Apr 30, 2018

Apr 29, 2018

American Intelligence Media---No Russian Collusion

President Trump didn't have to Bomb Syria just to prove that either.

He didn't have to bring in Bush Nazis to disprove that either.

Apr 23, 2018







ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says

By Eric Schmidt at the New York Times

A cemetery on the outskirts of Gaziantep, Turkey. Grave No. 38487 holds the body of a 4-year-old girl who died of wounds she received when a shell containing sulfur mustard agent hit her home in Marea, Syria.CreditBryan Denton for The New York Times

The Islamic State has used chemical weapons, including chlorine and sulfur mustard agents, at least 52 times on the battlefield in Syria and Iraq since it swept to power in 2014, according to a new independent analysis.
More than one-third of those chemical attacks have come in and around Mosul, the Islamic State stronghold in northern Iraq, according to the assessment by the IHS Conflict Monitor, a London-based intelligence collection and analysis service.
The IHS conclusions, which are based on local news reports, social media and Islamic State propaganda, mark the broadest compilation of chemical attacks in the conflict. American and Iraqi military officials have expressed growing alarm over the prospect of additional chemical attacks as the allies press to regain both Mosul and Raqqa, the Islamic State capital in Syria.

Reported attacks with chemical weapons.
100 Miles

“The coalition is concerned about ISIL’s use of chemical weapons,” Col. John Dorrian, a military spokesman in Iraq, said in an email on Monday, using another name for the Islamic State. “ISIL has used them in Iraq and Syria in the past, and we expect them to continue employing these types of weapons.”
Colonel Dorrian said that the Islamic State’s ability to use chemical weapons is “rudimentary,” and that American, Iraqi and other allied troops are equipped to deal with the impact of these chemical attacks — typically rockets, mortar shells or artillery shells filled with chemical agents. The effects of these chemical munitions thus far have been limited to the immediate area where they land.
Continue reading the main story
the IHS assessment is to be made public on Tuesday. The New York Times obtained an advance copy of the assessment and the location of the 52 reported chemical attacks. The analysis did not break down the cases by type of chemical attack.
In an effort to blunt the Islamic State’s ability to make the weapons, the American-led air campaign has bombed militants associated with overseeing their production and the facilities where chemical ordnance is manufactured. In September, for instance, allied warplanes attacked a converted pharmaceutical factory in northern Iraq thought to have been a chemical weapons production facility.
As Iraqi forces now advance into Mosul, analysts warned that the Islamic State could unleash more chemical attacks as they cede control. Iraqi forces have reclaimed about one-third of Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city.
“As the Islamic State loses ground around Mosul, there is a high risk of the group using chemical weapons to slow down and demoralize advancing enemy forces.” said Columb Strack, a senior analyst and the head of the IHS Conflict Monitor. “And to potentially make an example of — and take revenge on — civilian dissidents within the city.”
At least 19 of the 52 chemical attacks have taken place in and around Mosul, according to the IHS data, but the assessment noted a decline in attacks before the Iraqi-led offensive against the city.
“Mosul was at the center of the Islamic State’s chemical weapons production,” Mr. Strack said. “But most of the equipment and experts were probably evacuated to Syria in the weeks and months leading up to the Mosul offensive, along with convoys of other senior members and their families.”
The Islamic State is not the only actor in Syria to carry out chemical weapons’ strikes: The Syrian government has conducted many more such attacks.
Syrian military helicopters dropped bombs containing chlorine on civilians in at least two attacks over the past two years, a special joint investigation of the United Nations and an international chemical weapons monitor said in August.
Beginning last year, American officials confirmed the first instances of the Islamic State using sulfur mustard, a chemical warfare agent, and the presence of the mustard gas on fragments of ordnance used in attacks by the group in Syria and Iraq. Laboratory tests, which were also performed on scraps of clothing from victims, showed the presence of a partly degraded form of distilled sulfur mustard, an internationally banned substance that burns a victim’s skin, breathing passages and eyes.
Chemical warfare agents, broadly condemned and banned by most nations under international convention, are indiscriminate. They are also difficult to defend against without specialized equipment, which many of the Islamic State’s foes in Iraq and Syria lack. The chemical agents are worrisome as potential terrorist weapons, even though chlorine and blister agents are typically less lethal than bullets, shrapnel or explosives.
It was unclear how the Islamic State had obtained sulfur mustard, a banned substance with a narrow chemical warfare application. Both the former Hussein government in Iraq and the current government in Syria at one point possessed chemical warfare programs.
Chlorine is commercially available as an industrial chemical and has been used occasionally by bomb makers from Sunni militant groups in Iraq for about a decade. But it is not known how the Islamic State would have obtained sulfur mustard, the officials said.
Abandoned and aging chemical munitions produced by Iraq during its war against Iran in the 1980s were used in roadside bombs against American forces during the occupation that followed the 2003 American invasion of Iraq. But American officials have said the types of ordnance that have been publicly disclosed so far have not matched known chemical ordnance in the former Iraqi inventory.
The attacks have been geographically scattered and have varied in their delivery systems, suggesting that the Islamic State had access to, and was experimenting with, different types of rockets and shells configured to carry chemical warfare agents or toxic industrial chemicals.
One theory is that the militants were manufacturing a crude mustard agent themselves, American officials say. Another theory is that the Islamic State acquired sulfur mustard from undeclared stocks in Syria, either through capture or by purchasing it from corrupt officials, although this theory is not widely held by American analysts.

