
Its nice and polite to be courteous to people who are polite, say the right things, provide hope for the masses, and display a level of sophistication which is higher than Dumbya II, with his flaying nostrils, grazed eyes, war, war and more war....with tax cuts for the Jewish elite at home, and the institution of a police state in the USA for the first time.
I said lets see with Obama, and what he actually does in power. (OK OK OK I was actually rooting for Ron Paul) Give Obama a chance to prove himself. I have now seen enough..........the "House Nigger" is a Jewish elite puppet after all according to some sources.
That he is secretly Jewish or a crypto-Jewish additionally, must indicate to us how/where his ACTUAL policies were shaped in the past year, and the coming future apocalyptic years.
I suppose you slowly get your suspicions confirmed that Obama is indeed the other side of the same elite Jewish coin, but dressed a little differently, more eloquent, more smiles........and "gee shucks I'm black with a Muslim middle name".
- The fact that his very first act upon coming to power was to throw the taxpayers money to the Jewish Wall Street, unconditionally should have given us an early indicator.
- That he intends to continue the war in Afghanistan indefinitely is yet another indicator.
- That the defense and security budgets are constantly expanding under his presidency is another indicator.
- That he spent the best part of 1 year selling his carpet bag Jewish private insurance policy for ALL or else, in the American Healthcare mess is another indicator.
- That he hasn't dismantled the Jewish instituted police state in the USA since the Israeli false flag ops of 9/11 is another indicator.
Obama Declares Afghan War ‘Absolutely Essential’
Insists America Will Never Abandon Conflict, by Jason Ditz at Antiwar.com, March 28, 2010
Citing 9/11, President Obama insisted that continuing the conflict makes all Americans safer, and assured the troops that “everyone” knows the importance of the continued occupation of the landlocked nation.
He also threw water on the notion that the war might come to an end any time soon, saying “the United States of America does not quit once we start on something.” He reiterated his confidence that the US would ultimately prevail.
But despite pledging to give the troops a clear mission and a clear goal, and insisting that they would “get the job done,” he didn’t make it at all clear what exactly this job was. His only hint at any mission beyond endless conflict was a reference to al-Qaeda in the region, though administration officials have repeatedly conceded that there are virtually no al-Qaeda members left in Afghanistan, and have not been in some time.
Yet momentum and a sufficiently hawkish administration suggests the conflict will continue to find enemies wherever it can and continue indefinitely.