Ivanka is Donald Trump's favourite daughter and has the presidents ear on important issues of the state.

It is not very constitutional or Democratic, but when you think past Presidents consulted Astrologers before making policy decisions, or killed babies and drank their blood--to give them that extra special satanic power..................then an old man taking advice from a beloved daughter does not sound so bad.

However, she is an NY 'LIBERAL' socialite with lots of Democratic friends and an IT girl, married to a shady Hassidic Orthodox Jew.

It is rumoured that Donald Chump ordered the last attack on Syria, based on Ivanka's advice to daddy do something, I'm so upset......I couldn't eat my cheesecake and drink my latte.

Then maybe Ivanka playing Salome to Herod Chump is not such a good idea.
Charles Laughton, a thespian heavy weight playing Donald Herod Trump----of course nobody is suggesting Trump has incestuous feelings for his daughter......who looks spookily like him.
IVANKA HABIBI.....do you think the USA should attack Saudi Arabia for its crime against children in Yemen?

IVANKA HABIBI.....do you think the USA should attack the USA for its crime against children in Libya?

IVANKA HABIBI.....do you think the USA should attack the USA for its crime against children in Afghanistan under the illegal indiscriminate Drone program?

IVANKA HABIBI.....do you think the USA should attack Israel for its crime against children in Gaza, using phosphorous bombs and chemical weapons?

IVANKA HABIBI.....do you think the USA should attack USA for its crime against children in the USA, WHERE 800,000 children disappear each year, some end up being processed in the meat factories........whilst others are processed in paedophile rings, tortured, abused, murdered under Jewish satanic law?

CHARITY begins at home---lets save American kids first Ivanka Habibi......and let the rest of the world sort itself out.

Ivanka Habibi,.............. its not your job to PUUUSSH the President of the FREE WORLD INTO A POLICY CORNER, based on shady information from 2 known 'al-CIA-duh' sources.

Where would the world be if the most powerful man on earth made SERIOUS GLOBAL STRATEGIC DECISIONS on the advice of their daughter, and dubious dis-information sources?
AND....why be upset with the tragic death of children only.......why not the same with adults, or old people?
Ivanka Kushner....when you look into the eyes of your children, and YOU initiate WWIII through your father......and tens of millions die....subsequently because of your sudden newly discovered 2 seconds worth of pique of moral righteous outrage through your Hassidic husband no doubt......then where will you be then?