Syria False Flag


Germany's Largest Public TV News Broadcaster: Syria Chemical Attack "Most Likely Staged"

By Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge

A senior correspondent for German state media broadcast ZDF heute stunned his European audience during a report from on the ground in Syria when he gave a straightforward and honest account of his findings while investigating what happened in Douma. The veteran reporter, Uli Gack, interviewed multiple eyewitnesses of the April 7 alleged chemical attack and concluded of the testimonials, 

"the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced."

It appears that all local Syrians encountered by the German public broadcast reporter were immediately dismissive of the widespread allegation that the Syrian government gassed civilians, which the US, UK, France, and Israel used a pretext for launching missile strikes on Damascus.

ZDF heute: The world continues to puzzle over whether the banned chemical weapons were used in Douma. ZDF correspondent Uli Gack is in Syria for us: "you were in a large refugee camp today and talked to a lot of people - what did you hear about the attack there?" Gack responded, "the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced."
The German ZDF report is consistent with veteran British journalist Robert Fisk's investigation upon being the first Western journalist to gain access to the site in Douma. Fisk reported early this week, "There are the many people I talked to amid the ruins of the town who said they had 'never believed in' gas stories–which were usually put about, they claimed, by the armed Islamist groups."
Die Welt rätselt weiter, ob die geächteten in eingesetzt wurden. ZDF-Korrespondent Uli Gack ist für uns in - Sie waren heute in einem großen Flüchtlingscamp und haben mit vielen Leuten gesprochen - was haben Sie denn dort über den Angriff gehört?

ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) is one of Germany's largest and oldest state-owned channels, which is funded in part through citizens paying a household licensing fee, and Heute is perhaps the most visible public news program in all of Germany.
According to the live report, some witnesses told ZDF that Islamist rebels killed victims with chlorine, filmed the scenes, then claimed an 'Assad chemical attack'. Though interviewing "a great many people [who] seem convinced" that a chemical attack did not actually happen, the reporter did not attempt to censor what he consistently heard from locals who were said to be in the area when the events occurred.
Increasingly, it appears that mainstream media gate-keepers are losing it over the fact that so many highly visible and respected reporters and broadcasters have featured reports this week which publicly question the Syrian chemical attack narrative and US coalition missile strikes that followed.
One writer for the Guardian and Daily Beast who is a well-known pro regime-change advocate, for example, laments that "disinformation has taken hold" on Syria. In a series of tweets following Robert Fisk's bombshell report for the Independent, Emma Beals, who often simply parrots whatever her 'rebel' sources tell her reacted to the recent profusion of high profile pundits questioning the established narrative on major British platforms
Beals wrote:
My educated and informed friends are emailing me en masse asking me about what's going on in Syria because "it's so hard to work out the truth." Having spent years busting a gut to dig it out, it's heartbreaking to see the extent to which disinformation has taken hold.
My educated and informed friends are emailing me en masse asking me about what's going on in Syria because "it's so hard to work out the truth." Having spent years busting a gut to dig it out, it's heartbreaking to see the extent to which disinformation has taken hold.

