The ego is a dangerous thing to ourselves, and others, though it is also important for basic survival...........that which is only required to preserve ourselves, and nothing more.
When the ego is packaged in state nationalism it becomes dangerous, as has been exhibited throughout history. The ego tends naturally to be high in rich successful countries with "big" histories, and seems to be primarily a male failing. That is not to say females do not have ego's, they do, but unlike males it tends to be exhibited in different ways, and less dangerously.
The male ego is very high in countries such as the USA, UK, most of Northern Europe, China, Japan.
In a league of their own the Jews of course, most affectionately expressed through the desert strip in the Levant known as Israel. Their religion, unlike all the other great religions expressed through the Talmud, and Tora, translated versions not to be found in gentile libraries for good reasons is one big ego trip, reinforced by their rabid loony rabbi's.
Sometimes it is good to have a proper understanding for who we really are, and that history of "Modern" man is a long ongoing process starting about 40,000 years ago.

An angry looking Neanderthal woman......perhaps she has not had sex for quite a while, because she ate her husband?
Who are the Germans?
Like ALL nations they are a mongrel hybrid race of many different people.
But are they related to Neanderthals, and if so what percentage?
Does Gunther Arshlop have 10% Neanderthal genes or Helga Stein 30%?
Who can say?

It is true that many Germans have strong physical attributes.......they like Africans are good at sports.
Germans are also naturally aggressive.
One foreign observer known to me described the German as very earthy........in some respects quite simple, basic, literal, stupid.
On the other hand Germans are also very sophisticated if we think of the great German philosophers of the 18th, 19th and 20th century; German classical music and so forth.
But there are also many fat ugly Germans slurping away, eating huge quantities of meat.
That there are Neanderthals in Germany is without doubt.