Sep 26, 2008

Are Coalition Forces Really under pressure----the FACTS.

Several senior officials in America say that the 70,000-80,000 Coalition forces that are based in Afghanistan are under severe threats of attacks based in the FATA region of this true? Do the actual FACTS in Afghanistan match the rhetoric from the USA?

The hysteria being fomented in the MSM and alternative press that the situation in Afghanistan is getting dire, because of the activities of the Taliban against the Afghan government. Even the NIE has joined in the chorus to say the situation in Afghanistan for the Coalition forces are getting desperate. Such reports in the media of course invite some kind of response to do something against this alleged rising tide of violence against the Coalition. That usually means a call to, and pressure to, on the USA administration:

1) Increase the troop levels in Afghanistan....thus more coalition forces and the doubling of the Afghan army from the present 70,000 to 135,000.

2) Physically intervene in Pakistani soil, in hot pursuit of the Taliban, and to put greater pressure of the Pakistani government to breaking point; to the point where the 'relationship' is severely strained.

But the facts tell us a different story. The Afghan Taliban is about 8,000 strong, but nobody is sure of its actual size. Against them are arrayed a large mixed bag of forces consisting of coalition forces from the West 70,000--80,000 and the Afghan security forces and militia of about 230,000 and increasing daily.

That is a ratio of
1:37 between the Afghan Taliban and the Afghan government security forces, warlord militia's loyal to the government and the coalition forces.

Now it could be that the Afghan Taliban are another version of Hezbollah, or the 300 Spartans, or the Mermedons of Greek Fable. But the FACTS say that every encounter between the Afghan Taliban and government security forces has ended in a turkey shoot against the Afghan Taliban......these are the FACTS...

The casualty rate of Coalition forces over 7 years is about 800 soldiers killed, or about 115 a year if evened out over 7 years of occupation. Check it yourself. When you consider that the American armed forces lose several thousand soldiers during peace time each year, and no hysteria there by the government officials........then why this hysteria NOW in relation to the minuscule loses in Afghanistan relative to Iraq and over all peacetime loses? " The attacks from FATA pose a grave threat...the end of the world is neigh blah blah blah......" "We must intervene in another sovereign country"

The Soviets didn't pursue the Mujaheddin into Pakistan, where they were openly being trained by the Pakistanis, Israelis and others. The Soviets lost or missing in action of about 20,000, or 2,500 troops a year. The British army didn't hot pursue the IRA into Ireland even though over 3,000 British lives were lost....................Prominent British figures, including a Prime Minister was targeted.

So why this unique American International law exceptionalism in relation to FATA?

1. Political and media do help McCain maybe?

2. To slowly get at the Pakistani nuke bombs......seems the most plausible answer.

3. The Taliban is a rag tag ineffective militia created by America through the good offices of their servant service the ISI from is a controlled opposition operation, and not a real resistance movement.

4. The only people suffering in Afghanistan are the ordinary Afghan people from Coalition violence, and gross mismanagement from a central corrupt government, run by Drug related criminals..........the alleged increase in violence against Coalition forces is total Bullshit. More rectum talk. That is why you have 250,000 Coalition and mercenary forces in Iraq with casualty rates of 4,200 killed over 5 years, and 70,000-80,000 Coalition forces in Afghanistan with casualty rate of 800 so far over 7 years.


One hopes the good Afghan people find their 'liberation' from this coalition force occupation soon, they have experienced much sorrow over 30 years approaching due to the activities of foreign forces, but it will never come through the fake ISI/American inspired Afghan Taliban.