Syrian War for Dummies: Disney Version--
Once upon a time, a country called Syria was ruled by a ruthless dictator named Bashar Al-Assad. He was a cruel man who gassed his own people. His actions caused a civil war in Syria. America and Europe tried their best to stop the devastating civil war, and even generously accepted many Syrian refugees. Eventually America went to Syria, defeated ISIS, and is now trying to restore stability.
This above version is quite popular among many Americans and Europeans and the Western mainstream media.
Meanwhile, almost simultaneous to German TV's ZDF heute report from Syria, lawyers of the Bundestag (German federal parliament) issued a legal brief on the US-led strike on Syria. The government lawyers' report was requested by the left-wing party Die Linke in response to the US coalition missile strikes which primarily targeted facilities in and around Damascus.
"The deployment of military force against a state to punish it for breaking an international convention is a violation of the international law prohibiting violence," reads the report, as cited by the German Press agency DPA and translated by Sputnik.
The legal report further concluded that the US-led attack on Syria - which skirted the UN - but which was supported by the German government (though without German military participation) was based in chemical attack claims that the legal team deemed "not convincing"

Apr 22, 2018

Syria False Flag---Carla Ortiz


Syria False Flag--Jimmy Dore


Syria False Flag


Genie Oil:

Genie Energy Ltd. is an American energy company headquartered in Newark, New Jersey. It is a holding company comprising Genie Retail Energy, a retail energy provider in the United States, and Genie Oil and Gas, which is pursuing a conventional oil project in the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
Genie was part of IDT Corporation but was spun off on October 31, 2011, at which point Class B common stock of Genie Energy Ltd. began trading on the NYSE under the ticker symbol "GNE". [1]
Genie's founder, chairman, controlling shareholder and CEO is Howard Jonas. Avi Goldin serves as the company's CFO, Michael Stein is the company's COO and Geoffrey Rochwarger serves as Vice Chairman. The president of its Israeli subsidiary is Effie Eitam. Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is composed of: Dick Cheney (former vice president of the United States), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul and chairman of News Corp), James Woolsey(former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), Bill Richardson, former Governor of New Mexico, an ex-ambassador to the United Nations and United States Energy Secretary.[2]Michael SteinhardtJacob Rothschild,[3].[2], and Mary Landrieu. Former United States Senator from Louisiana.
In 2013, IDT Energy, Inc., a subsidiary of Genie Energy, acquired both Dallas-based Diversegy, LLC a commercial energy advisory and its network marketing channel, Epiq Energy. They are now wholly owned subsidiaries of Genie Energy Ltd.[4]

Jewish Bankers---false flag


Syria False Flag


Judicial Watch---President Tom Fitton


American Intelligence Media----talking about around James Comey


Apr 21, 2018

Nikki Haley as GOP Zionist candidate for 2020, and John 'Israel first first' Bolton as Secretary of State.

Trump ended his Presidency by bringing in Neocon Nazi from the Bush era, John Bolton.

His personality as a SECURITY PUNDIT/GURU IS BIGGER than Trump (Who does not help matters by stating that there are many foreign arena matters he does not know about.)

For an alternative populist leader of the people, by the people, for the people...then it is not necessary to be an expert on foreign matters. In fact it helps.....as we know where his focus is.

GLOBALISTS as their name suggests focus on the world, first.

By giving the bat to Bolton, the focus of the state will move naturally to the foreign arena by sheer force of his personality.......Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.......Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel.Israel, Israel......Israel...Israel........North Korea...North KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth KoreaNorth Korea......Syria....SyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyriaSyria........Iran..............Iran..............Iran..............Iran.......
Image result for gypsy with crystal ball images
Gypsies originate from India

Nikki Haley eyeing 2020 presidential bid?

The Hindu

She is a politician playing to domestic audience: colleagues

One year into the job, Nikki Haley stands out as the star of U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration, and diplomats say the UN Ambassador is directing some of that star power into a likely White House bid.
Speculation about Ms. Haley’s presidential ambitious has picked up since she defended Mr. Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, staring down friends and foes alike at the world body.
She resorted to a veto to block criticism from the UN Security Council and threatened reprisals against those who voted against Washington at the General Assembly.

