As P5+1 Deal Sours, New Third-Party Sought for Enrichment by Jason Ditz at
The prospects of finalizing the draft third party enrichment deal at this late hour, after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s acceptance was met with feigned outrage by Western powers, and after Iran has backed off that acceptance to a stance calling for direct exchange, seems slim to none. This does not, however, mean the prospect of third party enrichment itself is dead.
(It shouldn't be, the stakes are too high......the mullahs, {installed by the USA/UK/France/Israel}, and the USA which is directed by Israel have made this saga into a bigger than it warrants issue, which means too much publicity for the participants in negotiation, and in addition too much posturing by all parties based on mutual distrust, and a certain desire to outwit the other.
Its actually quite simple, no need to get into a faggotty conspiratorial tizzy: Iran wants civilian nuclear power; they think their oil will run out sometime in the future, and nuclear power is a cheap alternative; the Shah began the civilian nuclear program in 1974 with encouragement from the USA, with Jewboy Kissinger and others, with investments of $20 billion and 20 nuclear plants
............The mullahs upon coming to power, initially shut the program down between 1979--89, describing it as unIslamic, but reopened it again in the late eighties, only as a low priority after thought. The mullahs didn't get a lot of cooperation from the international community to restart the civilian program at first for obvious reasons, until Russia offered help in the late 1990's.
The IAEA exists to monitor and regulate the proper use of civilian nuclear technology around the world, and Iran is happy for enriched Uranium to be sent to a Third country, so in the normal course of negotiations this problem should be easily settled, without getting into theatrics and melodramatics. )

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Rather, according to Iran’s Foreign Ministry, they have taken the advice of the IAEA and are now looking for some new third parties with which to reach a comparable enrichment deal.
The initial deal stalled over Iranian concerns of the use of France as a partner in the deal, as France previously reneged on a nuclear deal with Iran and there was concern that, if Iran shipped a large portion of its uranium stockpile abroad, it would simply disappear into France, with nary a trace but some harsh rhetoric from the Sarkozy government.
(France along with the UK and Norway helped build Israel's nuclear bomb program, covertly and illegally contrary to their agreements and signature under the NNPT, from the 1950's after the Suez War of 1956.
France is a premier Jew controlled power with 1,000,000 filthy Jews unofficially living in the country. France is a major country which also bought the mullahs into power in 1979 with directions from Israel, possibly because they didn't want Iran's civilian nuclear program fully developed under the Shah.
Nicolas Sarkozy is a Filthy Jew who is alleged to be a Mossad agent according to Le Figaro.
For these reasons the mullah's of Iran installed by the USA/UK/France/Israel, and despite freezing Iran's nuclear program for 10 years, still can't send enriched uranium to France, because if they did, then they might as well send the enriched uranium to Israel, USA or even better the UK.
Putin's Russia first offered the idea of Third country enrichment, and salutations to the Russians for coming up with such a simple compromise, BUT the mullahs wary and suspicious of Russia, and the unreliability of Russia as a supplier of most things........gas to Ukraine used as a political leverage weapon by Moscow.
Russia's unpredictability in supplying weapons to Tehran, after an agreement has been signed, which have the appearance of teasing the Iranians month after month.
Finally, all too often decisions in Moscow seem to be dictated by visiting Israeli leaders to Moscow, Netanyahoo being the most recent, makes the Russians undesirable destinations for spent nuclear fuel from Iran's point of view.
The Iranians are now very frustrated with Russia, as they slowly discover that in essence, despite having "Iranians" in Russia where the Iranian race first evolved, AND that clearly the interests of Russia and Iran converge at many strategic levels, the relationship between the two countries is not a open common understanding based on mutual respect and trust.....................from Russia's point of view, how do you trust mullahs installed by the USA/UK/France/Israel with ALL their theatrics since 1979.
On the other hand, Russia is now a Jew controlled country, and has been since 1921, when the Jew Bolsheviks consolidated their control of the country, and destroyed Russia's original Iranian essence, centered around the spirituality of the Eastern Orthodox church, ........replacing this with pan Jewish globalism mixed with Slavic racial identity (Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev,Yeltsin, Putin.)
The mullahs, installed by the USA/UK/France/Israel have in turn for the Jewish globalist agenda, submerged their Iranian identity in favor of Pan globalist Islamism, support for Hamas, the Bosnian/Kosovo cause with America jointly and covertly.........and the steady destruction of Iranian culture in favor of all things Arab/Islam of a rather perverted kind, and interpretation. "The Koran says you can marry a girl of 9...The Koran says you can marry a girl of 14 for a day only, and then divorce her after you are "satisfied"....The Koran says you can sell Iranians to the Gulf countries for money........The Koran says a mullah can become a billionaire by stealing state funds......The Koran says the mullah regime can execute thousands upon thousands of Iranians people for speaking their mind.......The Koran says you can take over foreign embassies.......The Koran says you can conduct 8 year meaningless wars and send 1,000,000 children and men to their deaths, so that they achieve martyrdom........and so on"
A state to project its true identity to the rest of the world, with full confidence, must first find and accept its TRUE ORIGINAL ESSENCE, and only then can it be happy with itself and its surroundings. It must not deny its pure roots, and apprehend shame of its long do otherwise would be self defeating nationally.
Then you have Turkey.....Muslim country, in the process of shedding Jew control slowly, hence the Armenian Genocide Bill in the JEWSA in response; American colony (50,000 American troops stationed there, and the Japanese play baseball), but extremely reliable in matters pertaining to business contracts and international agreements AND the Americans at least might be satisfied with Japan as an enrichment destination ........or what about China?....or India?)
Western officials have not commented yet on Iran’s latest tack, but they will likely take a dim view of some other nuclear power doing the enrichment after spending months trying to convince the world that the “draft” agreement they submitted to the IAEA was an all-or-nothing proposition, which could never be revised or even clarified publicly.
(arrogant undiplomatic behavior.........and not the usual way to negotiate.
One notes that nuclear bomb North Korea, with threw out the IAEA receives ceaseless open ended offers of negotiation, with kid glove and sweeteners such as huge amounts of financial aid if they would just play along with the six negotiating powers pretty please, which Dear Leader Kim Il Jong replies "FUCK YOU"...launches missiles over Japan, and conducts military exercises very near the DMZ......recently.
So what are we saying?
Be belligerent as possible and you will be rewarded;.......on the other hand follow ALL our demands; Conduct go anywhere, see anything on the spot inspections since 2003 by the IAEA into infinity, and be expected to be snubbed, cus we apprehend inferiority complexes with our ginger pubic hair, even if the majority of the originals are happy and content with themselves?
Wouldn't it be nice if International relations and specifically sensitive negotiations about serious matters were pursued within the same playing fields of principles instead of applying different standards? The contributions of filthy Jews in a faggotty tizzy not withstanding)