of Africa, South America and ASIA.

3. No more Neanderthal countries led by Jews imposing their illegal will on the rest of the world....when China becomes number one.
4. The Rothschilds of London have a special connection to China. The Rothschilds are the unofficial monarchs of the Jewish tribe. What they say all Jews slavishly follow. They are an all powerful elite which Japan should not ignore. If Japan wages war against China this will incur the wrath of the Rothschilds of London. Financially in the global market this has major implications for Japan. The rumor mills say, in the absence of clear documents stating why the Rothschild love China, is that it has something to do with the Red Dragon symbol, which is the emblem of the House of Rothschilds (Red Shield in German)......something like that......Red dragon can also be construed to mean Communist China. Indeed the British played a major role in helping the Communists Mao come to power in China in 1949, with the additional help of Bolshevik Soviet Union against the USA backed nationalists Kuomintang.

Elite preferences and peccadilloes are an unfathomable ill defined science....as it is based on shallow whim and prejudice....AFTER ALL the Rothschilds do not speak Chinese, eat Chinese food with chop sticks, allow any of their siblings to marry Chinese or hang around with the Chinese crowd......or are capable of holding a serious debate about anything in China with an expert from Beijing...BUT, they are known to treat Communist China as their private little hobby horse as it was made repeatedly clear to me in the UK. Sometimes it was repeatedly inferred to me that the Chinese are white people, and that is why the Rothschilds favored them vis a vi Brown India (I'm supposed to represent Mr. India....cows).......on the other hand The Rothschilds, if they have married out side the tribe, have married Aryans from South Asia...Imran Khan, Dr. Hasnat Khan could have married Diana....he wouldn't have been bumped off like Arab Dodi...and Amartya Sen.

But wait, the Ukraine is Third World white, and they've been screwed by the Jews Royally......and the Eskimo's for that matter. North Koreans are screwed by the West.
5. Japan killed 15--20 million Chinese in WWII. Invaded the country and destroyed the country. Japan should undertake meaningful contrition given this fact, rather than contemplating yet more conflict against the New ASIAN champion of the world.
6. MODERN WAR IS DESTRUCTIVE. Here we are not talking about Kublai Khan sending wooden ships armed with bows and arrows, spears and swords against Japan.......we are truly in the destructive age where even conventional weapons can inflict untold harm, let alone economic suicide.

7. War between China and Japan is desired by Jewish globalists in the West who profit from the whole process of war...WWI and WWII......Korean War, Vietnamese war.... and the Cold War....and current wars in the Middle East are their products. They love it when others shed their blood, instigated wars through their proxies. Japan is a colony of the USA, who manipulated all Japanese elections to ensure the same party won every election since WWII in this so called liberal democracy. Great Japan of Asia should not be manipulated by Neanderthal Westerners led by Jews into a cataclysmic conflict with China.
The same rule applies to the Chinese, though not a Western colony like Japan...with Western troops stationed in the country. However as with else where many of the corrupt elite like to send their children to study in the USA/UK along with their black money loot, and their love.

China and Japan MUST engage each other meaningfully, rationally.... not through the lens and think tanks of the West, but directly in a civilized manner. All concerns and paranoia must be addressed openly and not allowed to fester. China must take the lead in this, BUT Japan must accept the Chinese as the future leaders of the World......and NOT instigate full war over a few rocks in the sea.
Japan DM Seeks Record Military Budget ‘to Counter China’
Move Adds to Tensions Over Abe's Military Ambitions
by Jason Ditz at antiwar.com
One day after massive antiwar protests in Tokyo sought to oppose authorizing overseas military deployments, Japan’s Defense Ministry has submitted its official budget request for 2016, and is seeking the most money ever sought for the country’s military.

Even with this increase, Japan would be spending only about a third of the amount China is on its military, and would pose no real offensive threat to China at any rate. The complaint that China is building islands in the South China Sea doesn’t make sense either, since that is nowhere near Japan, and Japan has no claims anywhere near those waters.
Since WW2, Japan’s constitution does not really allow the nation to have an offensive military. Despite this, the country now has the seventh most expensive military on the planet, and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has been openly seeking to remove what limitations remain on deploying that military abroad on the grounds of “collective self-defense.”
Though in recent years the public has not objected to increases in military spending, the push for overseas deployments has fueled a major backlash, with 120,000 protesters in Tokyo yesterday demanding the government back off these plans.