Clash on Jerusalem

The clash gave UN Ambassadors a reality check: Ms. Haley, they say, is a politician, not a diplomat, and at the UN, she is playing to a domestic audience. “She is not trying to win votes at the General Assembly. She is trying to win votes for 2020 or 2024,” a council diplomat said. “She is clearly using this position to run for something, that’s obvious.”
The former South Carolina Governor arrived at the United Nations last year, promising a “new day” under Mr. Trump’s ‘America First’ policy and vowing to “take names” of countries that don’t toe the line.
Seen at the outset as a foreign policy lightweight, Ms. Haley was quickly taken seriously because of her close ties to the unpredictable Mr. Trump. Over the past year, she has pushed through three new sets of sanctions against North Korea, bringing China and Russia on side to tackle what Mr. Trump sees as his administration’s number one security threat.
Those sanctions won the unanimous backing of the council, where finding common ground with Ms. Haley is testing diplomatic skills.
Ms. Haley is hawkish on Iran, fiercely pro-Israel and a strong advocate of cost-cutting at the United Nations.
That those three signature issues play well with the U.S. Republican voter base is not lost on most diplomats.
Ms. Haley was among the first administration officials to take a hard line on Russia, declaring that sanctions over Crimea would remain in place until Moscow gave the territory back to Ukraine.
For months, Ms. Haley had been tipped as a possible replacement to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, whom she has upstaged with her media appearances and statements that at times appear to break new ground. In October, she put that speculation to rest, telling reporters that she wasn’t interested. She is alosn seen as a possible Vice-President to Mike Pence, should he take over the presidency.
Author Michael Wolff claims that Ms. Haley has set her sights higher and is eyeing the presidency.

Trump’s heir?

According to published excerpts, Ms. Haley began positioning herself as Mr. Trump’s heir after concluding in October that he was a one-term President.
Mr. Wolff quoted a senior White House staffer who described her “as ambitious as Lucifer” and another who offered the view that while being groomed by Mr. Trump, “she is so much smarter than him”.
Ms. Haley has brushed aside questions about her political ambitious, saying she is focused on the job at hand as she remains firmly in the limelight as the UN’s most-watched Ambassador.

Syria False Flag---something smells fishy


UN Security Team Still Won’t Let Inspectors Visit Douma

Inspectors on 'Standby' Waiting for Permission from UNDSS

Two weeks after the alleged chemical attack in Douma, chemical inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are still in Damascus on “standby,” waiting for permission to enter Douma.

Allegations continue to swirl around this delay. Britain blamed Russia, as usual. French officials on Friday also claimed Russia was “obstructing access” to the site. The OPCW, however, has made clear for days what is causing the delay.

OPCW inspectors aren’t to be allowed into Douma until the UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) security team clears them to visit. So far, UNDSS has refused to do so, saying they still have concerns after Wednesday’s visit.

On a Wednesday visit, the UNDSS visited two Douma sites, but fled both times. They complained the first site was too crowded, and they were concerned about safety. There was a shooting incident at the second site, though the only casualty was a Syrian hired as extra security.

Either way, claims about security appear to be overstated. The Syrian government managed to facilitate a visit by CBS reporters days ago without incident. Many media groups seem to have no problem getting into Douma safely.

There have been numerous media attempts to turn conjecture into fact. One of the most egregious examples of war propaganda is a CNN reporter in Douma, handling and even sniffing supposed evidence.

There is no public proof that the April 7 strike took place, and a mounting amount of doubt that it didn’t, driven by inquiries from world-famous British journalist, Robert Fisk
Image result for robert fisk
Residents within Douma have also expressed doubts about the strike.

OAN investigators weren’t able to confirm any evidence of a chemical weapons attack on Douma, either. To the extent that investigations are happening, they suggest there was no chemical strike. AFP journalists who’ve had access to Douma have gotten quotes from locals who deny a chemical attack ever happened.

Clearly, Douma was attacked by Syrian forces on that day, and the day prior. Those strikes, however,  were insisted by the Syrian government to be purely conventional strikes. There is little to suggest anything else, beyond claims from the White Helmets, and Western nations claiming to have secret proof.

Syria and Russia have both denied from the start that the attack took place, and they have believed the OPCW visit would reveal the truth. Russia, in particular, was pushing for an investigation to take place before any rash action against Syria. Ultimately, US-led attacks on Syria happened Friday, April 13.

The US, Britain, and France all seem to anticipate the OPCW probe not going their way. The US accused Syria and Russia of plotting to tamper with Douma. There’s no evidence of tampering of any kind. Despite this, Western officials complain the UNDSS delays are making tampering easier. Others, including the French Foreign Ministry, are claiming that the evidence could just “disappear” if the OPCW doesn’t get to Douma soon.

Despite claims to support the OPCW now, it was Western officials who led the UN Security Council to reject a Russian proposal for an investigation in the first place. The US-led coalition attacked multiple sites in Syria before the investigation could happen.

Speculation is growing that the UNDSS delays are an effort to block the OPCW long enough that a conclusion that the chemical attack never took place could be contested on the grounds that they waited too long.

