
Both Hitler and Castro surrounded themselves with gay people.
Hitler had sex with boys.
Both Hitler and Castro have Jewish origins.
Gay? Of Course! - By Servando Gonzalez
Gay? Of Course! - By Servando Gonzalez

"In recent times, only two countries in the world have ... interned homosexuals in concentration camps: Nazi Germany and Castro's Cuba...
"Ernst Roehm, Rudolf Hess, Reinhard Heydrich, and even Hitler’s driver, Emil Maurice, were well-known homosexuals...
"Castro’s close
friend Alfredo Guevara (no relation to Che) and his brother Raúl, just
to mention two of the most notorious ones, are well-known homosexuals."
(Lothar Machtan, Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator. Eleonora Bruzal and Luis José Uzcátegui, Los hombres que erotizó Fidel.
According to Machtan, Hitler allowed the persecution of gays in order
to disguise his own true colors. This could be easily applied to
Castro. Obama Gay? Of Course!)

Both in Germany, and in Cuba, some of these top gay people "played a key
role in sending other homosexuals to concentration camps."
"Obviously, both in Cuba and Germany there were two different types of homosexuals."
"Obviously, both in Cuba and Germany there were two different types of homosexuals."

Butch Nazi types. "The two macho thugs who killed the effeminate homosexual Matthew Shepard were actually gays." Paglia, Camille
"While the Castro government was harassing and torturing homosexuals... many American gays joined the Venceremos Brigade and traveled to Cuba, allegedly to work in the sugar crop but actually to give support to the Castro regime.
"American gays, who are essentially anti-homosexual, had no objections
to the harassment and torturing of homosexuals in Castro’s concentration
"San Francisco gays of the pro-Castro organization 'Queers for Cuba,' boycotted in San Francisco Bay Area theaters the film Before the Night Falls, based on the autobiography of Cuban writer and homosexual Reinaldo Arenas.
"San Francisco gays of the pro-Castro organization 'Queers for Cuba,' boycotted in San Francisco Bay Area theaters the film Before the Night Falls, based on the autobiography of Cuban writer and homosexual Reinaldo Arenas.

"Arenas was one of the thousands of homosexuals persecuted in Cuba by
the Castroist gays and interned in a concentration camp, who escaped the
Island during the Mariel boatlift of 1980.
"It is also easy to understand why when the more than twenty thousand homosexuals who had escaped from the harassment and persecution in Castro’s gay paradise arrived in the U.S., the American gay organizations turned their backs on them...
"The gay-friendly Latin American Studies Association (LASA), recently received Mariela Castro, the daughter of gay Raúl Castro, the main instigator of the persecution of homosexuals in Cuba, as a hero during its International Congress in San Francisco last May...
"It is also easy to understand why when the more than twenty thousand homosexuals who had escaped from the harassment and persecution in Castro’s gay paradise arrived in the U.S., the American gay organizations turned their backs on them...
"The gay-friendly Latin American Studies Association (LASA), recently received Mariela Castro, the daughter of gay Raúl Castro, the main instigator of the persecution of homosexuals in Cuba, as a hero during its International Congress in San Francisco last May...

Rafi Eitan "Rafi Eitan, the Israeli cabinet member and spymaster who ran the Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, is Castro's business partner and the largest land-owner (of stolen land) in Cuba." - How Zionist Pirates Hijacked America. Israel is "becoming one of the leading foreign investors in Cuba, with private Jewish businessmen involving themselves in everything from Cuban citrus exports to real-estate projects." material from 2001 .......and
"The trick is not an original one. Gay leaders got it from the Jewish Zionist movement.

How has the gay movement become so powerful in the USA?

"The trick is not an original one. Gay leaders got it from the Jewish Zionist movement.
"Zionists cleverly disguised their political movement as an ethnic one.
"Despite the fact that not all Jews are Zionists, nor all Zionists are
Jews, any criticism of the Zionist government of Israel, particularly by
a non-Jew, immediately brings on you the accusation of being

How has the gay movement become so powerful in the USA?
"Because the gay movement leaders opportunistically became fellow travelers to the New World Order conspirators...
"The tacit collaboration between the gay movement leaders and the CFR
conspirators is evidenced by the extraordinary support the gay movement
receives from the CFR-controlled mainstream media and non-profit
"The love and admiration some core gays feel for the Nazis is evidenced
in the 'gay pride' parades in San Francisco and other cities.
"Those black leather-clad gays sporting Nazi paraphernalia while openly
mimicking all types of sadistic activities are a clear sign of their
Nazi persuasion.

"Moreover, the CFR-controlled presstitutes have hidden the fact that
most members of neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. are actually butch, macho
"The American gay movement paints itself as liberal, progressive and socially conscious.
"The American gay movement paints itself as liberal, progressive and socially conscious.
"Actually, however, it is a secret tool of the Council on Foreign
Relations, probably the most reactionary organization in America, where
oil magnates, Wall Street bankers and CEOs of transnational corporations
conspire to bring about the communo-fascist society they
euphemistically call the New World Order...
"You don’t see any rainbow flags among Bilderberg meetings protesters..."