Nov 14, 2015

Confirmation of what has already been said by eminent American experts since 2001.


YES, the Bush regime knew about 9/11 BEFORE IT HAPPENED, as key figures such as Cheney planned it with Zionist elements in the Pentagon and American security, in a Jewish focused part of the USA....with Israeli encouragement and guidance.

This is the FIRST time a KEY CIA director involved with the administration at that time has come out openly and stated something which is not part of the official narrative.

Bravo!; This takes the Sisyphean stone of truth up the proverbial hill significantly more.

ALL terrorism in advanced countries is carried out by the CRIMINAL DEEP STATE. Advanced countries have state of the art surveillance, and thus it is near impossible to carry out large scale terrorism of the 9/11 variety (Young Arab men already known to USA security, often living in near American military bases, inexperienced in the art of pull a wool over the most sophisticated trillion $ security machine in the world) WITHOUT the warning signs buzzing on the advanced radars of such states.

What Tenet does not do is tell us the FULL truth around inside American planning of 9/11 by Cheney and his neocon gang. Tennet cannot do this because it would be politically and legally unacceptable, and he would be lynched by the self righteous American mob.

But he has nobly done his job....not near the end, when the full damage had been done in Iraq.......BUT where the false flag neocon event of 9/11 still has significant implications for the burgeoning American police state, and further wars in the Middle East.

9/11 originated from Israel in the form of a policy document written by Israeli Dual national neocon citizens in 1996 for the Far right Likudnik leader Netanyahu called...."A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the realm"....written by Former United States Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle who was the "Study Group Leader," but the final report included ideas from Douglas Feith, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser...Wikipedia.

(We are basically thus naming some of the 9/11 culprits)

They were alarmed by the peace movement of Labour Leader Rabin in Israel, and believed that a more aggressive Israel would be better placed in the hinterland and the world. This involved smashing Saddam Hussein, and Syria. BUT little Israel didn't have the muscle to do such work

The 1996 DOCUMENT for Netanyahu was repackaged so that it could be sold to the USA, WHO WOULD NEED TO DO THE GRUNT WORK. 2000 we had 'Project for a new American century'..basically the Clean Break document, but this time America would be militarily strident in the world as an uni-polar power. To sell it to the Americans idiots of the right wing variety who were encouraged to sign on the document. 

The Pentagon then drew up a grand WAR plan involving 7 countries in 5 years of blitzkrieg war....from 2001, October.

But it was clearly Israel's Clean Break document, with all the target nations being in the Greater Middle....where for the last 15 years little annex butt buddy American has been mercilessly fighting with full vigor, regardless of the party in power in Washington.

9/11 was not all about Israel though. There had to be other inducements to encourage the Deep State criminals in America to act, and kill 3000 people in America and commit class A treason.

MONEY.......making money illegally.

Two levels of financial crime took place with 9/11:

1. Insurance scams involving billions 

2. Betting on stock market prices, with fore knowledge...insider Trading with murder if you will.


Ex-CIA director: White House ignored months of warnings about 9/11 to avoid leaving ‘paper trail’ of culpability
By Tom Boggioni at Politico blog and

In an explosive revelation during an interview with Politico, the former CIA director during President George W. Bush’s administration claims his department informed White house officials over impending Al Qaeda attacks months before the president received the infamous “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” presidential briefing.
According to ex-CIA head George Tenet and Cofer Black, then chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, they called an emergency meeting with National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice on July 10 of 2001 saying they had evidence that an attack on the U.S. was imminent and that it would be “spectacular.”
Beginning in May of 2001, Tenet and Black launched an initiative called “the Blue Sky paper” and pitched it to Bush’s  national security team. The CIA called for a joint CIA  and military campaign to end the Al Qaeda threat by “getting into the Afghan sanctuary, launching a paramilitary operation, creating a bridge with Uzbekistan.”
According to Tenet, the Bush administration said they wanted to back-burner the plan.
“And the word back,” claims Tenet, “‘was ‘we’re not quite ready to consider this. We don’t want the clock to start ticking,’” meaning they didn’t want a paper trail.
According to Black, Bush’s national security team was living in the past.
“I think they were mentally stuck back eight years [before]. They were used to terrorists being Euro-lefties—they drink champagne by night, blow things up during the day, how bad can this be? And it was a very difficult sell to communicate the urgency to this,” he explained.
In July, after receiving more confirmations of upcoming attacks, Tenet and Cofer demanded an immediate meeting with Rice.
“Rich [Blee] started by saying, ‘There will be significant terrorist attacks against the United States in the coming weeks or months. The attacks will be spectacular. They may be multiple. Al Qaeda’s intention is the destruction of the United States.’”  Tenet remembered.
According to  Tenet, “[Condi said:] ‘What do you think we need to do?’ Black responded by slamming his fist on the table, and saying, ‘We need to go on a wartime footing now!’”
When asked “what happened?” after the meeting, Black said nothing much.
“Yeah. What did happen?” Black said. “To me it remains incomprehensible still. I mean, how is it that you could warn senior people so many times and nothing actually happened? It’s kind of like The Twilight Zone.”
In her memoir, Rice mentioned the meeting but found it indistinguishable from other meetings she had with intelligence officials because they were discussing threats “every day.”
According to Tenet, the CIA group met at the end of July and once again discussed the looming threat.
“We were just thinking about all of this and trying to figure out how this attack might occur,” Tenet remembered. “And I’ll never forget this until the day I die.
Rich Blee looked at everybody and said, ‘They’re coming here.’ And the silence that followed was deafening. You could feel the oxygen come out of the room. ‘They’re coming here.’”
Asked how he now feels about the timeline leading up to the 9/11 attack that left over 3,000 dead, Tenet told Politico he was resigned.
“Well, look, there … I still look at the ceiling at night about a lot of things. And I’ll keep them to myself forever. But we’re all human beings.”