Russia and Syria have both been pushing for the investigation from the start, and guaranteed security for them. They’ve further deployed Russian military police to the site to deter Western strikes from targeting Douma itself and destroying evidence.The UNDSS expressed concern at the lack of Syrian government control on the ground, though this can’t be helped, as it’s part of the terms of the ceasefire in Douma that Syrian troops stay out.



Syria - Who Is Stalling The OPCW Investigation In Douma?

By Moon of Alabama

Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security----Peter Drennan of Australia was nominated as Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security, on 28 June, 2014.

Why has the fact-finding mission (FFM)of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) not visited Douma?

The OPCW inspectors are held up by the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) which has a say about any movement of UN aligned organizations in areas that might be dangerous. The UNDSS is led by an Australian police / intelligence officer. The holdup seems to be intended.

On Sunday April 8 videos were published of an alleged 'chemical attack' in Douma near Damascus. At that time the area was under control of Jaish al-Islam, a Salafi terrorist organization financed by Saudi Arabia. The various videos from terrorist supporters like the 'White Helmets' were unconvincing. They showed obviously arranged scenes of an alleged 'barrel bomb' and manipulated bodies of dead children that had been moved and decorated with shaving foam to superficially fit the claims of a 'chemical incident'. Another video showed people in a hospital being doused with water for no apparent reason.

An often quoted opposition news outlet, the Syrian Observatory in Britain, denied that a 'chemical attack' had happened. It reported on April 8 of suffocation after a shelter collapsed due to bombing:
[I]n among the casualties there are 21 civilians including 9 children and 3 women were killed as a result of suffocation caused by the shelling which destroyed basements of houses as a result of the violence bombardment that stopped about an hour ago on Douma area.
The 'chemical incident' was likely faked. It suspiciously happened just a few days after U.S. President Trump had announced the he wanted the U.S. military to leave Syria. A year earlier a similar incident was claimed to have happened after a similar announcement by Trump. The U.S. had responded to the 2017 incident by bombing an empty Syrian airfield.

A day after the incident the Salafi terrorists of Jaish al-Islam gave up and left the area under a ceasefire deal arranged with the help of the Russian military in Syria. The ceasefire deal does not allow the Syrian army to enter the area, only the Russian military police is allowed.

Russian military police immediately entered the area and investigated the house where, allegedly, people were killed by 'chemical weapons'. They found no evidence that such an event had taken place. The Syrian government asked the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical aWeapons (OPCW) to investigate the case.

Many international news teams have since visited the area where the incident allegedly took place. The also visited the field hospital shown in one of the opposition videos. Doctors at that hospital deny (vid) that any patient of theirs had been affected by a chemical attack. The cases they had seen had breathing difficulties caused by the inhalation of dust thrown up through exploding bombs and artillery. Alleged 'victims' shown in the hospital video claim(vid) they were paid to perform.

The regime-change shills are denying that any claims of the hospital staff working in the now government controlled Douma could be true. Medics are liars, unless they are controlled by Jihadis. See for example this shoddy propaganda piece by the Guardian: Syrian medics 'subjected to extreme intimidation' after Douma attack by Martin Chulov in Beirut and Kareem Shaheen in Istanbul.

The piece begins:
The head of the largest medical relief agency in Syria claims that medics who responded to the suspected gas attack in Douma have been subjected to “extreme intimidation” by Syrian officials who seized biological samples, forced them to abandon patients and demanded their silence.
Now look at the picture. It shows Syrian Red Crescent personal. The caption is false. It says: "Medics take a wounded man into hospital in Damascus after rockets were fired in Douma on 7 April." The picture is actually from a series published by the Syrian news agency SANA.

The SANA series is headlined: "Injuries among civilians in Jaish al-Islam mortar attacks on Damascus".

The attack was FROM the terrorists in Douma on civilians in Damascus, not IN Douma as the Guardian insinuates.

The pictured Red Crescent in Syria, founded in 1942, has 1,592 staff and some 6,000 volunteers. It is indeed the "the largest medical relief agency in Syria". But it is not the one the Guardian describes and quotes:
Dr Ghanem Tayara, the director of the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisations (UOSSM) said doctors responsible for treating patients in the hours after the 7 April attack have been told that their families will be at risk if they offer public testimonies about what took place.
The Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations was founded in 2012, works from Reyhanli in Turkey and claims to have 600 staff. It consists of the Syrian American Medial Society (SAMS), which is funded by the CIA front USAID and lobbies for regime change in Syria, the British-Syrian Medical Society which only works in 'rebel' held areas, as well as British and U.S. p.o.-box 'charities' which collect donations. SAMS and UOSSM are said to be Muslim Brotherhood fronts.

