Sep 28, 2008

False Jewish prophets........Bill White.

Why am I posting an old article from about Jews pretending to be something else:

1) Seems to be a long historical record of Jews and their puppets pretending to be extremists representative of host politics in order to incite the hosts as agent provocateurs, and act as "controlled opposition" of the Goyim, when he really does get up set.....................Stalin, Hitler,.................Theodore Roosevelt. Things which if a gentile attempted would get them arrested pretty quickly.

2) The incredible extent and role of the Jewish media to propagate these people, and their agenda's.


Is Bill White A Real Nazi, Or Just A Zionist Poodle?

It just seems that every time we get a dyed-in-the-wool second coming of Adolf Hitler, the beast turns out to be Jewish.. Bill White stands out because of the enormous publicity he gets from the ADL, SPLC, NY Post, Zionist-controlled newspapers, etc.

His connection to obvious Zionist schemes, such as The Red Lake Massacre, and the Toledo race riot, also makes one question Mr. White's real foundation.

White's History

Bill White was born 1977, attends predominately Jewish schools, and became a columnist for Pravda. In 1999, he becomes noticed for praising the Columbine killers. He changes from a Communist to a Neo-Nazi, and starts Oddly, his present occupation is that of a slum landlord, a field reserved for Jews.

Bill White's Roots

White grew up in the exclusive Jewish neighborhood of Horizon Hill, in Rockville, Maryland. This is an area dotted with synagogues, Jewish restaurants, and $2,000,000 homes.

Baltimore's Elite

Horizon Hills is considered Maryland's finest neighborhoods.

White's Relationships

White was involved with Erica Hoesch until mid-2004. Hoesch worked with National Alliance, National Social Movement (NSM), White Revolution, Matt Hale, and she was said to have turned over mailing lists to Morris Dees at the SPLC.

Morris Dees, and his Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), list Bill White as one of the 40 most dangerous activists in the US.

Making a list of 'Prohibited web sites' like that is the best advertising a Zionist front can get.

Bill White On 9/11

According to , Mr. White takes the position that Israel's Mossad knew something big was about to happen, but allowed it to take place. His site sells this video.

The Truth is

That Israel orchestrated the entire thing. Rabbi Dov Zakheim, former Under-Secretary of Defense, called for a new Pearl Harbor to galvanize the frame of mind necessary among the American public to go forth with the Project for a New American Century.

Bill White On Blacks

Basically, he sees them as just being stupid niggers. He classified Katrina's victims as being niggers. Video of him at black rally.

The Truth On New Orleans

A mysterious break in a levee pushed most of the Blacks out of New Orleans, at the same time that Zionist gangsters were buying up a sizeable portion of the city's prime properties.

White Is Always 'Johnny On The Spot'

White organizes a anti black rally in , and conveniently a number of Jewish groups show. He also has ancillary ties to the Red Lake Massacre, Lefkow, Hale, Columbine, etc.

White organizes an anti-black rally in Toledo, and conveniently a number of Zionist left-wing groups show up. He also has ancillary ties to the Red Lake Massacre, Judge Lefkow killings,Matt Hale's group, Columbine massacre, etc.

Zionist Organizations Salted The Field

These phony Nazis have been a mainstay of the Zionists since 1932, when they first marched out Fritz Kuhn, George Rockwell, Frank Collin (Cohen), and half of the KKK leadership.

So What Do You Have?

Bill White (Weiss?) may well be just a radical self-hating Jew, that grew up to become a slum landlord, and part-time Neo-Nazi, like so many others.

But, what is strange is that White does not do activism to expose the truth about 9/11, the Madrid train bombing, London Bus bombings, and the countless marine ambushes by the Mossad, in Iraq.