WWIII........the end of humanity of course, and
The World ends, just because Donald Chump was boning a porn star, just after Melania got pregnant (Could not do sex).......and, and. and......Stormy was not happy with the $130,000 hush money and the mafia-like threats from the Trump mob lawyer against Stormy and her family in 2016......and and and...
WIKIPEDIA: Marriage vows are promises each partner in a couple makes to the other during a wedding ceremony based upon Western Christian norms.....
I, DONALD CHIMP TRUMP, take you, Melania Knauss, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, and this is my solemn vow.
Or is the leader of the FREE WORLD coming to the rescue of Netanyahoo who faces CORRUPTION CHARGES....and HE too needs a WAG THE DOG moment?
Take your pick, but will it matter when the world ends?

All this only proves that humans are a bunch of
Russia Faults Trump Threats: We Don’t Do ‘Twitter Diplomacy’
Pompeo to declare 'soft' policy toward Russia over
President Trump’s early Wednesday Twitter barrage, including telling Russia to “get ready” for the missiles that he’ll soon be ordering fired, is raising a lot of eyebrows. Russia, however, is shrugging it off, admonishing the US president and saying that Russia doesn’t do “Twitter diplomacy.”

During his Twitter comments Trump both went after Russia and lamented the poor shape of US-Russia relations. The situation seems set to get worse, however, with Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo planning to tell the Senate that the US “soft” policy toward Russia is now over.
Pompeo is said to also intend to declare Russia “a danger to our country.” This comes after Ambassador Nikki Haley bragged that Trump is the most anti-Russia president since Ronald Reagan. Pompeo’s comments suggest this is only going to get worse.
The most troubling part of this is that Trump himself conceded on Twitter that relations are the worst in history, saying they’re even worse than the Cold War. Given how often the Cold War threatened to turn into World War 3, the administration seems remarkably contented to keep throwing fuel on the fire.