The Guardian shows a Syrian Red Crescent/Red Cross picture in the context of ridiculous claims made by an organization on the side of the Jihadis. The Syrian Red Crescent has no relation to that organization. UOSSM is misidentified as the largest relief organization in Syria. Its claims are repeated without doubts by Guardian 'journalists' in Turkey and Lebanon to counter interviews and observations made by real journalists on the ground in Douma. The piece and its presentation is bottom fishing by a once reasonable paper. 

Jonathan Cook has more to say about that shoddy Guardian piece.
On Friday April 13 the OPCW fact finding mission arrived in Damascus. On Saturday France, the U.K and the United States, (FUKUS), bombed an agricultural and medical research center in Damascus as well as two Syrian army depots. The attack missed its other targets, a failure the U.S. military attempts to cover up. The attack came despite doubts in the Pentagon and elsewhere about what actually happened. High ranking British military generals have publiclydoubted the claims of a Syrian 'chemical attack'.

The suburb where the alleged incident happened is only a few miles away from the center of Damascus. Journalists and camera teams walk all over the place without any protection and freely interview hospital personal. The OPCW has yet to reach the area. It claims that the security is insufficient.

Like other organizations aligned with the United Nations the OPCW is relying on the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) for intelligence and protection.

Yesterday the Director General of the OPCW Ahmet Üzümcü, a Turkish career diplomat who was earlier Turkey's Permanent Representative to NATO, issued a statement:
On 16 April, we received confirmation from the National Authority of the Syrian Arab Republic that, under agreements reached to allow the evacuation of the population in Ghouta, the Syrian military were unable to enter Douma. The security for the sites where the FFM plans to deploy was under the control of the Russian Military Police. The United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) has made the necessary arrangements with the Syrian authorities to escort the team to a certain point and then for the escort to be taken over by the Russian Military Police. However, the UNDSS preferred to first conduct a reconnaissance visit to the sites, which took place yesterday. FFM team members did not participate in this visit.On arrival at Site 1, a large crowd gathered and the advice provided by the UNDSS was that the reconnaissance team should withdraw. At Site 2, the team came under small arms fire and an explosive was detonated. The reconnaissance team returned to Damascus.
(Note: Only about 10% of the population of the Ghouta area to which Douma belongs, the terrorist and their families, were evacuated. Other people have stayed or returned to the now liberated areas.)

No other organization reported of recent shots or explosions in Douma.
Even the New York Times, a staunch defender of the 'opposition' in Syria, wonders about the hold-up but does not bother to answer the question:
[T]he fact that journalists had been able to wander around Douma unmolested raised questions about why it was not deemed safe enough for the investigators to visit.
Why were, allegedly, shots fired at the UN Security team but not on anyone else visiting the area?

If, as the terrorist supporters claim, Chlorine was used in the 'chemical attack', the OSCE investigators are unlikely to find any physical evidence of it. Chlorine dissipates and leaves no unique traces in the dead body. Interviews with local witnesses though could be of value.

One gets the impression that certain circles fear the the OPCW could reach the area, talk to witnesses and confirm the claims made by doctors in the hospital as well as by many journalists that no 'chemical attack' took place. It would expose the attack on Syria as a reckless and unjustified war crime.
The leader of the UNDSS is an Australian police commander:
Mr. Drennan, who from 2009 served as Deputy Commissioner National Security with the Australian Federal Police, brings to the position an extensive career in policing and law enforcement at the community, national and international levels.
Is it possible that a distinguished Australian police commander delays or prevents the OPCW investigation to protect the British and U.S. allies?


Previous Moon of Alabama posts on the 'chemical attack' in Douma and its consequences:

April 8-Syria - Timelines Of 'Gas Attacks' Follow A Similar Scheme (Update II)
April 9-Syria - Any U.S. Strike Will Lead to Escalation
April 11-Syria - A U.S. Attack Would Be Futile - But Serve A Purpose - by M. K. Bhadrakumar
April 11-Trump Asks Russia To Roll Over - It Won't
April 12-Syria - Threat Of Large War Recedes But May Come Back
April 13-Syria - Manipulated Videos Fail To Launch World War III - Updated
April 14-F.U.K.U.S. Strikes Syria - Who Won?
April 16-Syria - Pentagon Hides Attack Failure - 70+ Cruise Missiles Shot Down