
By the Telegraph
"Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday."........
From Mike Rivero at What Really Happened..........Its seems the Jew Americans with the Israelis take Americans to be dumb suckers:
"This is just political theater. The whole world sees the US as Israel's bitch right now, which has destroyed any credibility the US has left in terms of being an unbiased arbiter in the middle east. This pretense at a diplomatic split is just for show, to make it look like the US is free of Israel's control (to save Israel from the backlash when Israel orders the US to attack Iran), but lets us look at what they are DOING rather than what they are saying.
The United Nations Human Rights Commission just passed five resolutions criticizing Israel for their war crimes against the Palestinians in Operation CAST LEAD. The United States voted against all five.
Does that sound like there is really a split between the US and Israel?
Yesterday, in the middle of this pretend kerfuffle, the US and Israel reached a new arms deal in which more modern US weapons, ultimately paid for by the US taxpayers, are on their way to Israel for Israel to use against its neighbors.
Does that sound like there is really a split between the US and Israel?
Today Netenyahu's office is saying that the building of Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem will continue, and is implying White House permission to do so.
Does that sound like there is really a split between the US and Israel?"
And so on.....